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Crufts and the "Coronavirus"


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Is there anyone here who would consider going to Crufts next weekend, with the risk of the Coronavirus at the moment?
I wanted to go this year, just for a walk around and to see what I could buy.

I then thought of the hot and cramped conditions and a mix of people from all over the world, some of these will have been at the show for up to 4 days, mixing well with everyone and possibly cross contaminating their coughs, sneezes and hidden viruses!!

I thought that I would be sensible and wait for another year:rolleyes:.
I'm going - and for me the ticket price is only a small part of the cost (I'm flying and have two nights accommodation booked). So unless it is cancelled, I am going!
I was offered 2 Free tickets but made the decision to keep away.
Have a good time @JoanneF and be safe.
Thanks, I hope so. My friend and i have been planning the trip for months.
As much as I love crufts I think it should have been cancelled his year, like you said loads of people from all over bringing their possible germs into the UK, I know there have already been cases here but shouldn’t they take precautions to reduce chances of it spreading? Seems like a pretty serious illness.
From what I understand the illness itself isn't particularly dangerous unless people have an underlying condition. But it has the potential for economic disruption if lots of people (worldwide) can't get to work and produce the goods and services we all expect.
I am going, my friend and I are staying two nights, attending one day, I lost and we are going on Utility day not Hound day. I can't understand the worry this year compared to other years, after all Flu is common each winter and has a higher death rate than this Coronavirus.
I can't understand the worry this year compared to other years, after all Flu is common each winter and has a higher death rate than this Coronavirus.

As I understand it, though the available evidence makes it impossible to come to a definitive conclusion, the overall death rate is significantly higher with Coronavirus than 'normal' flu - 1% compared with 0.1%. It's much more dangerous in older people or those with underlying conditions than younger, fit people. The trouble is that if you are fit & healthy and therefore unworried, you go and mingle with crowds, and then bring it home with you to pass on to people who are much more vulnerable - and you contribute to it becoming more widespread.

I'd probably still go to Crufts if I was planning to though - we can't go into complete lockdown whenever there's a risk. If the government or (more importantly given my faith in the government) organisations such as WHO advised against gathering, that would be different.
I havent been to Crufts since moved to Birmingham. I wouldnt go in these circumstances as I take immuno drugs for RA and it would be too risky.
A bit OT but I would also worry about the dogs , there is a mysterious virus going round. My friends dog caught it and she was a drip for two days but she is getting better.
I am going with my 3 girls on Gundog day,we are really quite excited as this is our first time visiting Crufts:).We now have the virus in Swansea the man who has strong links to Bishop Gore school has been diagnosed,this is my youngest girls school:(
I’ll be there on Saturday on the discover dogs stand, as I no longer show Figo due to him having to be castrated for health reasons....l feel you can’t isolate yourself from life, everyone has to make their own call....wsh hands frequently and catch any cough or sneeze in tissue...enjoy it if you are going .
I’ll be there on Saturday on the discover dogs stand, as I no longer show Figo due to him having to be castrated for health reasons....l feel you can’t isolate yourself from life, everyone has to make their own call....wsh hands frequently and catch any cough or sneeze in tissue...enjoy it if you are going .
Oh, maybe I'll stop by and say hello!
I decided to not to go to crufts this year. I don’t trust being in such close proximity of so many people. There’s always next year. Hope everyone who does attend stay well!
To everyone who is going stay safe! I live with both very old and very young people so wouldn’t be advisable for me. Even though it is the most dangerous for those vulnerable people, I still think things need to be done to control this.
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