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Cracked It

hope zak gets better soon yvonne thought id put a pic of his little lad just to cheer u up!

johnny at 15 week

maggie217 said:
OMG how awful.  That dog and  owner should certainly be reported....however could it get its head through the fence?Hope Zak is okay now.  Must have been an awful shock for him though.


Will get a pic of the one that goes totaly berzerk every time i walk past him,with the 2 wee bitches.He also,can get his head through the gate,even when it's wired as well.One fine day he will get some poor kid,or someone's wee Yorkie,as there are quite a few of them round here,that go up that road.He is one of those dog's that you know will kill,if he ever get's out.
awful , hope he is ok. get well soon ,hope he is ok. what a awful thing to happen hope you alright von what a shock :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Hope Zak makes a full recovery Yvonne, he has been a great little dog for you in all respects.

Best Wishes from

Sheila and Arthur
So sorry to hear this Yvonne and Tony.

Hope he makes a full and speedy recovery :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:

thanks every one, he's had something to eat this morning and been out for a pee, going to post some photo's so people can see the damage this dog did, phone the police this morning and been over to the house " no answer " they have put some wire up where the dog got out, been told they have already had to have a dog put to sleep after it got out and killed a little dog on the same path, well i am going to do everything i can to make sure it not happen to anyone else :rant:

zac's 12 year's old and i really thought this dog had killed him he had blood spurting from his neck and i could see the bone on his head, also had 3 other dogs with me who i have to say were very good, just had to put my finger in the hole to stop the blood and everytime i pick him up it started to pump with blood so had to let him walk home,
sorry about this
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sorry about this
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Oh my god that looks awful, poor old Zac.

That must have been such a shock for you.

Glad he is home and eating, im sure he will be back to his old self in no time.

Give him loadsa :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: from me, and his baby Rogue, she will be a year old in a week lol
It's awful to hear this isn't the 1st time this has happened :( but not surprised.Irresponsible owners :rant: they don't deserve to have a dog in the first place.If this means another dog has to be put down,then there should be a law that prevents them from owning and ruining another dog,or causing injury or death to somebody elses dog :rant: Off my soap box now :lol: Glad to see Zac is up and about this morning Yvonne,although he must be very sore.Hope you are feeling ok too :D Karen
Absolutely terrible. I hope you pursue the owner, who's to know it won't be little kid next???? Dogs (with poor owners) need addressing, NOW! I tried early this year when a Dogue De Bordeaux attacked my two, luckily he couldn't get his teeth into them, but I thought I was gonna peg it, me beta-blockers didn't like it one bit :) :) I informed the police, but the owner just got a talking too. Now, the owner has left the family home these dogs (there's 2) never go out, god knows what will happen if they ever do.... :rant:

Hope Zac recovers soon, he's a Grandad many times over, maybe a Great Grandad, I'm not sure....All the best...

it really meant ,awful injurys. you want vets money what do the police say ,where do you stand. should be banned for life keeping dogs :rant:
The poor little bugger :( hope he's soon on the mend.
(w00t) Poor little thing :( all the best with his recovery, :thumbsup: Diane