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The Whippet Domain has just discovered a "Hacker" in the system. This scum bag, whoever it is, has downloaded postings from the Admin/Mod. section which is only for the use of the moderators and admin staff. It would appear this HACKER has sent copies of these posting through the post to certain people obviously to cause more trouble.

All I can say this person(s) must have a very sad life if he/she has nothing else better to do than try and cause more dispuption within our sport. We do not need people like this in our sport and they are the ones that should be banned.

If he/she is doing this on the W.M. who is to say he/she is not doing likewise on K9 and sending info. to person(s) who do not have access to a p.c. just to cause further disruption.

When the HACKER, who posts on K9, reads this you can say what you like about me as I couldn't give a stuff. I have nothing to hide.

Do the right thing and show your true colours and idenfity yourself. Or are you so two faced and ashamed that your true friends would have a shock if they knew what you were up .to. :oops: :oops: :oops: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
we have had a copy posted to us Joan and was quite bemused to see what has gone on in whippet domains admin :blink: seems a lott of people getting well talked about and slagged of name calling ect (w00t) this seems very immature but to be honest it doesn't bother me anyway -_- but from what ive read there may be a few people not to happy with it :unsure: like i say it doesn't bother me but its a shame some people cant say things face to face im not having a go at you Joan but why not keep the trouble in domain in whippet domain, not in k9 :rant:
Why - because I think the whippet members should be aware of the low life people that we are mixing with.

If I repeated everything that people told me hell I could start World War 3. So why has this person gone to such lengths to pass the info. on if it is not to cause trouble. :rant: :rant: :rant:
what goes off in whippets pets & fun forums admin has nothing to do with any one accept the admins of that board so obviously the person who managed to gain one of the admins passwords and enter there was out to cause trouble, as if there isn't enough bother already in whippet world, :rant:
i agree pat, but how do you know its not a mod in wd thats done it but it seems their is a lott of two faced people out their who cant say things to peoples faces :blink: this is just my opinion not getting at anyone in particular .
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Well Gary I happen to be one "of the mods" and I wouldn't stoop so low" as to do what he/she has done.

The way I look at this - this person has intentionally gone out of her/his way to copy posts (illegally) through hacking. How low is that. To me he/she ARE SCUM.

It is illegal to "hack" anyway so I hope that scum bag knows it. :oops: :rant: :rant:
Don't know the half of what's gone on but lets keep it on Whippet Domain, k9 gets enough "stick" as it is with people saying all the trouble comes from here.
i too have recieved a copy. Maybe he/she thought the people being slagged of should see what the ad min of whippets think about us. Pity they couldnt say it to our faces not hide behind some safe site. as yet cant make my mind up what to do take legall advise or just bin it were it belongs. from one of the fed bitches one of the few names we have been called Ruth
ps I agree lets leave it on the site it belongs on
hacking is pretty low but also bitching behind peoples backs in the admin section of a forum is pretty low as well :( ....maybe in future some people should think about what they write and where they write it. :eek:
Have to agree with Vicky, if theres problems on the Domain board then thats where it should stay and not spill over onto K9.
Our leader says to lock this topic - so thats the end of that :)
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