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Congress & National

OK as I understand it there was never going to be enough room to fit 260 or more dogs in the area they have to show in. the dogs will be held nearby, similar to the Royal Melb I suppose, you dont have your dogs ringside there either.

the location has nothing to do with being near to someones house Cartman, they needed conference facilities & somewhere that had plenty of accomodation nearby for O/S & interstate guests.

they've put heaps of effort into it, I'm sure they're doing their best.

BTW I'm not on the committee & I'm not friends with anyone on it but I do know they've tried very hard to put the best possible show on.

kirislin said:
OK as I understand it there was never going to be enough room to fit 260 or more dogs in the area they have to show in.  the dogs will be held nearby, similar to the Royal Melb I suppose, you dont have your dogs ringside there either.  the location has nothing to do with being near to someones house Cartman, they needed conference facilities & somewhere that had plenty of accomodation nearby for O/S & interstate guests.

they've put heaps of effort into it, I'm sure they're doing their best.

BTW I'm not on the committee & I'm not friends with anyone on it but I do know they've tried very hard to put the best possible show on.

Lets look at this. At no stage was a public comment made that we could not be with our dogs.............The only way "we" found out was by someone driving from Interstate, & took the time to check out the grounds.

260 dogs. No that is not the case either. remember they are judged over 2 days. So total each day would only be about 150????????? If you say 260 could never be held there, then why is the show there. What was the expected entry? 100?

Now tell me is this true. 1 Carpark is at bottom of the hill. 2. the dogs being held elswhere does have or not have room for exhibitors & their gear? (similar to Melb Royal).

I am sure a lot of work has gone into this one show. Just as other Whippet & or Greyhound clubs have suported it as well. Dont get me wrong. I am 100% behind the National concept, & look forward to the next. But please dont say this is the best available.
Cartman said:
Where are the comments from Angus? Sitting on the fence is he? Come on Angus tell us what is your opinion.  :cheers:
I think we all should just all turn up at kcc park and send a taxi for the judges.

Crates,dogs and chair next to ring,nice relaxing days showing.

Now, not looking farward to the show its going to be crap for the ones with dogs to look after and show.

Dont worry cartman at least you can depend on melbourne weather all the tents will get washed out or blown away. :rant: :rant: :rant: :cheers:
Just as a matter of interest , what sort of weather are you having at the moment ? . Is it your spring time coming /?
;) It doesn't really matter what kind of weather Melbourne is having at present Jax because Melbourne is known to be so unpredictable that it can have all four seasons in one day! But yes we are into our first month of Spring.

I understand that it is not a simple thing to organise and that they wanted to have congress and show at the one venue to reduce the travelling for overseas and interstate visitors who may not have had cars. BUT (1) surely anyone who is bringing dogs to show HAS transport either of their own or hired or with friends?

(2) surely those visitors who do not have transport (and therefore do not have dogs) could have been bussed from Lilydale to KCC park, the cost for which could have been included in the Congress fees, and perhaps some subsidy from the bus company could have been sought as sponsorship?

If I had've known that the only way I was going to get to see the exhibits was on video ... I could have just saved myself all this expense and stayed home and just bought the video OR I would have not entered dogs and just flown down to watch instead of driving all that way on my own.
When we had the congress in England we had the` talking` bit at Doncaster ( South Yorkshire) conferance centre and the `showing` bit at Uttoxeter (Staffordshire). these were about 100 miles apart and I cant remember any problems with peps getting from one to another . ( I think Im right here !) )

Both venues were suberb too .

The showing co incided with the Whippet club centenery and we had Showing , Racing , Lure coursing , agility, obediance and long jump,

It was a great weekend .
Did you express your concerns to the show committee? A bit late now of course.

JAX said:
Just as a matter of interest , what sort of weather are you having at the moment ? . Is it your spring time coming /?
Jax it has been wet in melbourne my back yard is like a swamp but we have had some nice days.It could be 25 degrees one minute then 12 degrees with a thunder storm the next,fingers crossed it is good for the national. :sweating:
It's very difficult to cater for all, however, this latest information is unsettling to exhibitors, and let's face it, without exhibitors, you don't have a show.

I believe the Whippet Assn are providing marquees for exhibitors to use which is a great concession for those of us travelling interstate. Because of lack of space, we hadn't planned on bringing umbrellas and tents. However, as I am also showing at Melbourne Royal, I have 3 breeds with me and I know other exhibitors own multiple breeds as well so it's not just a matter of space for 260 whippets. Like others, I am extremely disappointed to find out that exhibitors can't set up their crates and trolleys at the rear of seating.

I am now quite concerned as to how I will manage as it looks like I'll be on my own on Saturday only (as one of my other breeds is on at the Royal with my husband), and I have to exhibit 4 dogs. So, my dogs won't be in view and I will have to ask other exhibitors to look after them whilst I'm in the ring.

I might ask the Assn if they can circulate a map of the set up and then we would all understand the logistics of getting from our trailers to the ring.

Hoping this appears okay as I've been a lurker up until now.

Cheers to all



Welcome Ridgesetter- good to have another Aussie aboard on K9. There'll be more Aussies here than poms before long. :p
kirislin said:
Did you express your concerns to the show committee?  A bit late now of course.
The trouble is that the "impression" given by the committee was the grounds were first class. UNDERCOVER, was the big word used to promote the event. Also of cause it is too late now to change the venue. But I have heard the the Melb. Whippet club have changed their story. Yet to be confirmed, but latest was the Marquee can house trollys, dog gear etc. No need to bring own tents. As I said yet to be confirmed, but what is being said now is not what was said over the weekend.
WELCOME TO K9 Ridgesetter .

From Jackie and the [SIZE=14pt]MULCAIR Whippets [/SIZE]
Hi Toni and welcome to k9 - hopefully we'll hear more from you from now on!
kirislin said:
Did you express your concerns to the show committee?  A bit late now of course.
Linda - we didn't have any concerns until this news broke .... this weekend just gone.

We all thought we'd be sitting with our dogs in the vicinity of the ring with the ring in view.
aslan said:
Linda - we didn't have any concerns until this news broke .... this weekend just gone.

We all thought we'd be sitting with our dogs in the vicinity of the ring with the ring in view.

That about sums it up. We knew nothing, & when we dared question what was going on, the reply was it was always going to be like that. :rant:
Well, good luck, :luck: I hope it's not as bad as you think. I haven't seen where everything will be, although I know where the Lilydale International is. I really hope it's a success for all concerned. Maybe I'll see you there, come & say Hello if you end up coming Cartman & Aslan.
Thanks Kirislin, we will need all the luck we can get. IT is very stressfull driving all that way, etc.

We hope to get a K9 photo for all the Poms etc too.
Of course I'm coming ... too much has been organised and paid for now not to come!

Oooh - a k9 photo - hope i don't look like I do in the pic just taken for my driver's licence renewal. :x And now I have to live with that for the next five years!
I absolutely LOVE long distance driving!!! What a pity I cant be someones driver. I drove from Mackay Qld to Heathcote Vic in a weekend, started out Saturday moring & got there Sunday afternoon. Just me & the 2 whips. A bit over 2500k's & I could've just kept going on to Perth, I love it!!

Anyway have a safe trip, see you all next weekend.

well - will catch up with you all in a few weeks. Probably won't get near a computer for a while so will have to leave the reporting up to the Melbournians - Angus and Kirislin.

Bye for now....

Malin - please don't get lost in the shops in Singapore - see you Wednesday! :thumbsup: