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Collie Crew's Eddie Is Very Poorly.....


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Yesterday,i pm'ed Anne to find out how dear Eddie was (i worry if i haven't heard anything about him for a while)

I was very sad to receive this note from her telling me that Eddie was very poorly :(

Hi Debs,

no, sadly Eddie is very poorly right now

The night before last he had some kind of stomach bug, and was violently sick all through the night, bringing up all his meals from that day. The vets think it's a bug, and he's had anti emetic injections, antibiotics and steroids.

He spent all day trying to get comfy, and occasionally being sick again before finally deciding to lay on my bed, underneath the ceiling fan. He was horribly hot, so the fan on low obviously made him feel cooler.

He didn't move all night, so Dave and I sort of slept around him He wouldn't drink anything, so I kept sponging water onto his lips and gums.

At half 5 he slid off and I let him out for a wee. He was very weak on his hind end, and couldn't cock his leg. He wobbled a bit on the way back in, and then went and flopped down onto the furry rug. And there he stayed till gone 12. He wouldn't drink or eat earlier, but at 11 I made a pot of tea, and put just a couple of spoons of it with a tiny drop of skimmed milk into some water, and he did have a few laps of that after I'd dunked my fingers in it and rubbed his lips. I suppose about a teaspoonful or two went down.

A while back we decided that we had to make him move. It looked as if he'd wanted to get up, but wasn't able to, so we decided we were going to be bullies and get him a bit more awake.

I got some baby wipes and wiped his face and paws over to freshen him up a bit.

I'd had an organic chicken poaching in the oven for him, so I mixed two tablespoonfuls of the warm chicken stock with 1 heaped teaspoonful of baby food, just to make it warm and able to be lapped.

I smeared this on his gums so he had no choice but to lick it off :biggrin:

Dave sat the other side of him and propped him up. We had Wills opposite him with her own bowlful, and we managed to get him to lap it all up over the next 10 minutes. He did look a bit brighter now, so we hauled him to his feet and tottered outside with him.

It's quite nice and sunny here, and not too cold in our back garden, and he did seem to enjoy the potter around. He did another long wee, and then flopped down. Obviously I didn't want him laying on the cold ground so we got him back up again, and we wandered back in. He drank about a teaspoonful of water, and is now stretched out on the rug again. He looks more *with it* now though, and I'm a bit happier.

I have to say that this morning I did wonder if he was slipping away as he seemed to be fading.

Anyway, he is still quiet, but given his age and the violent and sudden nature of the illness I guess that's to be expected.

I haven't had time for any other forums sadly, as Sighthounds Online and my fledgling biccy business take up pretty much most of my time now - the biscuit business seems to be taking off so I'm making more and donating to a couple of rescues too, and SOL is expanding

Anyway, I'll keep you up to date on my boy, and could do with any good thoughts that the k9 folks can offer and some good :luck: too!
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How awful for Anne and Eddie :( , sorry no advice to give wish I had, just lots of well wishes and healing thoughts to them :huggles: :luck: :luck: :luck:
how awful poor eddie hope hes ok lots of :huggles: to them :luck: :luck:
Here's a photo of gorgeous Eddie :wub: :wub: :wub: :huggles:

Poor brave Eddie. He is certainly loved very much.
sorry iv no advice either, but i hope he feels better very soon :huggles: :luck:
How worrying. It sounds like the tummy bug has knocked him for six but I think Ann is doing the right things in getting some fluids into him. If he is laid outstretched and showing a bit of interest it is possibly a good thing because ill dogs tend to curl up and go incommunicado.

If he has a high temperature sounds like a virus so the steroids will help him through that and boost his appetite.

:huggles: Hugs to Eddie, hope he gets better soon :wub: :wub:
Lovely Eddie :( I do hope he pulls through this. He's so lucky to have Anne caring for him, she's such a star (and anyone wondering about her biscuits should definitely order, they are FABULOUS, the very best doggy biscuits :thumbsup: ).
Fingers crossed for Eddie, We has a similar experiance last year with Meg and she made a complete recovery.

sorry no advice but best wishes on a speedy recovery :huggles: :wub: :huggles: :wub:
:huggles: to Eddie & hope he soon well :luck: :luck: :thumbsup:
I've just had this through from Anne,it sounds like VERY good news :thumbsup:

Hi Debs,

good news, I think we're getting there with Edlet! Hubby and I persuaded him to have a little more chicken stock and baby food, and then helped him into the garden. Well, he did a wee, trotted a couple of steps, and when he got indoors he stood and looked at the fridge! That's his way of asking for food, and we were SOOOO pleased to see it!

Anyway, I gave him a tiny piece of chicken breast and he ate that, so he's now had a couple of more small pieces. Hopefully his digestion will cope with it, and he'll pick up further now He's flat out again, and still hasn't wanted to get into any of the beds, seeming to prefer laying flat on one side, but he's definitely seeming brighter

Will keep you updated!

Anne, Wills and a recovering (fingers crossed!) Edster xxx
Sounds like Eddie is definitely on the up!

Hope he continues to do well :luck:
Eddie is one special dog............Wishing him all the best, and [SIZE=21pt]STOP SCARING THE BEJUSUS OUT OF ME ED![/SIZE]
Just caught up with this thread.

I'm so so sorry that Eddie has been so ill. I have got my fingers very tightly crossed for you all, and i'm pleased to read that things are picking up slowly. :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: to Eddie
Oh Eddie, have been reading as quickly as possible to make sure everything is fine, and discovered that it seems you are feeling a bit better thank goodness.

Wishing lots and lots of love and a speedy recovery to a very special man :wub:
Poor Eddie :wub: My heart goes out to him and Anne :huggles: Glad to hear he is eating again. :luck: :luck: :luck:

Thanks for posting Debs :thumbsup:
Hi all, just popped in to say a big "Thank you!" to Alfyn and everyone for their thoughts and good wishes :huggles:

I'm very pleased to say that Ed kept the little bits of chicken down, and this morning managed about a tablespoonful of chicken and rice, all nicely mushy :wub: He's not interested in much still, and is still wibbly on his paws, but he's certainly pricking his ears whenever I visit the kitchen, which is more like his usual self, thank goodness!

I'll add a couple of pics here of him just a few days ago, checking out his new bed, chasing Wills and hogging all the bones! :wub:




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:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
Tesa said:
:wub:   :wub:   :wub:   :wub:   :wub:   :wub:   :wub:   :wub:   :wub:   :wub:   :wub:
My sentiments entirely :wub: He couldn't be more handsome :wub: