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Collars On 24 Hours Aday, Out Of Interest

Hebridean said:
Ours wear little 'house collars' with their ID on all the time, and only wear their leather whippet collars when they go out on leads.

urchin said:
mine both have house collars with id on at all times, just in case some pillock leaves a door or gate open.
only have their big collars on for walks

Same with Ruby but even her tag collar comes off at night or if she is in her crate during the day.

Proper Whippet leather collar for walks and a little soft collar for the house, but that gets taken off at night and when we go out and he is on his own during the day.
i put Gypsy's on in the morning for her first walk and leave it on until she has had her last walk of the day..................we have kids in and out all day long, and although she has never got out of the garden, i do like one on her just in case :thumbsup:
hely said:
i put Gypsy's on in the morning for her first walk and leave it on until she has had her last walk of the day..................we have kids in and out all day long, and although she has never got out of the garden, i do like one on her just in case :thumbsup:
I do the same on first thing and off after last walk to signify 'now go and lie down' :lol: Holly & Vader both wear 2 collars as they also have a magnetic collars which are on 24/7.
Pepa and phoebe wears them in the house and out. We only take them off for a bath or something, as just incase they get through the gate if someone left it open. And then when we go to shows they wear there pretty collars :)
my two have collars on 24/7 ...just incase one of the kids leave the gate open and one of them goes walk about
Mine always wear collars. But only breakaway collars when they are not on leash. If I have them on leash, I use a martingale or hound collar with i.d. attached. But...if they are in the house or yard or crate or anywhere else without a leash attached to my hand....I always have a "Chinook" breakaway collar on them. That way they can't ever choke, but still have i.d. unless a dangerous situation were to break the collar.
my 2 wear them outside only they get taken off the min they come in.

i do like the idea of having small light ones on them with a tag just incase,

so people who have small ones on indoors with a tag, do you leave them on with the outdoor collar when out, or do you swap when goining in an out??
Again, mainly when going for walks only, BUT I put on Polly's collar when we are going next door to see Bea and her girl, Callie or when they come to us, as the 2 girls play very rough sometimes and Callie always goes for Polly's throat and legs,so the collar offers protection.

If we have visitors, all 3 girls wear their bling collars! :thumbsup:
I once had an ex racing greyhound who was poorly treated before he came to live with us and his neck was bald due to wearing a collar 24/7 so Sidney and Benjamin only wear theirs when they go out and are their natural selves at home :)
k4tie-d said:
my 2 wear them outside only they get taken off the min they come in.i do like the idea of having small light ones on them with a tag just incase,

so people who have small ones on indoors with a tag, do you leave them on with the outdoor collar when out, or do you swap when goining in an out??

We mostly leave the house collar on with the big collar when going out - saves swapping the tags or having two sets.
the only time mine wear collars is when they are in the car and go to shows apart from that they never have them on