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My dog is much more likely to be aggressive if he is on the lead. I don't recall him ever being aggressive with another dog if they are both off the lead. But he does tend to mount everything that moves. Usually the other dog will soon tell him not to, but on two occasions an owner has smacked my dog for mounting theirs. Once a child raised a hand as if to smack him, and the dog started barking, and then the parent told me off for having an aggressive dog! I always call him back and clip him on now when I see a child or another dog on a lead.
Sometimes though from a distance with those awful extending leads, you can't tell they are on a lead.
Sometimes though from a distance with those awful extending leads, you can't tell they are on a lead.
The extenders that are tape rather than cord are as easy to see as a lead
The extenders that are tape rather than cord are as easy to see as a lead

From a distance, though (and without great eyesight), if you see a dog several yards from its owner you tend to assume it's offlead, whereas one that's right by the owner is likely to be onlead.

What's really annoying is when I think I'm a safe distance from a dog because I can see the lead, and I've made it clear I'm taking a wide berth (J can be iffy if onlead on a pavement/narrow path), then the lead turns out to be a flexi lead and the owner lets the dog wander right up to him.
Murphy is a bog off dog plus we have very few off lead places so we do use a flexi , a 5mtr one locally and a 10mtr one when out in open spaces but both of ours are the tape sort and neon yellow which looks awful on photos but is nice and visible, plus we make sure he is kept on a very short lead when passing unknown dogs.

Great tools but often the poor dog is at the mercy of the idiot holding it!
Dudley very rarely has the lead fully extended it is a three metre one.. He tends to stick to my side except on the field if he knows the dogs.
In the street he has an ordinary lead. He tends not to approach any dog he doesn't know.
Today we went to the Park. I am very aware he is not keen on the park but his border collie friend was with him and he was happy to run around with him. Luckily there were only two other small dogs there and he avoided them because he didn't know them.?
At the moment it is the only off lead place that isn't absolutely soaking wet.
I like your style @Kara 1 hahaha!
I dread coming across other dogs, I really do. Rox hates it when they're boisterous and in her face, she actually loves the big placid ones so I like seeing them :)
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