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Citronella Sprays in Dog Training


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Hi, as a few of you know my dog Buster is pretty dog aggressive, so we have been working hard with him using a very good trainer and we have made a lot of progress. We have got him to sit and be quiet while another dog walks around him. However this week he seems to have gone straight back to square one. He wouldn't listen to any commands and last night at training he was a nightmare. So we decided to try a cintronella collar. She got me to walk towards other dogs and as soon as he started she used the remote to spray him. It seemed to work and he was walking a figure of eight between two dogs and not doin anything. I just wondered what other ppl thought of these and if any one has used them. They are quite expensive and so would like some reviews if possible.
I know someone with a border collie and over the years she has not been an easy dog. :- " They use a citronella collar with her when out on walks. (I think she used to 'stalk' other dogs/horses and doesn't really like men). She would completely blank them when they called her.

The collar has 3 settings - the first press on the remote just creates a buzz; the second emits a small spray; and the third a heavier spray.

I think it has worked very well for them and their dog with her particular problems. I have looked after her and walked her through their local woods. She always wears the collar, but I rarely needed to use it, and then only on the 'buzz' setting, so it seems to be very effective. They do feel it was worth the money.

I am sure people may have other views, but I do feel in the right circumstances they can be very useful. They do not cause any pain, and I would never, ever use anything that hurt a dog.
my mum used one on her dog.................didnt make any diference at all after about 2 days :wacko:

im sorry your having problems with buster again rach, hope you get him sorted :huggles: :luck: :luck: :luck:
rach125 said:
Hi, as a few of you know my dog Buster is pretty dog aggressive, so we have been working hard with him using a very good trainer and we have made a lot of progress. We have got him to sit and be quiet while another dog walks around him.  However this week he seems to have gone straight back to square one. He wouldn't listen to any commands and last night at training he was a nightmare.  So we decided to try a cintronella collar.  She got me to walk towards other dogs and as soon as he started she used the remote to spray him. It seemed to work and he was walking a figure of eight between two dogs and not doin anything. I just wondered what other ppl thought of these and if any one has used them. They are quite expensive and so would like some reviews if possible.

You used to be able to hire them. Can't remember where I saw it though. Might be worth doing a google search. Can't offer any opinions on whether it would work or not as I've never had cause to use one.
I've used one in the past. The dog was as good as gold while wearing it, but when the collar wasn't on he proved to have learnt nothing! :- " It's doesn't cure the behaviour but it does make them think twice while wearing the collar. :thumbsup:
The local dog warden should be able to hire one to you, so you can at least see if it's affective :thumbsup:

Good luck with him, frustrating when they go backwards in their training isn't it?
Very very frustrating. Just when you think theyve got it they prove u wrong! I am gonna persist with this, I really want to do my best for him!
my sister swears by them, she has got a schnauzer who was pretty aggressive towards other dogs, she hired one from her local vet and it worked very well so much in fact she purchased one, the refills are quite expensive but as her dog got used to it she didnt need to operate it so often hence the refill lasted longer, shes had it a year now and still wears it as a preventive but hardly uses it, well worth the initial cost :)) :))
I think a lot depends on why he's reacting to other dogs. and you'd also have to be very clear what you are trying to achieve with the collar.

I'm always worried with these sort of things that you can get an apparent 'quick fix', but they are just masking the problem, not really solving anything.

For instance he may become afraid to growl and bark at other dogs because he gets sprayed, but that won't mean he is happy to have other dogs around him. He could possibly go straight to biting with no warning if he's being 'punished' for giving warning signs.

On the other hand, if it 'interrupts' his behaviour so you can get his attention and reassure him and get him to behave more positively it could just break the cycle he's in.

So not very helpful really, sorry. I guess I'd just say if you decide to use it do it with extreme care!
Hi yes i understand what your saying. I am making leaps and bounds again with him this week, getting him to sit while other dogs are walking around him (not too closely) and i have been really happy with him. So I think that maybe I can help him with just some good old fashioned graft! Only one problem though, yesterday I had him in sit position whilst a jogger ran past and he was so engrossed with the food in my hand the poor larl fella crapped hiself!!
Oh bless him (w00t) :wub:

It does sound as though maybe he just had a bit of a blip for some reason and you are getting him back on track. It can be really frustrating when training seems to suddenly go backwards for some reason.

He's a very lucky dog that you are working so hard with him :huggles:
Had best training ever with him last night. He just ignored the dogs and we even got to play ball with no fuss. He made me so proud. Afterwards ppl were knocking on my car window to say well done! The trainer is going to come on some walks with us, just in case he thinks he only has to be perfectly behaved at the training field lol!
I am a professional behaviourst and expert trainer with many years of first class experinence to back me up.

Yes I too used clickers & sprays but I also carried out very many years of research on the auditaury sense and a vast variety of stimulants. I spent several years research on broadkast frequencies to find out which was the best fequency for dogs to respond in a training situation.

Clikers, sprays and all the other nonsense are now out of date, I have invented, with much painstaking research and dedication, the jingler, it can be used for sits, heels, downs, toilet training and long range recalls to mention but a few effective behavioural modifications, please feel free to see my demonstartion of my invention on youtube

Presenting to you 'The Jingler'

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Caster said:
I have invented, with much painstaking research and dedication, the jingler
:lol: :lol: :lol: hope you got at least a PhD out of that research :lol: :lol: :lol: