It's been ages since I did a Chloe update so it's long overdue but I also need some advice. The good news first, we've finally managed to get Chloe up to a proper weight. She has matured into a lovely little girl, passed dog training classes with flying colours and is a real sweetie. I've posted the before and after pics below. I'm still amazed that she survived and has improved so much.
Now for the thing I need some help with. Chloe was never housetrained. She had been locked in a garage and starved before she came to me and had missed out on the puppy housetraining bit. I do a mixture of work from home and office but my timetable varies quite a bit. On the days when I go into the office Busta and Chloe get left at home until lunchtime, I come home for an hour and I'm back at 5.30pm. They get walked morning, lunchtime and evening and get loads of exercise. If I'm going to work late or have to travel I have a lovely pet sitter who comes in. Chloe is still having accidents when I'm out. If I work from home she never wees in the house, so I never get the opportunity to tell her 'no' put her outside and praise her when she goes etc. She has only wee'd twice in my presence and both times I followed the above proceedure. There have been times when I've worrked from home but got absorbed in work and not let them out into the garden until later than I would return if I was at the office and she can hold fine. It doesn't seem to be linked to stress, no other signs of separation anxiety, she just needs a wee and has one. Always in the hallway. I've started putting puppy training pads down and she will happily use them (provided Busta hasn't chewed it or moved it to the wrong part of the house!). She just hasn't 'got it' that the hallway is not an appropriate place to go to toilet. Recently there has been a double whammy as Busta has started to scent mark each time Chloe wees so now the both of them are weeing (although Busta only does a squirt). One carpet is wrecked already and I've had to pull it up. Lino is being installed next week hopefully which will make it easier to clean up. Also Busta is booked in at the vets this wednesday to be castrated. He has always been perfect in the house trianing department and he's not weeing, he's just scent marking after Chloe wees so maybe the snip will stop that. I'm at the end of my tether. We are renting this house and I can't afford to keep putting in new flooring. I have owned dogs since I was little and have never had one that didn't pick up housetraining quickly and easily including when I've taken in rescue dogs. I cleaned up wee most days last week and I've had to clean up wee twice today and it's only Monday. I cried my eyes out (again) today and then thought maybe some of you K9ers might have some new suggestions I could try. This situation is really getting me down. No point getting upset and doing nothing to resolve it. Any suggestions gratefully received.
Now for the thing I need some help with. Chloe was never housetrained. She had been locked in a garage and starved before she came to me and had missed out on the puppy housetraining bit. I do a mixture of work from home and office but my timetable varies quite a bit. On the days when I go into the office Busta and Chloe get left at home until lunchtime, I come home for an hour and I'm back at 5.30pm. They get walked morning, lunchtime and evening and get loads of exercise. If I'm going to work late or have to travel I have a lovely pet sitter who comes in. Chloe is still having accidents when I'm out. If I work from home she never wees in the house, so I never get the opportunity to tell her 'no' put her outside and praise her when she goes etc. She has only wee'd twice in my presence and both times I followed the above proceedure. There have been times when I've worrked from home but got absorbed in work and not let them out into the garden until later than I would return if I was at the office and she can hold fine. It doesn't seem to be linked to stress, no other signs of separation anxiety, she just needs a wee and has one. Always in the hallway. I've started putting puppy training pads down and she will happily use them (provided Busta hasn't chewed it or moved it to the wrong part of the house!). She just hasn't 'got it' that the hallway is not an appropriate place to go to toilet. Recently there has been a double whammy as Busta has started to scent mark each time Chloe wees so now the both of them are weeing (although Busta only does a squirt). One carpet is wrecked already and I've had to pull it up. Lino is being installed next week hopefully which will make it easier to clean up. Also Busta is booked in at the vets this wednesday to be castrated. He has always been perfect in the house trianing department and he's not weeing, he's just scent marking after Chloe wees so maybe the snip will stop that. I'm at the end of my tether. We are renting this house and I can't afford to keep putting in new flooring. I have owned dogs since I was little and have never had one that didn't pick up housetraining quickly and easily including when I've taken in rescue dogs. I cleaned up wee most days last week and I've had to clean up wee twice today and it's only Monday. I cried my eyes out (again) today and then thought maybe some of you K9ers might have some new suggestions I could try. This situation is really getting me down. No point getting upset and doing nothing to resolve it. Any suggestions gratefully received.