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Does anyone have any advice on stopping my pup chewing. She is not really bothered until i leave the room and go upstairs and then she will steal the remote control or anything she can find on the coffee table! She doesn't really chew them too much just teeth marks. She has rawhide chews and toys to play with. Apart from that she is a little star. Oh does anyone know where to get some soft leather collars from aswell. Dolly still has a puppy collar as the whippet collars don't go small enough for her.

Any help would be fab.



I use pet behaviour spray, it smells of citrus, and usually works - try Petsmart or similar. Do you mean house collars? I get mine from Jan's Gifts, they are fab :thumbsup:


Thanks i'll look the spray up. It's collars for walking. She is a very small whippet about 1 inch and 1/2 too small for showing so her neck is tiny! She only weighs 7.2 kg!! I'll have to get a pic uploaded.

Without sounding like a smart arse Fiona, but if she is taking things like the remote off the coffee table, then you need to get into the habit of putting it away when you are not in the room. The same goes for all those tempting things that might be left lying around for a puppy to destroy. It's only for a while and it is for her own safety, she will grow out of it. :) :luck: :luck:

Karen :)
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Unfortunately mine loved the taste of the spray but Olbas oil drops(!) works well ,also loads of cardboad rolls (kitchen or loo rolls) keep him out of mischief and of course keeping temptation out of reach.

I normally put everything away when i go out of the room, but just wondered if anyone had any other tips!

no not an insult, but a possible answer to your common problem.

Encourage chewing items that are for chewing.I,ve also had the delights of laptop being chewed, garden furniture etc etc.

Deep breaths all round, try not to over react ( Easier said than done then get your dogs busy with pigs ears, worked for me.

Good luck.
Great ! I'll invest in pigs ears. I'll let you know how i go.
Puppies NEED to chew to cut their teeth, sellection of toys, pigs ears and bones helps, and putting everything valuable out of reach just to be safe is the way to go. I am sure the manufactures put something to attract dogs to the remotes - I just paid $60 to replace one :rant:

Also feeding chunks of meat that the pups have to chew is good for cutting their teeth - raw ox tongues and hearts are excellent. :luck: :luck: :luck:
Thanks!! She has rawhide chews, kongs and nylabone bones. She is 10 months now and over the last couple of days she seems to have stopped picking up things and now loves to stand by the radiator and fall asleep!! She loves the rawhide chews so i'll try and get her some ox's tongue aswell.
Yep Pigs Ears for me.....! The only problem with them is the smell and he likes hiding them! When you buy one have a sniff because I have found some suppliers of them sell smellier ones than others??

My pup is just over 4 months old and loved chewing my little girls toys. I have got into the habit of removing her things when we are upstairs etc, or I just shut the lounge door so he cant go in there while we may be busy etc.

We also always say "thats not yours" and them give him one of his toys and say "your toy" and he is getting used to that and will leave things now if we say its not his.

I sometimes leave things around like empty kitchen rolls for him to play with as they seem to keep him occupied for ages or an empty clean plastic bottle. He doesnt rip this up, just chucks it around.

You could put something he likes in a "Kong" toy which will keep him busy for ages, banana, natural yoghurt smeared in it or biscuits etc.