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Chew proof beds


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Does anyone have any suggestions or has found any good chew proof beds?

Holly (8 month old GSD pup) is on about her 6th bed!

She loved curling up on the fleecy ones when she was younger and crated but as soon as the teeth kicked in they soon became more fun being destroyed!

I thought to start with it was just when she was on her own and bored but she'll have a go whenever she can! even when we're in the same room she'll try and do it quietly! She will even feign sleep so she thinks we won't be looking at her so she can have a quick chew!

I have resorted to using vet bed mats (the ones vet surgeries use) and they have lasted the longest but they are now full of holes and shredded in places! She has loads of chew toys and kongs etc which we alternate and most of the time she will keep her attention on these but its amazing the amount of ripping she can do in just a few seconds!

I have seen that there is a company that does a guaranteed chew proof (I think its called tufties??) but its very expensive and only seems to guarantee it for dogs under 32 kg and Holly is already 30kg with growing still to do!

Grateful for any ideas!
This may be a behaviour issue. She finds that chewing her bed is guaranteed to get your attention :)

I would leave her on an old, destroyed, one and completely ignore her when she does it. If you see her lying, quietly, not chewing her bed then give her attention. Also pay attention to her when she is chewing her toys. Pretend to yourself that she is not supposed to chew them and talk to her about her "naughty" behaviour.

When my GSD's were young I just used to buy old sleeping bags or duvets from charity shops. I could then safely ignore any attention seeking behaviour.
I think its partly attention seeking but she also seems to just love the ripping!

I may just keep with the mats and blankets as its the stuffing which is a nightmare to clean up plus she seems to like eating it!!

Dogmatize - I think it was the Tuffies one I was looking at, I was just a bit put off by the weight restriction and 32kg limit!
Hi there, I was going to suggest Tuffies as well. Orvis also do chew-proof beds I think... And perhaps Scruffs Dog Beds too, although they're more orthopaedic based.