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Chasing the lure

Personally I would suggest different problem but same solution. Solo her and get her focusing on the lure rather than the other dog. I found that raw liver in an onion sack worked wonders, not had any problems (touch wood) since.


:D Still on the subject of bad habits when racing I didn't mention that the 2 dogs referred to go hare coursing and one of them has been quite successful this season . They are always mad keen on the field. Is it possible that their slight reluctance as well as being down to my not making them lure crazy may be due to the fact that they course?

Incidentally I bought an onion sack yesterday to fill with raw liver as advised. A sliht problem is I had to buy the 7 lbs of onions that came with it. The things we do for our dogs!!

Many thanks. :
Hi Queenie

Sorry for the delay in replying but i've been at the Waterloo Cup, by the time I got home Tuesday the Greyhounds were on sky so I neglected my computer?.

anyway back to the bussiness in hand, if you're dogs have been brought up on live stuff then it may (or may not?) be that they know the differance and dont find the lure as atractive as a white fluffy tail bobbing up and down.

over the summer while coursings having the summer break before next season AND THERE WILL BE A NEXT SEASON. you need to realy give them some playing with you're expensive lure, try getting a rabbit skin or fake fur and rag them with that then tie the skin and the onione sack together ect ect.

hope this helps Mark

well i'm off now to get everything sorted for that loast day of the Waterloo Cup.