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Champs ..

why do people need to keep repeating things, bringing up the same old story, shit stirring etc. Everything thats happened has been covered a million times but ppl still want to bring it up.

This thread was ment to be about Sunday & the winners/runners. There was as many good dogs at the Champs as the Nationals & i have read about hollow victorys in the past few weeks, well thats a load of bollocks cos had certain dogs been at the nationals & vice versa then im sure there would have been different results to what there are, i bet some dogs wouldnt have even made the final, lets not beat about the bush.

People have the choice to run where they want. The split has happened so for f*~k sake get on with your lifes please, i been away from racing 2 years, been back 8 weeks & i hear about how bad the last 18 months has been, theres a light at the end of the tunnel for all those who its affected so surly its time to move on & not keep bitching on every thread at every oppurtunity to dig up the same old crap.

Thank you.
I had been led to believe from someone that the nationals field has 'moved on' from that litter and are now concentrating on the running of their racing bred whippets. At least that was what I was told from a dear friend who happens to run there and not here!!

So, as the comment was willingly given, and not made under torture, water or otherwise, I would have anticipated reading on this thread how good it was to know that there are dogs out there that can beat the 9 second barrier. A dog did beat this barrier, and, interestingly, should the other dogs in the race have had their time clocked, they too must have come in at under 9 secs. There was only 4 lengths (and remember at this weight we are talking strides rather than lengths), between the front dog and the rest of the field.

I don't know how many of you racers out there take the sport so seriously that you ensure that your dog never runs free, that you ensure that your dog 'works' on the treadmill going uphill daily, that you take your dog walking on lead daily, that you use the 'box', that the vet checks your dog out regularly, that you give your dog a mid week run, that you feed the dog for the work it has to do, and above all, you respect the work that dog has to do on Sunday and prepare it for the day. I don't know that you do that, all of it, or any of it, but I do know the owner of the winner of the best time of the day does; and did prior to Sunday. So the performance of the dog was better than good, but because of the work put in by the owner, was to be anticipated. One doesn't only have to 'be in it to win it', the owner had to manage the dog properly to bring that animal to peak performance on the day. For all the work put in with that dog, the win was well done. But, be quite clear about it, the other dogs in that race were working very very hard to catch that lure, so hard that they too must have put in the best time they have run to date. To mock the breeding of the winner, if that is what people are doing, and my apologies to all and sundry if you are not and I am mistaken in my interpretation, is to take from the other dogs their achievements. Because if you believe the winner to be exceptional, then so too are the others in the race. He won, but not by more than I have in the past seen WCRCh Brown Eyed Girl, WCRCh Talk of the Devil or WCRCh Graceful Chimes win. The dog won, and it was an impressive performance from a dog just coming into maturity. And he looks very powerful.

What I expect to happen is that the dog will, in line with every other exceptional whippet that races, go on to win every time it goes on the track. But then, there are a those amongst you that own dogs that do that every time they race. Now, filling in the programme for an Open is what I consider 'boring'.Same old, same old ..............! !!

Unlike one of the more ill informed posters on this thread, I do know of the dogs that ran at this venue, just as I know of/or the dogs that ran at the nationals. If, as has been infered, the dogs running at Moreton on Sunday were inferior because their names were not known, I say to you all, how are you to know how many whippets who are eligible to race are out there that you don't know? Because you can't know them all, unless you belong to every club in the country and go to every club meeting!!

So let us all give a note of congratulation to those that ran in the hard won races on the day. And rather than trying to take from any dog or its owner, give them the praise they so richly deserve. The races were well run and hard won - each and every one of them.

Neither to I subscribe to the RIP WCRA comment. You have to remember that the WCRA is a SUB COMMITTEE of THE WHIPPET CLUB. As such it has Life until The Whippet Club of Great Britain says otherwise, not people who only race whippets on a Sunday. As a member of the Whippet Club I would happily turn up to help the committee to run a Championship meeting for 10 dogs and would do so until the Whippet Club voted to disband the racing section.

One can only assume that there are those within the nationals that are very afraid that the Whippet Club Championships will win the day, that there is not enough room for two. Which is why they are so vocal in their condemnation of the WCRA. But there is room for two. Sunday proved that. Each race meeting had a good time, each race meeting produced some very happy racers, and at each meeting the dogs loved doing what they do best. Unless, or untill one of the racing bodies applies to the Kennel Club to have their sporting titles recongnised this is very much an amateur sport - it would not harm each and every one of us to remember that.
There was as many good dogs at the Champs as the Nationals & i have read about hollow victorys in the past few weeks, well thats a load of bollocks cos had certain dogs been at the nationals & vice versa then im sure there would have been different results to what there are, i bet some dogs wouldnt have even made the final, lets not beat about the bush.
Isn't that exactly the point of the upset Dan? Had we not had to endure this major upheaval in whippet racing we would have ALL been on one field on Sunday. I have spoken to a good friend tonight who was at Moreton, I was at the Nationals, we are gutted that this split has occurred and our one desire is to have closure and REAL evidence on this alleged non ped litter. We can only hope that DNA testing will become more sophisticated so that the fighting and them and us stops. My good friend would agree that without all dogs on the field, the competition is altered, my own dog was in the largest group (24) at the NPWRA, we had quarters, there was a reasonable group of 15 at the Champs with a couple of non runners (I gather), had all dogs run together the results could have been very different.................My point was always the same as yours Dan, how can you ever know what the outcome should be if we hadn't been forced to split?

This isn't going to go away, people may get p*ssed off and leave but we have to remember why this is happening and hope for resoloution of the the original situation (I pray). I enjoyed my agro free Sunday, but I missed my mates and I hate what has happened to this sport.
but my point is, can people stop the bitchy & making sarcastic comments and leave the subject alone unless they have some decent & sensible to say. I don't know all the facts etc although its all i hear all day long at racing. But the bitching surly needs to stop, i think this website is miss used & causes more problems than there worth. Its not here to be abused.
but my point is, can people stop the bitchy & making sarcastic comments and leave the subject alone unless they have some decent & sensible to say. I don't know all the facts etc although its all i hear all day long at racing. But the bitching surly needs to stop, i think this website is miss used & causes more problems than there worth. Its not here to be abused.
For many people whippet racing is their life. This situation has torn the heart out of their sport Dan, you can't reasonably expect people not to be very, very upset by what has happened.
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i symathise i really do, i didn't expect to come back to all this, but comments like RIP WCRA, hollow victorys etc etc are not needed Jo thats what im getting at, because as soon as something like that is wrote it gets everyones backs up & the argument flares up again & again & again. If you have something worth saying then fair enough but theres no need for shit stirring & perfectic comments.
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i symathise i really do, i didn't expect to come back to all this, but comments like RIP WCRA, hollow victorys etc etc are not needed Jo thats what im getting at, because as soon as something like that is wrote it gets everyones backs up & the argument flares up again & again & again. If you have something worth saying then fair enough but theres no need for shit stirring & perfectic comments.
Well Dan I'm not being funny but I do find your post slightly Hypocritical as I do believe you told us that you were taking Rosco to Morton because he would have

more of a chance against the dogs that would be running their ?

And like you said yourself you have not been around for 2 yrs so cannot appreciate the strength of feeling and heartache that racers have been threw .

I don,t know what will happen to the WCRA my heart lie,s with the NPWRA but for those that want to run with the WCRA I wish them well. :)
Some good posts :) ....Personally I like Carmel thinks theres room for all .. Its upto us as to where we want to go, and hey if the same old, same old results were changed because of the 2 meetings running on the same day ... so be it .. alot of happy people and dogs all round .. and to be honest isn't it ment to be a bit of fun ... I haven't enjoyed a Champs for such along time .... and long may it continue .... each to their own ... and we all take the best dog home however usless they are ... :)
i symathise i really do, i didn't expect to come back to all this, but comments like RIP WCRA, hollow victorys etc etc are not needed Jo thats what im getting at, because as soon as something like that is wrote it gets everyones backs up & the argument flares up again & again & again. If you have something worth saying then fair enough but theres no need for shit stirring & perfectic comments.
Well Dan I'm not being funny but I do find your post slightly Hypocritical as I do believe you told us that you were taking Rosco to Morton because he would have

more of a chance against the dogs that would be running their ?

And like you said yourself you have not been around for 2 yrs so cannot appreciate the strength of feeling and heartache that racers have been threw .

I don,t know what will happen to the WCRA my heart lie,s with the NPWRA but for those that want to run with the WCRA I wish them well. :)

Sue i think what i said about running at Moreton was..... its half the distance for me to go and theres no point travelling to Worcester for one run but would use is as a trial because no where else was running & i want to get Rosco fit, i said nothin about what dogs where going to be entered & went there under no illiusion that i would not make the final or even get a 2nd run. If you cant win a Cons final at an open that you make from turning up & finishing last in a heat i dont think im gonna make a champs final or even win it do you????

Yes i been away and i can appreciate the feelings, its all people talk about, but is there any need to keep going on & on & on???? If you feel like you need to bitch & make comment on every post & keep being negative then thats your choice.
i symathise i really do, i didn't expect to come back to all this, but comments like RIP WCRA, hollow victorys etc etc are not needed Jo thats what im getting at, because as soon as something like that is wrote it gets everyones backs up & the argument flares up again & again & again. If you have something worth saying then fair enough but theres no need for shit stirring & perfectic comments.
Well Dan I'm not being funny but I do find your post slightly Hypocritical as I do believe you told us that you were taking Rosco to Morton because he would have

more of a chance against the dogs that would be running their ?

And like you said yourself you have not been around for 2 yrs so cannot appreciate the strength of feeling and heartache that racers have been threw .

I don,t know what will happen to the WCRA my heart lie,s with the NPWRA but for those that want to run with the WCRA I wish them well. :)

Sue i think what i said about running at Moreton was..... its half the distance for me to go and theres no point travelling to Worcester for one run but would use is as a trial because no where else was running & i want to get Rosco fit, i said nothin about what dogs where going to be entered & went there under no illiusion that i would not make the final or even get a 2nd run. If you cant win a Cons final at an open that you make from turning up & finishing last in a heat i dont think im gonna make a champs final or even win it do you????

Yes i been away and i can appreciate the feelings, its all people talk about, but is there any need to keep going on & on & on???? If you feel like you need to bitch & make comment on every post & keep being negative then thats your choice.

RIGHT FIRST UP THIS IS MY ONLY COMMENT Dan and I have said noting bitchy about the WCRA I am very pleased they had a nice day as we did and I also hoped that the subject was dead in the water now that we all have another option :)
i symathise i really do, i didn't expect to come back to all this, but comments like RIP WCRA, hollow victorys etc etc are not needed Jo thats what im getting at, because as soon as something like that is wrote it gets everyones backs up & the argument flares up again & again & again. If you have something worth saying then fair enough but theres no need for shit stirring & perfectic comments.
Well Dan I'm not being funny but I do find your post slightly Hypocritical as I do believe you told us that you were taking Rosco to Morton because he would have

more of a chance against the dogs that would be running their ?

And like you said yourself you have not been around for 2 yrs so cannot appreciate the strength of feeling and heartache that racers have been threw .

I don,t know what will happen to the WCRA my heart lie,s with the NPWRA but for those that want to run with the WCRA I wish them well. :)

Sue i think what i said about running at Moreton was..... its half the distance for me to go and theres no point travelling to Worcester for one run but would use is as a trial because no where else was running & i want to get Rosco fit, i said nothin about what dogs where going to be entered & went there under no illiusion that i would not make the final or even get a 2nd run. If you cant win a Cons final at an open that you make from turning up & finishing last in a heat i dont think im gonna make a champs final or even win it do you????

Yes i been away and i can appreciate the feelings, its all people talk about, but is there any need to keep going on & on & on???? If you feel like you need to bitch & make comment on every post & keep being negative then thats your choice.

RIGHT FIRST UP THIS IS MY ONLY COMMENT Dan and I have said noting bitchy about the WCRA I am very pleased they had a nice day as we did and I also hoped that the subject was dead in the water now that we all have another option :)

I wasnt directing it at you personally Sue, just in general. Im sitting on the fence, i just think its time everyone stopped bitching on here, you have choose the NPWRA other have choose the WCRA & then people like myself will run at both.

So can ppl start moving on??
I know what your saying Dan and I personally do not want to comment any more on this :)

I just want race days like Sunday a real pleasure with great company and lots of laughs :lol:
I know what your saying Dan and I personally do not want to comment any more on this :) I just want race days like Sunday a real pleasure with great company and lots of laughs :lol:

Like how i remember it being many years ago (I sound old) :p :p & hopefully i can persuade the parents into letting me get a puppy :D
I know what your saying Dan and I personally do not want to comment any more on this :) I just want race days like Sunday a real pleasure with great company and lots of laughs :lol:

Like how i remember it being many years ago (I sound old) :p :p & hopefully i can persuade the parents into letting me get a puppy :D
I can go back quite a few more years than you Dan how old do you think I feel :lol: goodluck with your mum ,dad :luck:
I know what your saying Dan and I personally do not want to comment any more on this :) I just want race days like Sunday a real pleasure with great company and lots of laughs :lol:

Like how i remember it being many years ago (I sound old) :p :p & hopefully i can persuade the parents into letting me get a puppy :D

That would be great Dan. How about setting Jade on them :D She could just tell them to do the right thing!
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I know what your saying Dan and I personally do not want to comment any more on this :) I just want race days like Sunday a real pleasure with great company and lots of laughs :lol:

Like how i remember it being many years ago (I sound old) :p :p & hopefully i can persuade the parents into letting me get a puppy :D

That would be great Dan. How about setting Jade on them :D She could just tell them to do the right thing!

its goin to need Jade & a small miracle i think LOL i might just take a pup home..... be to late then :D (w00t)