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Champs today

Really good to hear, hope she continues to improve.

Judy said:
To get back on topic.....
Cassie is home  :D

And she can weight bear on her hind legs even though she isn't to good at walking yet. The vet told Daphne that he was amazed at how much better she is already. So is Daphne -  and very relieved too  :D
It was only their nerves waiting for the good news that caused them to whitter away off topic. ;)

That is really good news about Cassie. Aren't whippets wonderful. They are just such tough little dogs. And she is such a determined little person.
I think whippets are one of the best breeds for recovering from an injury they just seem to bounce back.
So good to hear Cassie is home :D

Beejay you are so right , Whippets are wonderful , they are alot tougher than they look .

Thanks Judy for keeping us informed .
I`m gld Daphnes bitch is ok. I know her from a long time back when she started out with PIPPA and MUFFIN.

It would be nice if someone could post the results and even the breeding of the Champs finalists for those of us viewing from afar.

I heard my good friends scored again with their super bitch BROWN EYED GIRL. I remember them 25 years ago, when they were the most loyal club racers, so it`s great to see them with such a decent performer.
Martin Tucker said:
it`s great to see them with such a decent performer.
As opposed to her being an indecent performer? :D And on a Sunday too! :0
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The WCRA should be publishing the results on their 'WCRA Notice Board forum' just as soon as they can... I understand they should also be keeping up to date Superstars League tables.