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Challenge. Fastest On The Fens.

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sorry im confused :wacko: is this race for non-peds only or is it open?og can be registeredbecause troy and china are deffo lurchers!!!!

if this is the case then please could you be clearer as to what can enter?
Troy is a non-ped bred by gary farmer :thumbsup:
A dog only becomes a non ped when it is registered with either the BWRA or the NNWRF.Both these organisations require proof before a dog can be registered.Troy now runs with Non Peds because he is eligable to run Deb,(and from all accounts is running well,)but his owners have only just started running with non peds they were running Troy in Lurchers,and whatever they decide to do in the future is up to them.The statement you've just made will go along way to dividing the lurcher community,with regards to whippet/greyhounds taking part in lurcher races.You really need to think if you are doing Lurcher racing any good by putting on a race which is only open to whippet/greyhounds.What happens if someone questions the breeding of any of the dogs entered in this race.There could be a few out there who are not willing to pay £50 without proof that the dogs they are running against are bred the way they are supposed to be.You could end up with requests for DNA testing (w00t) :-
sounds bolox to me and with no ruling any dog could enter including greys or whatever else and whoever slips em will get some shit i bet
sorry im confused :wacko: is this race for non-peds only or is it open?og can be registeredbecause troy and china are deffo lurchers!!!!

if this is the case then please could you be clearer as to what can enter?
Troy is a non-ped bred by gary farmer :thumbsup:
A dog only becomes a non ped when it is registered with either the BWRA or the NNWRF.Both these organisations require proof before a dog can be registered.Troy now runs with Non Peds because he is eligable to run Deb,(and from all accounts is running well,)but his owners have only just started running with non peds they were running Troy in Lurchers,and whatever they decide to do in the future is up to them.The statement you've just made will go along way to dividing the lurcher community,with regards to whippet/greyhounds taking part in lurcher races.You really need to think if you are doing Lurcher racing any good by putting on a race which is only open to whippet/greyhounds.What happens if someone questions the breeding of any of the dogs entered in this race.There could be a few out there who are not willing to pay £50 without proof that the dogs they are running against are bred the way they are supposed to be.You could end up with requests for DNA testing (w00t) :-
that was not my intention, whip/greys have raced for yrs on the lurcher scene i have raced them my self as you know, i certainly dont want a divide like others would like, :thumbsup:
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sorry im confused :wacko: is this race for non-peds only or is it open?og can be registeredbecause troy and china are deffo lurchers!!!!

if this is the case then please could you be clearer as to what can enter?
Troy is a non-ped bred by gary farmer :thumbsup:
A dog only becomes a non ped when it is registered with either the BWRA or the NNWRF.Both these organisations require proof before a dog can be registered.Troy now runs with Non Peds because he is eligable to run Deb,(and from all accounts is running well,)but his owners have only just started running with non peds they were running Troy in Lurchers,and whatever they decide to do in the future is up to them.The statement you've just made will go along way to dividing the lurcher community,with regards to whippet/greyhounds taking part in lurcher races.You really need to think if you are doing Lurcher racing any good by putting on a race which is only open to whippet/greyhounds.What happens if someone questions the breeding of any of the dogs entered in this race.There could be a few out there who are not willing to pay £50 without proof that the dogs they are running against are bred the way they are supposed to be.You could end up with requests for DNA testing (w00t) :-
that was not my intention, whip/greys have raced for yrs on the lurcher scene i have raced them my self as you know, i certainly dont want a divide like others would like, :thumbsup:
I know thats not your intention Deb :thumbsup: but as some from lurchers are already raising questions as to why this is only open to whippet/greyhound crosses.It could cause an even bigger rift than is already in place,and to be honest and not smug,I think you will struggle to get any non peds to enter.You will get more entrants from the owners of whippet/greyhounds who race with lurchers.Best of :luck: to you :thumbsup:
sounds bolox to me and with no ruling any dog could enter including greys or whatever else and whoever slips em will get some shit i bet
ur spot on gary and with the dogs running all in there`s bound to be some littluns getting smashed up imagine a 20 pounder running against a greyhound it dont bear thinking about m8 does it
Will there be a vet in attendance? and once again, WHY CAN'T YOU PAY YOUR ENTRY FEE ON THE DAY?

sorry im confused :wacko: is this race for non-peds only or is it open?og can be registeredbecause troy and china are deffo lurchers!!!!

if this is the case then please could you be clearer as to what can enter?
Troy is a non-ped bred by gary farmer :thumbsup:
A dog only becomes a non ped when it is registered with either the BWRA or the NNWRF.Both these organisations require proof before a dog can be registered.Troy now runs with Non Peds because he is eligable to run Deb,(and from all accounts is running well,)but his owners have only just started running with non peds they were running Troy in Lurchers,and whatever they decide to do in the future is up to them.The statement you've just made will go along way to dividing the lurcher community,with regards to whippet/greyhounds taking part in lurcher races.You really need to think if you are doing Lurcher racing any good by putting on a race which is only open to whippet/greyhounds.What happens if someone questions the breeding of any of the dogs entered in this race.There could be a few out there who are not willing to pay £50 without proof that the dogs they are running against are bred the way they are supposed to be.You could end up with requests for DNA testing (w00t) :-
i that was not my intention, whip/greys have raced for yrs on the lurcher scene i have raced them my self as you know, certainly dont want a divide like others would like, :thumbsup:
Well you're certainly going the right way about it, whose brain wave was it in the first place to put this challenge on?
sounds bolox to me and with no ruling any dog could enter including greys or whatever else and whoever slips em will get some shit i bet
ur spot on gary and with the dogs running all in there`s bound to be some littluns getting smashed up imagine a 20 pounder running against a greyhound it dont bear thinking about m8 does it
Little lurchers run against big lurchers when sim coursing and I've not seen many clashes :thumbsup: ....and it is more about agility and turn of speed rather than just speed and size alone. Much more interesting imo than straight racing ;) ...and I have never seen China do a course, she runs straights I think and as i understand this challenge is more akin to coursing than straight racing!!

Mind you given the backlash on the forums (not least from gabbitas) it is one to avoid me thinks :(
sounds bolox to me and with no ruling any dog could enter including greys or whatever else and whoever slips em will get some shit i bet
ur spot on gary and with the dogs running all in there`s bound to be some littluns getting smashed up imagine a 20 pounder running against a greyhound it dont bear thinking about m8 does it
Little lurchers run against big lurchers when sim coursing and I've not seen many clashes :thumbsup: ....and it is more about agility and turn of speed rather than just speed and size alone. Much more interesting imo than straight racing ;) ...and I have never seen China do a course, she runs straights I think and as i understand this challenge is more akin to coursing than straight racing!!

Mind you given the backlash on the forums (not least from gabbitas) it is one to avoid me thinks :(
Love watching simo :thumbsup: Like you say totally different to straight racing,but just as enjoyable to watch :thumbsup: Don't let one persons attitude put you off.
:luck: to everyone who races in this but personaly cant see many if any non peds turning up ,we spend a lot of time and money getting them right for events and with the straights around the corner theres some great events coming up and dont think the risk of injury on a running surface most know nothing of is not worth any amount of prize money as any non ped racer would say if your looking for big money prizes non peds aint gonna get you it all the best :luck: not having a go but as for put up or shut up if anyone wants to see how fast there non peds are or prove it champs speaks volumes as does the derbys ;)
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Heres our entry pmsl ..and shes not at full speed

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would just like to say i would never run this event, we have scratch dogs and i would never dream of running them potentially against a 16lber because its just wrong i wouldnt even begin to think about putting dogs in danger like that it ridiclious :eek: i dont know who thought this up -_- and dont think youd get money of people before the event espcially not that much its a lot to falk out

jmo kate good luck to anyone who goes to the racing i shall enjoy reading the outcomes :luck:
Probably nasty knockers cliff (w00t) (w00t)

Best place for some nasty knockers is a 'bag' :lol:
(w00t) wronggggggggggg again. (w00t)

(w00t) the :clown: that moaned because Steve didn't take a picture of her doggy. :lol: or was it because a little 40lb er beat her, not so famous no limit, that day. (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
Probably nasty knockers cliff (w00t) (w00t)

Best place for some nasty knockers is a 'bag' :lol:
(w00t) wronggggggggggg again. (w00t)

(w00t) the :clown: that moaned because Steve didn't take a picture of her doggy. :lol: or was it because a little 40lb er beat her, not so famous no limit, that day. (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
i just hope they put the cats away before you get their pmsl! :clown:
wot a load of bolloxs yet again on here ffs just enjoy your racing
Probably nasty knockers cliff (w00t) (w00t)

Best place for some nasty knockers is a 'bag' :lol:
(w00t) wronggggggggggg again. (w00t)

(w00t) the :clown: that moaned because Steve didn't take a picture of her doggy. :lol: or was it because a little 40lb er beat her, not so famous no limit, that day. (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
You need a big thankyou,for making K9 interesting again Bag :thumbsup: You've actually managed to keep me off Facebook (w00t) In answer to your reply,I haven't got any problem with Steve,he's a smashing chap :thumbsup: I feel sorry for him,but I do like him.I haven't got a problem with Harv getting beat,Leah wasn't the only one,if I remember they both got beat by Dave's dog for Supreme that day.Harv's been beat by better dogs than Leia,and he's beat alot better dogs than Leia.He's prooved his speed on more than one occasion,look at my signature ;) George and I are both sat chuckling :lol: this morning.You've convinced me that your Poachers Rest Show,is deffo worth attending,and i've already made a point of promoting the show to alot of travelling mates.Unfortunately whippet racing events are more important to me,so I wont be coming.Shame really cause I haven't seen Chris Hickling in years would have loved to catch up,and I think I can vaguely remember Darren Gallagher,but his persona has certainly changed from what I remember.Anyway like I've said i've done a really good job of promoting the show,and you should have a good attendance from the travelling community.They all love a good day out.Don't worry if the bar at the pub isn't open they'll bring there own drink.Can you confirm if the venue has camping,or do I need to get in touch with the venue?

The :clown:
Oh dear, my big fat gypsie "I've ruined poachers pillocks race day " pmsl (tell em nip my house before they go got a shite loada crap they can burn out n dump ) (w00t) :thumbsup:
the travelling community.They all love a good day out.Don't worry if the bar at the pub isn't open they'll bring there own drink.Can you confirm if the venue has camping,or do I need to get in touch with the venue?

i'm thinking of going now Karen could be a good day out :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
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