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Cats and dogs, a myth?


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Not sure if this is the right place so please feel free to move if needs be.

There is this common perception that dogs and cats are enemies. Cartoons, films, internet all depict that cats and dogs can't live together.

Is this a myth?

I've never owned a cat and up until I met my girlfriend I had never even held a cat. My partner on the other hand never owned a dog until we had Oreo.

Oreo is now getting to the point in her life she now enjoys to sleep the day away, which kind of suits our lifestyle. I am in mainly in the evening so her energy is used playing with me and going for long walks!

However, we have for a long time thought about getting another dog, but she seems so content we are worried that a new addition would ruin the situation.

Someone suggested that we looked at a young cat or kitten for a bit of company for Oreo.

My girlfriend is keen I think however I have my reservations.

How do you introduce a cat to a dog?

How do you know if your dog gets on with cats?

Can it/does it work?

Just wondered with those with cats and dogs how it works in your house?
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I have seven (yes seven) cats and my 2 dogs and they all get on.

Ripples who is a terrier particularly likes to chase them but if they have enough of it, they make sure she knows about it...

I wouldnt leave a dog alone with a kitten unsupervised but my lot love to snuggle up to Blaize as she is warm!! :lol:

How exciting - you can have one of mine if you like - I have 7 because I couldnt bring myself to find unknown homes for them! :lol:
I think as long as the introductions are slow and carefully planned, cats and dogs can get on just fine :)
We brought a puppy into our home and we have a 7 yr old cat. The pup was so pleased to meet him but the cat just couldnt be bothered with her! The pup is a bit nervous of the cat, cos he has had a few swipes at her, sometimes he has gone out of way to go and swipe at her! I think if he had been a kitten and she had been a bit older then after careful introductions they would have got on fine. The cat is too set in his ways, but the pup still keeps trying to make friends with him! She would chase other cats when out if she had the chance though - she knows the cat is partf her 'pack'.
I had a rottweiler and he was brought up with a ginger tom... they LOVED each other ! When my tom had to be put down we got a kitten and my rottie was AMAZING with her! Their like people.. some people don't get along.. All depends on how you bring them up!
16 year old cat and 4 month old puppy. The cat treats the puppy with contempt, just looks down his nose at her and occasionally hisses/ gentle swipes at her if she annoys him too much. The puppy thinks the cat is THE most exciting thing ever, she play bows, rolls over on her back, tries to encourage the cat to play, etc. The cat is coming round and we've caught the two of them sleeping together on the same rug a couple of times now, but it is slow and there has been (until recently, so fingers crossed) a lot of cat weeing in the house to make it clear what he thinks about the disruption. Lots of patience needed here
