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Hello everyone,

I am so proud of how Jovi has come on over the last month or so, he was castrated two weeks ago and after me worrying myself into a early grave

he was excellent he hardly bothered with his stitches and only had the buster collar on if we left him on his own for a while, he is socialising very well

and can be a bit of a hooligan when off the lead he charges round at great speed and laughs or appears to laugh all the time !! he knocked me over a few weeks ago which he thought was great fun I cant say the same for me though!! I wish I could post some photo's but no matter how I try I just cant do it , what a dunce !! I must also add the growth he had on his forehead has completely gone the vet did say that type of growth often dose go on it's own, He will be one next month so I will try yet again to post some photo's. Bye for now Wellibob
try using photo bucket,

you upload your pics to them, then copy the im link from there site, into the message here are the photo comes up :thumbsup:
re the growth - did he have a histiocytoma? (I know they do often go away on their own, though one of my dogs had a hitiocytoma growth removed from behind his ear as vet didn't like the way it ulcerated)
re the growth - did he have a histiocytoma? (I know they do often go away on their own, though one of my dogs had a histiocytoma growth removed from behind his ear as vet didn't like the way it ulcerated)
Hello Macha, yes it was a histiocytoma, it was changing shape and bleeding then crusting over but each time it went smaller until it disappeared altogether
re the growth - did he have a histiocytoma? (I know they do often go away on their own, though one of my dogs had a histiocytoma growth removed from behind his ear as vet didn't like the way it ulcerated)
Hello Macha did that reply arrive just then? I dont know what I did but it disappeared as I writing so I will start again, yes it was a histiocytoma

and it changed shape bled then crusted over but went smaller each time until it disappeared altogether. wellibob