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Canine Massage

Vivienne Schwarcz

New Member
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Hi all,

I am about to embark on a canine myofunctional therapy course. Before starting I am doing some background anatomical study and would like to find some more detailed online images of the "Fascia of the dog". :wacko: I need a little clarification on some of the areas withing the image I have.

Is anyone able to suggest where I can find such diagrams?
Vivienne Schwarcz said:
Hi all,
I am about to embark on a canine myofunctional therapy course. Before starting I am doing some background anatomical  study and would like to find some more detailed online images of the "Fascia of the dog". :wacko: I need a little clarification on some of the areas withing the image I have.

Is anyone able to suggest where I can find such diagrams?

I'm not sure if this is what you really want but there is a very detailed book called Dog Anatomy by Peter C. Goody. Not on line though.