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Can You Believe This?!!!!!!!

June Jonigk

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We are still in shock and dismay :(

This morning we were working in the garden when we noticed the traffic slowing down outside our house. We live on the main Hereford to Abergavenny road which is 60mph limit, and cars passing our house are normally doing that speed - so we went outside to investigate. There were 3 dogs running loose in the road, and luckily the cars had slowed down before any of them were hit. I called them to me - a blue lurcher, black and tan x bred, and a small terrier, it looked like a cross between a heeler and a JRT. The JRT and black and tan came straight to me, and I called them in towards the garden, the lurcher followed reluctantly. I managed to get them inside and shut the gate. Steve tried to put them on leads, and when he went towards the lurcher, it went for him. I think it was frightened. I gave them some treats, and the lurcher took a while to take something from me, but would not let me put a lead on him. We rang the police, who said they wouldn't be able to get hold of the dog warden as it was a bank holiday, and that the police couldn't pick up dogs in their cars - even the dog handlers, as they weren't allowed to due to health and safety rules! We said we had nowhere to keep them, and wait for it - they suggested we let them go back on the road :rant: :rant: Can you believe it? :rant:

We said "WHAT :eek: - ON THE A465?" "They, and possibly someone else could get killed - they could cause a pile up" She replied that she understood how we felt, but there was nothing they could do. The only thing she could suggest was that we brought them down to the station ourselves. I explained that the lurcher would need catching with a noose pole, and she said again to let them back on the road.

In despair, we tried to get them in the van. The friendly two jumped in, and the lurcher followed - ok we thought - until Steve tried to get in the van, and the lurcher was guarding it!!! Eventually Steve managed to get in, but it was a bit scary :wacko: The little terrier (very friendly) jumped through to the front seats, and put it's head on Steve's lap. (He's fallen in love with it now!) He drove them to the police station where he was met by a woman on the desk who said she was scared of dogs, and on her own, so Steve would have to put them in the kennels :unsure: As it happened the two friendly ones went straight in, and the lurcher followed. It was not a nice place, dark with no windows. Now we can't stop thinking about them.

We still can't believe that the police were willing to leave these dogs on the road where they could have caused a major accident. We would like to complain to someone - but who?
Have a big hug to you both for helping these three. Lucky dogs to find you. :huggles: :huggles: :luck: :luck:
Well done for helping the dogs, they're safe now because of you :huggles:

As for anyone suggesting letting the dogs loose on a road is not human imo - disgusting :angry:
the papers for starters! :rant: that just takes the mick! :angry: thank god you two did the right thing in catching those dogs. fingers crossed everything goes well for the poor babies :luck:
It just doesn't bare thinking about.

Good on you & steve though for getting them out of danger :huggles:
first of all well done for you two putting life and limb at risk to save these dogs. :thumbsup: id send a strongly worded letter of complaint to your chief constable telling them that his officers advocated turning these dogs loose on a busy road which would have caused chaos not to mention putting lives at risk. :angry: id send a copy to the local press too,that wont hurt either :- "
did they have ID tags on? hope they are ok and find there owner. the poor things must of been scared to death!

some one should try letin the police run up and down A456 and see how they would like it!

police can be soooo unhelpful the sick b*****ds :rant: :rant:

well done for catchin them you proberly saved there lives :thumbsup: hope the police are kinder to them then they were to you!!!!!! :rant:
Well done you for saving the lives of three dogs :thumbsup:

As for the police as you say unbelievable :rant: :rant: :rant:

Make a complaint to the chief constable and casually add that you intend to contact the press.

Hope these dogs find their owners :luck: :luck: :luck:
A letter to the chief constable explaining what happened and when, stick to what has actually been said.

Explain you would like a reply with in 14 days
kris said:
first of all well done for you two putting life and limb at risk to save these dogs. :thumbsup:   id send a strongly worded letter of complaint to your chief constable telling them that his officers advocated turning these dogs loose on a busy road which would have caused chaos not to mention putting lives at risk. :angry: id send a copy to the local press too,that wont hurt either :- "
Appalling! Tell a TV station.

I wonder if they'll bother to give them food & water while they are in the lock up. somehow I doubt it.

sounds par for the course with plod nowadays, wot you should of done was go and stand next to a rabbit bury in a public place with the dogs and a spade then see how quick the police would have come :angry:
well done for taking the time to help the dogs alot ofpeople would have leftthem there

i know the local dog warden usually only works half a day shift so if a dog is found after that time there is no one to help ,most good local vets will hold on to them until such time a warden or others can pick them up, i understand how you feel its very sad

at least you gave your time to help i take my hat off to you :cheers:
Well done Steve & June :thumbsup: thank god you where there to save them because it dosent sound like anyone else was interested :rant:
Well Done Steve & June,

I know the area well and I,m sure you stopped certain carnage.I suspect you spoke to the control room staff or even the front desk.No excuse mind you for their stupid advice.

I,d get in touch with the Hereford Times.

Hope the dogs find new caring owners (Steve needs the terrier !! (w00t) )

That is dreadful - holiday or not surely there was someone who would help. :(

Let them go back onto the road indeed :rant: :rant: my god imagine the accidents - as well as the dog deaths that could have caused. :rant: :rant:

Well done to you and your family. :thumbsup:
How awful for you both. I can sympathise, I tried to report a dangerous driver to the police last week (teenager driving whilst using mobile, AND reading a map at the same time, driving very erratically speeding/slowing rapidly and wanderng onto the other side of the road; this went on for over 20 miles. She nearly clipped me several times; all this on a dangerous road where I've already witnessed one fatal accident). I went straight to the police station to make a complaint; the duty officer said: 'are you prepared to stand up in court on this, if not don't bother'. I said it would be a bit difficult as I lived in Oxford and the incident happened in Swansea. 'I wouldn't bother then...'

Talking with OH later, I regretted not making the complaint; it may well only have gone as far as a caution, and she might well have pleaded guilty even if it had come to court. I really didn't find his attitude helpful, I felt it had more about trying to put me off and save a bit of work than trying to do something constructive to prevent a future accident.

Will you know what happens to the poor dogs?
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i was in a very similar situation to yourselves last summer- a collie ran straight in from the road into our drive- ran into our cottage- on our bed! poor thing.. then proceeded to get into our car that was open as i was cleaning it!!!

he was sooooo friendly, i put him in a kennel and called police- thye said it was after 5.30 so the warden had finished working, so i was told to just let him go back ont the road! i told them straight- dont be so stupid, and so i took him out on a lead up the road and back again- he didnt know where he was.

i called the vets i worked at and brought him down to scan him- no luck- but one the staff recognised and called the lady who she thought he belonged to- and yes- they were reunited! fantastic!

i hope those dogs are reunited or rehomed, esp the lurcher, those police kennels are horrible and sterile, hope the warden gets them soon :luck:
kirislin said:
Appalling!  Tell a TV station.I wonder if they'll bother to give them food & water while they are in the lock up.  somehow I doubt it.


Just because there was an unsimapthtic (sp) control operator who obvously needs retraining and in which you need to make a complant about, dosent mean that you can accuss the police of not looking after the dogs at the station in which they were taken they will be fed and watered...

Why does it always get down to oh the police are crap...the operator was crap (there police staff) :rant: