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Can The Hare Survive The Ban

Pennymeadow Whippets

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Hi all found this on another site any views

Can The Hare Survive A Hunt Ban

Taken From the Lincolnshire Echo - February 28 2003

A couple of weeks ago I had the privilege of attending the Hare Supper, at the Haycock Inn at Wansford, near Peterborough. This annual event has been going for fifty years. It attracts mainly farmers and those associated with the land from the East Midlands and farther afield -- around 240 this year. It's not sponsored by any larger organisation. Its committee exists for no other purpose than to organise an annual dinner.

Apparently hare was chosen for the menu at the first post-war dinner when beef was scarce and expensive, but there were hares aplenty. Now, a cheap beef substitute has become a delicacy in its own right. But for those who find hare too strong, there was a "vegetarian" option -- roast beef!

Last week I attended a much less convivial meal, with other East Midlands MEPs. It was a lunch in Leicester organised after a press briefing by the London Office of the European parliament (Yes, they have a London office, though I've no idea why they need one). I happened to let slip that I planned to attend the Waterloo Cup, at Altcar in Lancashire. This is Britain's premier hare-coursing event.

Two colleagues, Labour's Mel Read, and Bill Turncoat Dunn (who was elected as a Conservative but now sits as a Lib-Dem) exploded in self-righteous indignation. Surely I could not support hare coursing? It was, well, cruel! This was surprising coming from Bill, as he has in the past told me he is a great supporter of beagling. I shall be interested to hear how hunting and killing hares with beagles is OK, but not with greyhounds.

Mel Read showed her abysmal ignorance of country sports (and a typical Labour prejudice) by ironically wishing me "A good day with the toffs". Surely a Labour parliamentarian should know that coursing is overwhelmingly a working-class sport, very popular with miners.

This Labour government is keen on protecting cute, cuddly foxes. But cute foxes hunt and kill literally millions of rabbits, hares and other small mammals and birds (not to mention chickens and lambs) every year. No one seems remotely concerned about this vast slaughter of small animals, but they explode with moral outrage over a few hundred hares a year taken by greyhounds at coursing meetings.

In fact virtually every animal that exists is either predator, or prey, and frequently both. Or as the bumper sticker puts it, "Hunting is natural -- 10,000 foxes can't be wrong". We might as well campaign against the weather as campaign against hunting.

The hare is finely adapted to evade predators by running and dodging. But it is a well-known principle of evolution that highly-evolved adaptations like flight, or sight, or the hare's speed and agility, will regress if not used. Classic examples are flightless birds on remote islands, or blind insects in dark caves. If we imagine a world in which hares were protected from predation for many generations, they would regress. The would lose their characteristic speed and agility. They would end up not hares at all, but over-sized gerbils.

There is overwhelming evidence that hare numbers increase on coursing estates, where agriculture is managed in the interests of the hare, but are in decline elsewhere. For the ordinary farmer, the hare is merely a pest.

Of course if hare-coursing is banned, there will not be any less coursing. There will just be more illegal coursing. And as farmers and rural policemen know, illegal coursers are a pretty unsavoury lot. The best strategy for a farmer to deter illegal coursing is to shoot every hare that moves, and many will.

Like much well-intentioned legislation, a coursing ban will have unintended consequences. One of those consequences could well be the extinction of the hare in England.

I hope and pray that in a hundred years there will still be wild hares in England -- and greyhounds and lurchers to give chase. But with a hunting ban, I doubt it.

I think they will survive, but there will be organised culls to deter coursing.The picture shows hare culled to prevent coursing.(117)

To me this another spectacular own goal by Antis.

The majority of hares here culled would be alive, I,ll say that again, ALIVE !!! wish they could just pause for a moment and realise the untold misery their actions have caused. For me a sporting chance to escape a dog (same as a fox ?) is far more humane than a shot that has not dispatched the animal, quickly. The pityful plight of an injured animal, dieing over a period of several days is so, so wrong.

We have a hare shoot on saturday.. :rant: :rant: farmers moaning about the damage there causing etc etc. I don't believe in shooting hares they were put on this earth to test a dog to the limit IMO.

By shooting hares the strongest and weekest are shot. I wont be trying too hard to find the hares for the guns :- " :oops:

after all i've got my own interests (all above board and in keeping with the ban of course !!)
the anti's really do think they are doing the right thing!! :angry:

in the past couple of day's I've seen on the news that anti's have set free some boar, now the boar will be shot to stop them causing damage :rant: :rant:

can't they see that they are NOT helping the animals they are just getting them killed anyway!! :rant: :rant:

it's the same with hare's but the cullings mean they are taking out the fittest, strongest ones who WOULD get away from a dog, hence the hare's bloodline will become weaker/sicker over time :angry:

it's just wrong!! let the man/woman and thier dog take control again!!
»Tina« said:
the anti's really do think they are doing the right thing!!  :angry:
in the past couple of day's I've seen on the news that anti's have set free some boar, now the boar will be shot to stop them causing damage  :rant:   :rant:

can't they see that they are NOT helping the animals they are just getting them killed anyway!!  :rant:   :rant:

it's the same with hare's but the cullings mean they are taking out the fittest, strongest ones who WOULD get away from a dog, hence the hare's bloodline will become weaker/sicker over time  :angry:

it's just wrong!! let the man/woman and thier dog take control again!!

Couldn`t agree more in time the surviving hares will become weaker and slower due to the unnatural way of culling them it is not coincidence that the strongest fittest hares are found in areas famous for their coursing potential i.e the fens ,six mile bottom and altcar to name a few.
paul halpin said:
»Tina« said:
the anti's really do think they are doing the right thing!!  :angry:
in the past couple of day's I've seen on the news that anti's have set free some boar, now the boar will be shot to stop them causing damage  :rant:   :rant:

can't they see that they are NOT helping the animals they are just getting them killed anyway!!  :rant:   :rant:

it's the same with hare's but the cullings mean they are taking out the fittest, strongest ones who WOULD get away from a dog, hence the hare's bloodline will become weaker/sicker over time   :angry:

it's just wrong!! let the man/woman and thier dog take control again!!

Couldn`t agree more in time the surviving hares will become weaker and slower due to the unnatural way of culling them it is not coincidence that the strongest fittest hares are found in areas famous for their coursing potential i.e the fens ,six mile bottom and altcar to name a few.

Paul the above picture was taken at altcar a day after the waterloo cup!!!!
mally said:
paul halpin said:
»Tina« said:
the anti's really do think they are doing the right thing!!  :angry:
in the past couple of day's I've seen on the news that anti's have set free some boar, now the boar will be shot to stop them causing damage  :rant:   :rant:

can't they see that they are NOT helping the animals they are just getting them killed anyway!!  :rant:   :rant:

it's the same with hare's but the cullings mean they are taking out the fittest, strongest ones who WOULD get away from a dog, hence the hare's bloodline will become weaker/sicker over time   :angry:

it's just wrong!! let the man/woman and thier dog take control again!!

Couldn`t agree more in time the surviving hares will become weaker and slower due to the unnatural way of culling them it is not coincidence that the strongest fittest hares are found in areas famous for their coursing potential i.e the fens ,six mile bottom and altcar to name a few.

Paul the above picture was taken at altcar a day after the waterloo cup!!!!

Hi all I had a keeper freind come round to see me on Weds of last week , and he had been on a two day hare shoot on an estate in North Norfolk ,twenty guns ,638 dead hares , That not bloody sport in my eyes . Paul
All hares culled because of the ban should be recorded, and then made public, I,m sure the league against cruel sports will be choking on humble pie, the public would be horrified, I,m sure.

Aound here the foxes are grabbing new born/young lambs, its just madness.
Mike from Hereford said:
All hares culled because of the ban should be recorded, and then made public, I,m sure the league against cruel sports will be choking on humble pie, the public would be horrified, I,m sure.
Aound here the foxes are grabbing new born/young lambs, its just madness.

i couldn't agree more with you mike. The people (or should i say terrorists) at the league against cruel sports say that shooting is more humane than coursing. They have pickled there brains with all the wacky baccy that they smoke. All paid for by the big celeb anti's who wouldn't know cruelty if it hit them on the nose. This country is going up sh*t creek without a paddle i'm affraid. The goverment should get it's priorities right and stop all the anti's vandalising peoples properties and stealing bodies from graveyards etc :rant: . :rant:

The people who took part in organised hare coursing were law abiding and paid all there taxes, not like the anti's who sponge off the goverment and rich celebs for hand outs :rant:

But that is just my opinion for what it's worth. :))
It`s a shame blair and his fat mate prescott can`t go a hare shoot, that way they could see what harm they have done. But the big plus would be if they got a go at shooting prescott could do a DicK Cheney and blast blair with a shotgun :cheers:

It really upsets me to see hares shot , the final effect will be an unhealthy hare population that will become an endangered species, but don`t forget boys and girls uncle tone and co know best , after all they are real,countrymen aren`t they???? :rant:
Hi all I had a keeper freind come round to see me on Weds of last week , and he had been on a two day hare shoot on an estate in North Norfolk ,twenty guns ,638 dead hares , That not bloody sport in my eyes . Paul
Totally agree with you Paul this is not sport it's slaughter :thumbsup:

All hares culled because of the ban should be recorded, and then made public, I,m sure the league against cruel sports will be choking on humble pie, the public would be horrified, I,m sure.
Aound here the foxes are grabbing new born/young lambs, its just madness
That's a good idea Mike but that won't happed because it would put egg on the Labour parties face :- "
From a very young age my dad taught me that we can shoot all game except hares, these are for sport with the lurchers, greyhounds etc and the only ones that get caught are the slow, the old and the inferm.

The hare will now be shot no matter what its state indisgriminatly regardless of its condition as they are no longer going to be tollerated by the land owners due to the damage they cause to crops. This damage was tollerated by land owners as they could get some revenue or sport for themselves by coursing.

So now we have the situation where I believe the hare is going to be regaurded as vermin and shot into obscuerity and we will loose it for good.

No matter how fast or clever a hare can be against the best dogs, it cant out run or out wit a bullit or shot gun pellet.

To all those antis out there


Well done, You have put the final nail in the cofin of the hare population of Great Britian :rant: :rant:
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there have always been large numbers of hares shot around the country some bags as many 1800 on some of the larger estates and it is well documented too. i dont think any sporting estates are going out to try and wipe out the hare because of the dog ban they are just keeping up with the tradition of still shooting hares. if they are killing more hares than usual to prove a point to the authoroties and the anti's then they will be doing more damage than the government concerning this issue. round where i live development is the main factor in the decline of the hare not shooting or hunting. :thumbsup:
To me this another spectacular own goal by Antis.
I think were missing the point from what I have seen on TV the antis are not concerned with animal welfare more concerned that you may enjoy hunting. They also see it as class issue. I also believe that lots of them are just along for the 'excitement' of demonstrating rather than any true beliefs.

All hares culled because of the ban should be recorded, and then made public, I,m sure the league against cruel sports will be choking on humble pie, the public would be horrified
If we did that all we would do is add ammunition to antis to start on a gun ban.
Max&Smokey said:
To me this another spectacular own goal by Antis.
I think were missing the point from what I have seen on TV the antis are not concerned with animal welfare more concerned that you may enjoy hunting. They also see it as class issue. I also believe that lots of them are just along for the 'excitement' of demonstrating rather than any true beliefs.

All hares culled because of the ban should be recorded, and then made public, I,m sure the league against cruel sports will be choking on humble pie, the public would be horrified
If we did that all we would do is add ammunition to antis to start on a gun ban.

but even if they did manage to get guns banned, it would be poison or gas then, I think the amount of hares shot should be recorded, and put out for the public, then we would see REAL uproar!

the anti's are also trying to get my hobby banned (keeping reptiles), it makes me sick :rant: because if they succeed ALL captive reptiles will be culled!! and they don't stop there too, it's ALL caged animals also they are trying to ban,

they would rather have your kids hamster/rabbit/mouse/rat etc, taken off them and put to sleep than let them live out thier short lives happy/fed/watered/loved! :rant:

my kids would have nightmares for weeks, knowing that the anti's KILLED thier beloved pets all because they are confined, :rant:

well what will be next? put to sleep the old people who are confined to thier beds or wheel chairs or people who are in a mental hospital because they are confined 24/7!!?

makes my blood boil!!! the stupid people :rant: :rant:
hi tina, poison or gas? how could you possibly gas or poison a hare. more hares are shot each year than are killed by coursing and this has always been the case, and so will remain.
i would like to ask the government to watch two death videos, 1 of a rabbit dying of mixi and the other of a good coursing dog making the kill, then ask them which way would they prefer to die? :rant: :rant:
There have always been hare shoot all over the UK, Hares will survive but landowners will make money from shooting a few more (ok a lot more) than they did before.

before the ban some land owners would activly creat a good enviroment for hares so they were there for coursing as they did at Altcar.

numbers may fall slightly but their in no danger of becoming exstinced.
Personally, I think dumping the dead hares in Downing street / Parliament square would get media attention. Whether it would change legislation is another matter but at least the public would be more aware as I think there has been no feedback to them about what impact the ban has had since coming into place.