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Can Greyhounds Be Used For Lamping?


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Hi there!

I am very much at the learning stage but I was wondering if anyone has used a greyhound, possibly an ex-racer for lamping?

From what people seem to be saying (I cannot comment either way) greyhounds might be more difficult to train to retrieve as well as a lurcher or whippet but I cannot on the face of it see why a greyhound wouldn't make a decent lamping dog.

Does anyone have any experience or thoughts on this?? :)
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HI Greyhounds are built for speed there entire outline is that of a well honed,powerful running machine symmetrical,graceful,and wellbalanced .The purpose of a greyhound is to run -run fast with enough endurance and agility to catch a hare or other game it pursues. I have a friend that used to hunt an x track grey it still had speed ,endurance, and ability to hunt and catch live game .

He lamped it and it would retrieve well . I myself would prefer a lurcher,a bit more robust for rough field work ,more endurance for more slips and can some times be smaller enabling quicker turns with less over run.

Shadow-Hunter said:
HI Greyhounds are built for speed there entire outline is that of a well honed,powerful running machine symmetrical,graceful,and wellbalanced .The purpose of a greyhound is to run -run fast with enough endurance and agility to catch a hare or other game it pursues.  I have a friend that used to hunt an x track  grey it still had speed ,endurance, and ability to hunt and catch live game .He lamped it and it would retrieve well . I myself would prefer a lurcher,a bit more robust for rough field work ,more endurance for more slips and can some times be smaller enabling quicker turns with less over run.


Thanks Ian!

It seems that you can use greyhounds then! I agree that they would probably be less robust than a tough, purpose bred lurcher but I have also seen some tough greyhounds on the coursing field but many people believe that they are not bright enough to do many of the things that lurchers do. I have never seen a lurcher working in the field (apart from dvd recordings) but from what your friend says the ex-tracker was lamped and it retrieved well.Could it be that greyhounds have a lot more intelligence than many people credit them with?

It certainly is food for thought!

Cheers :D
I had a coursing bred greyhound a good few years ago, he was a good daytime courser and caught many rabbits and hares . He also did well on the lamp and caught rabbit and fox (pre-ban) . He wasn`t the brightest dog, but had enough intelligence to learn the lamping game ok. Stamina wise he lasted well , on a par with most lurchers
I worked an ex track greyhound when I was about 14.

it worked day and night did ok, I think the problem with most greyhounds (ex track) is that they have had very little education/socialization whilst in racing kennels so they often apear unwilling to learn or to react well to commands.

i'd say stick to a lurcher or whippet
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nigelmcfc said:
I had a coursing bred greyhound a good few years ago, he was a good daytime courser and caught many rabbits and hares . He also did well on the lamp and caught rabbit and fox (pre-ban) . He wasn`t the brightest dog, but had enough intelligence to learn the lamping game ok. Stamina wise he lasted well , on a par with most lurchers
Cheers Nigel!

You make an interesting point.The question I might raise in response is how well would a greyhound respond to sympathetic and specific training? Most ex- racing greyhounds were bred and trained simply to chase an artificial hare around a track and were never required to show any real intelligence apart from a little track craft. What would the dog do in the hands of an experienced lamping man?

Would there be any difference between coursing bred or track-bred greyhounds? I know that many track bred greyhounds became good hare coursers but not necessarily vice versa. I know we are talking about lamping here so it would be a totally different matter but I still find question a very interesting one. Maybe its because I'm a complete novice but I am trying to keep my mind completely open

Thanks :D :D
Mark Roberts said:
I worked an ex track greyhound when I was about 14.
it worked day and night did ok, I think the problem with most greyhounds (ex track) is that they have had very little education/socialization whilst in racing kennels so they often apear unwilling to learn or to react well to commands.

i'd say stick to a lurcher or whippet

back in the day 'PRE BAN' we used to take on ex racers when they were past there best for racing and use them on the lamp for fox. most made a good account of themselves being more than a match for old charlie. so i would say yes, a greyhound can make a good lamping dog.. :p