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Can Anyone Rember Some Off These Dogs From Past

i must be getting old i can remember racing against most of these . especially remember bert sellers who helped me a lot at watford with his family vicky sister pete his brother in law and bob his son . i had great raes against irist tinker but only bea t him once with rch fly leaf . that day he won his only open. amanda must remember them all cos shes been in whippet racing a lot longer than me.god im old .will hay was a dog before his time but i believe he did well on the lurcher circuit as well as being a good stud dog.
Thanks for posting these Rob. :thumbsup:

I asked Chris about getting hold of photos and making them digital to preserve them but not sure if she's got them back from the people who loaned them?

Rob has tried to add some of the breeding of these dogs to blanks in the pedigree whippet archives but had difficulties with them being accepted.

I still collect photos of dogs currently running and archive them. I also have a number of photo software programmes that can scan and re-touch photos so please get in touch if you want to contribute and preserve your photos.

It would be hoped that when a suitable software program is found, these could be available to all and go some way in preserving the history of these brilliant dogs.
what a blast from the past i knew and have raced againstso many of there good dogs when i had my great Viv Pet saw wendygo get her titles great dog

at knipton open was hywood penny owned by lady ann hillwood

sidewinder who the sidewainder trophy was raced for

my old friend Dougie Tarpy with all the maids starting off with maid marion his first dog

haymaker and sing on both dogs i used as stud dogs to my bitches

and my old and dear friend who over the years had so many good races was brian cooper with little mary

also peter fritton with good as gold

such wonderful times we had then all sportsmen shook hands and said well done after each race win or lose

those were the days but today has its good dogs some the likes you may never see again

i deemed it an honour to have met and raced against these great dogs and their owners

it was so nice to see these old ones again

don syson
think you will find don maid marion was doug ashleys who was how long family friend raced pigeons against him for years after he stopped racing whippets he is the one in the pictures with merry maid and on the one before and bred the maids famous litter
Brilliant topic, love these old photos. Thank you :thumbsup:
Used to love going to Knipton to the evening races it was a treat when I was a youngster and always remember the horse box kitted out as a bar only in them days i was only allowed a bottle of orange and a packet of crisps if i'd been a good girl but to be fair when at racing with mum and dad I was in my element as a child, sad thing or good thing I've never grown out of it :teehee: Brill topic apart from it brings home how old I am and how long I've been racing (w00t) (w00t)
Used to love going to Knipton to the evening races it was a treat when I was a youngster and always remember the horse box kitted out as a bar only in them days i was only allowed a bottle of orange and a packet of crisps if i'd been a good girl but to be fair when at racing with mum and dad I was in my element as a child, sad thing or good thing I've never grown out of it :teehee: Brill topic apart from it brings home how old I am and how long I've been racing (w00t) (w00t)
The one I remember best is Steve Bateson with Mr Benn, used to race with him at Lancaster in the late 70s and 80s

Im sure I remember this picture being in our local paper :unsure:

couple more


dogs in order ,,,not left to right ,,,but in order as above 1st ones left next ones 2nd left ect ect









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Got to say it's amazing to see how strikingly similar some of these dogs are to dogs running today.
Loved Measham was ace, and have you all noticed the amount of people watchng down the side lines, 3 deep and then the mad rush to the other track - bloody great days :thumbsup:
Loved Measham was ace, and have you all noticed the amount of people watchng down the side lines, 3 deep and then the mad rush to the other track - bloody great days :thumbsup:
Would love to see them days return, but its very doubtful :(
I can remember doing that Karen, what an atmosphere to, :))
Loved Measham was ace, and have you all noticed the amount of people watchng down the side lines, 3 deep and then the mad rush to the other track - bloody great days :thumbsup:

will second that !! those were the days.

it was a pleasure to race your dog in them days .

sadly iam affraid they will never return :(
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Loved Measham was ace, and have you all noticed the amount of people watchng down the side lines, 3 deep and then the mad rush to the other track - bloody great days :thumbsup:

They certainly were the glory days of racing, I wish we could get some of that old atmosphere back again. The champs at Measham were something special indeed and the organisation was out of this world. The ground between the two tracks was well trodden as everyone rushed from one side to the other so as not to miss any race that was happening. It is great to see these photos but it has reminded me of my age lol. I remember well the bus trips we used to go on to Knipton when we were league racing, we used to have such a good time there.
those were the days and there was more than treble the amount racing then the only way this will happen again is when we try and make it so :thumbsup:
Owner of Who Cares at Knipton in final is Mick Marchant Who now ownes Dark Gem Vicki