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Caeser milan - love or hate what do you think?

Honestly lets get this hit identified when i say HIT im not battering him into submission lol in my view and years into owning my dogs just letting them know what im going to except and what im not is fine and i will carry on in this approach, now im not saying you dont get results your ways so you do your way and me mine, like i say my dogs are fine and until the day i get a fighter or roamer then im happy.
I'm new to this forum as of tonight and have read alot of posts and in particular the posts added by all of you

i'm shocked at some of the comments!

I have watched practically every single episode of the dog whisperer i even have a training book he wrote.

the first time i started to adopt his methods was with my old Rotti Tank. He was a 2 year old rescue dog from the RSPCA and he had issues! he didnt like cats or other male dogs and became aggressive very quickly, but with time, patience a lot of love and the methods Ceasar uses he turned into a wonderful dog. Never quite got over his dislike for cats but you cant win them all!

Tank became a very loyal loving dog til the end and i have Ceasar to thank for that.

everyone has their own way of training their dogs and it whatever works for them i suppose, but to slander his name on here i find quite horrifying.

as i said, everyone has their own way of training their dogs and he has his. if you dont agree to them, dont watch him! simple as that really!

may the debate continue :)
the internet rumor mill is working well i reckon. I've looked and there are no reports of him killing a dog. There is plenty of speculation. There is one case that settled out of court, of a dog being injured at his training place on a treadmill. But this dog was being supervised by its owners trainer and old milan wasn't present. I personally know a few people who get someone else to 'train' their dog, these people are idiots. People should research properly before claiming internet articles as fact, there are many exaggerations out there!

I've watched a few of his programmes, a few years ago now, so my memory isn't that clear, but i do remeber him discouraging people from using those spike collar things, and encouraging people to use a collar high up the neck of a dog, to gain a bit of control.

He does use some fairly physical techniques, but fair enough the guy is dealing with some fairly physical dogs.

I've watched his shows, and thought to myself that his techniques of poking a dog or tapping it with his foot aren't really suitable for me, or mine, but i don t think he was being cruel or harming any dogs, and they all seemed much happier, for his well timed corrections. Shocked at first yes, that things are going the same way they normally do, but then happier when they are able to relax around whatever it is that is stressing them. I've seen him use an e-collar with a vibrating bit on it, to train a horrendously aggressive american bulldog to become less aggressive around food. He stressed timing and said that using one without a behaviourist was a bad idea. It was not an electric shock collar as people claim, and this dog, and its owner were in a desperate situation.

The problem is, is that it is a tv show! If anyone thinks they are going to learn anything from sitting in front of the blimmin telly then they are mistaken. It would be like watching someone doing a back flip on the telly then thinking they could do the same. He does use the dominance model to explain the behaviours of every dog, and i don't totally agree with him on this, but regardless of the words he is using to explain himself, he really obviously know his stuff, about dog body language and things. He doesn't go around hurting fearful dogs, and explains to many owners that their 'aggressive' dog simply isn't, it is just stressed out because of the OWNERS behaviour. He encourages people to exercise their dog first and other sensible advice, which crosses over with advice given by many other dog trainers.

Cesar milan, pretty obviously has the interests of dogs at heart, there is much internet trashing of him by hysterical folk who claim all sorts of things, like his own dogs are all obviously scared of him, drooling and shaking and shutting down. If you watch, this clearly is not true, and makes these peoples case against him look pretty lame. He takes dogs that are in that state, and shows them another happier way to behave, and he does tell people its not an instant 'cure' for the dog, but something THEY then go and work with on their own behaviour.

I have followed his advice on getting my very fearful dog, out of the house, and to stop being afraid of many things, in fact it was a clue on his programme that showed me how to be able to walk my dog with others. I have also taken advice from other behaviourists in the flesh, regards my dog, and how I should help him, as this is what a sensible person would do, not just watch telly and expect a solution. Some of the behaviourists i have spoken to have not been right for me either, its about tailoring all the advice you can find, to your dog to find a solution that works for you.

My point anyway is that he has his way of doing things, it makes 'interesting' telly, but people should make their own mind up about things, not try and copy what they see him do, as, logically, they don't have the experience and are likely to harm their dog if they do. The programme does tell people to seek help from a proffessional and not to copy the techniques. The problem is that there are idiots out there in the world who will, disregard his advice about getting off their arse and walking their dog, and will go straight to the bit about poking it for 'bad' behaviour.

The programme is irritating in the extreme to watch if you haven't watched it yet. It has a deep booming voice-over guy, and is set up to show the dog at its worst and then a happy outcome. Cesar Milan himself is a bit of a smarmy bugger, and is trying quite hard to be 'cool' or whatever, its not an easy programme for me to watch as i hate telly in general and don't own one, as it makes me cross. It is made for idiots tv, and people should recognise this and take it with a pinch of salt. There are good bits and bad bits, but accusing him of animal cruelty is a bit off. I really hope that people that claim this are aware of the real animal cruelty going on in the world on a huge scale, and have taken steps to avoid doing any of this themselves by not eating meat, eggs and dairy.

Also, I've seen victoria stillwell tell a family to kill their bitey little cocker spaniel, and they did! Everyone thinks she is lovely!

any enough from me, another rant eh? I'm sorry, i get cross when people use untruths to explain their otherwise probably quite valid views about something, it doesn't help a discussion.
i think the man is great i have trained my last two dogs with his method of training and they have been the most well behaved and balanced dogs i have ever had the man is excellent he has saved a lot of dogs from deathrow !!!!!
Guys lets just remember that his methods were based on old theories that have now been proven wrong. We can't hate him for not being aware of new science, but we can help promote the new science and the new way of training. Yes his training may work, but you could say hitting a dog works, but if there is a better way of training your dog.. why wouldn't you use it. Also sorting the problem quickly is not always a good thing. It will have too many fall outs as it has not been reinforced.

Its because his theory was about being dominant, which is not needed as your dog is not in a constant state of trying to gain hierarchy. Dogs are not wolves and there as so many things about them that are different. Lets just promote the best ways to train our dogs and stop this continuous strain to hate caeser. Im not a fan of him, but is this really helping the dog training world? The best thing to do is believe in the methods you use, and promote them. Keep up with modern training and the dog training world will be brilliant in the future. Everyone is still learning.