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Who really cares who started what petition or when or where it started I am personally sick to death of hearing whos to blame or what they get the blame for the fact of the matter is the BWRA broke there own rules by holding the meeting in the first place and causing a valuable committee member to resign because of her own beliefs so what now do those who think it was the wrong decision start another petition to get another meeting to overturn the decisions that were made at the last meeting and so it could go on for ever this is a sport that we participate in because we love to do it so lets all work together here and enjoy it and stop all the bickering that is ruining our sport
john m said:
Parker, whoever you are you can't blame the loss of facilities i.e. venues for the caravans on "Hellbound" this was down to certain members as I have already mentioned in a previous post.   :oops:
It would seem to me that whenever there is a problem in the sport the finger is pointing in one direction .  Before you start mouthing off at me I an NOT taking sides but looking at the situation in a logical manner.

There are several "bad apples" in whippet racing and some are cunningly putting the bullets there for others to fire and they are stupid enough to do it.  So the true culprits looks so "innocent".    This went on when we were in the sport and from what I have seen and heard from "reliable" source it still is and in some cases getting worse and causing members - like us - to retire from the sport.  We were in the sport for 35 years and decided enough was enough as we did not like what we were experiencing/seeing.

Why are there so many people  busy blaming others instead of looking at the "true/real reason" why whippet racing today is in this situation. 

Why can't people forget the past and look forward to the future before the whole sport crumbles.  :thumbsup:

Please name and shame these bad apples, and also the reliable source, there was whippet racing long before any major organisations took over the running of this sport and no doubt there will be after they crumble so to speak. But i do not think they will crumble as yet, to many good apples to let that happen.

Hi Parker it looks like you think you have the right to tell everyone who they should be allowed to have as friends, well dream on last time I looked we are all adults quite capable of choosing our own friends. What is very strange however is that no one on here will admit to being a friend of yours..... never mind when you grow up I am sure you will be able to choose your own friends to.
Why is it that certain folk haven't got the bottle to put their names to the posts they put on here.They can't really expect people to take them seriously when they haven't got the guts to sign their posts. Karen
rodders said:
Why is it that certain folk haven't got the bottle to put their names to the posts they put on here.They can't really expect people to take them seriously when they haven't got the guts to sign their posts.        Karen
:cheers: :thumbsup: ;) roddersfor prime minister :thumbsup:
yep if your gonna say it put your name to it, but then dont deny it later when confronted:oops: and i dont mean you karen :)
you mean imaginary friends ..or to much Prozac that people forget they typed it and say there passwords been hacked

Anyway this has all gone off topic again

storm1 said:
rodders said:
Why is it that certain folk haven't got the bottle to put their names to the posts they put on here.They can't really expect people to take them seriously when they haven't got the guts to sign their posts.        Karen
:cheers: :thumbsup: ;) roddersfor prime minister :thumbsup:

Thanks Chris,but don't think so :lol: not exactly known for having tact :oops: It really p....s me off though when people hide behind a keyboard.Much better if there's a problem to speak face to face :) Karen
weathergirls said:
tanyia said:
hellbound said:
7 of the members at the E.G.M had not signed the peptition  :oops:   only 27 members turned up at the E.G.M  :eek: , making only 20 who signed just like my post pointed out to you, :wacko:   its an easy mistake to make  :eek:   if you did'nt start the petition,  :- "  you were taking it upto members and asking them if they would sign  :b
So since when dos that mean Linda started the petition, Linda was just doing the e. mids a favour at the time.

I didn't take any petition round what she thinks was a petition was actually a birthday card for Bruce I took round to the NNWRF committee to sign it just happened to be on one of the days the petition was going round as well see what I mean about get the facts right. Mind you if I'd been asked to I certainly would have allways willing to help as I am a member of two of the East Midlands but not the region

:oops: sorry Linda you are always there to help anyone and I forgot about Bruce,s birthday card.
The day that I start to take half the crap that people put on here seriously I will know that I have definately lost the plot, things regarding racing opens and news about up and coming dogs are fun to read but the usual playground crap is becoming really boring. Surely I am not the only one who is sick of the same old subjects and arguments with every topic.

If we all want the racing to go forwards surely its time to give it a rest however if this is what folk want go right ahead but remember where to point the finger when things go t..ts up so to speak, there are a lot of racers out there who want to RACE DOGS please let them get on with it.

Those of you who have raced for years myself included should be showing an example to others, not dragging the racing into the gutters any time we get the chance, would it be to much to ask to draw a line under whats gone on previously and start from now and try to make a better sport and hobby for all of us.

tanglewood said:
The day that I start to take half the crap that people put on here seriously I will know that I have definately lost the plot, things regarding racing opens and news about up and coming dogs are fun to read but the usual playground crap is becoming really boring. Surely I am not the only one who is sick of the same old subjects and arguments with every topic.
If we all want the racing to go forwards surely its time to give it a rest however if this is what folk want go right ahead but remember where to point the finger when things go t..ts up so to speak, there are a lot of racers out there who want to RACE DOGS please let them get on with it.

Those of you who have raced for years myself included should be showing an example to others, not dragging the racing into the gutters any time we get the chance, would it be to much to ask to draw a line under whats gone on previously and start from now and try to make a better sport and hobby for all of us.


Here,Here :thumbsup: :D Karen
i agree val your right but hope it applies to hellbound too :)
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All well and good if it applies to all ..well said :thumbsup:
tanglewood said:
The day that I start to take half the crap that people put on here seriously I will know that I have definately lost the plot, things regarding racing opens and news about up and coming dogs are fun to read but the usual playground crap is becoming really boring. Surely I am not the only one who is sick of the same old subjects and arguments with every topic.
If we all want the racing to go forwards surely its time to give it a rest however if this is what folk want go right ahead but remember where to point the finger when things go t..ts up so to speak, there are a lot of racers out there who want to RACE DOGS please let them get on with it.

Those of you who have raced for years myself included should be showing an example to others, not dragging the racing into the gutters any time we get the chance, would it be to much to ask to draw a line under whats gone on previously and start from now and try to make a better sport and hobby for all of us.


Nice one Val. :thumbsup:

I was considering editing some of the posts on this thread as i too am sick to the back teeth of hearing the same crap from the same people.

Like you say some of us do just want to get on with racing our dogs, i don't want to hear about how racing was years ago coz it's all in the past, we all need to work together and look to making racing better in the future and MOVE ON. To me bailing out of racing because of tittle tattle is not an option, you just don't let it get to you and so what if there are bad apples in the sport, it's the same with any sport.
Vicky said:
tanglewood said:
The day that I start to take half the crap that people put on here seriously I will know that I have definately lost the plot, things regarding racing opens and news about up and coming dogs are fun to read but the usual playground crap is becoming really boring. Surely I am not the only one who is sick of the same old subjects and arguments with every topic.
If we all want the racing to go forwards surely its time to give it a rest however if this is what folk want go right ahead but remember where to point the finger when things go t..ts up so to speak, there are a lot of racers out there who want to RACE DOGS please let them get on with it.

Those of you who have raced for years myself included should be showing an example to others, not dragging the racing into the gutters any time we get the chance, would it be to much to ask to draw a line under whats gone on previously and start from now and try to make a better sport and hobby for all of us.


Nice one Val. :thumbsup:

I was considering editing some of the posts on this thread as i too am sick to the back teeth of hearing the same crap from the same people.

Like you say some of us do just want to get on with racing our dogs, i don't want to hear about how racing was years ago coz it's all in the past, we all need to work together and look to making racing better in the future and MOVE ON. To me bailing out of racing because of tittle tattle is not an option, you just don't let it get to you and so what if there are bad apples in the sport, it's the same with any sport.

well said :thumbsup:
When I first started the non ped forum on K9 the intention was to allow a medium for information regarding open and club racing events, their results along with news about new litters of pups, dogs for sale and other information that would be of interest to non ped whippet racers and in the main that's what has happened. No doubt many of us check to see the results of races, often posted the same day and accompanied by photos of your own dog if your lucky. Information regarding events and how to get there is readily available and it's easy to keep up with changes made by the governing bodies.

Unfortunatley some people use the forum to carry on their own personal vendettas or as a means of self promotion but as Vicky says there are bad apples in any sport. I've always preferred a laissez-faire attitude towards posting believing that given enough time the bad apples reveal themselves for what they are.. However some of the pettyness is spilling over into innocent threads and perhaps spoiling things for others and personal attacks, particularly from "unknown" posters, isn't doing anyone any favours.

I'd like to keep threads on topic if possible and personal attacks and unknown posters may need more moderation.

My view is that the sport is on the up. Opens seem better attended, there seems more dogs about and the atmosphere is better than it has been for years. There are far more positive threads on K9 than negative ones and, with the help of Jacs pics K9 does a lot to promote whippet racing.

I also think it's helped improve the organisation of the sport. Do we really want to go back to the days just before the NWRF folded when the sport was seemingly run by a handful of people, some of whom used their influence purely for their own benefit at the expense of the sport, whilst the rest of the members were kept like mushrooms?

I don't think we should ignore the past or we run the risk of making the same mistakes again. Nor do I think there is much chance of people forgiving unless there is some remorse and restitution over past wrongs.

I'm sure many racers just want to get on and race their dogs without getting involved in the sports politics whilst giving whatever help they can. I'm not so sure an " I'm alright Jack" attitude would be seen in a favourable light by those victimised in the past.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing
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