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Bwra Traps

les windle

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I was suprised at the bwra rep's and agm meeting's that quite a few member's didn't see a problem with the size of the block trap's for scratch dog's. I have measured a 50lb scr dog, who is by no means one of the biggest racing. From the ground to the top of his head 28", to his shoulder 26", width of his chest 8 1/2", length from his nose to point of his hock38". How can it be fair to ask the best of him coming out of a trap that measures 24" high, 7 1/2" wide and 30" in floor length. After reading these measurements do you still think the same? As a bwra welfare officer l find this a big problem. Lynda
I dont know anything about racing - but it sounds unfair to put a dog in a box smaller than itself for any reason?
I totally agree with you Lynda, it is unfair on the dogs.
Should all of the single traps used at both club and national level be checked for safety they are used more often (weekly).

Or hopefully is it just the block traps?
Surely if a whippet can't fit in the block or single traps then its not a whippet and more like a greyhound, in all the years I've been racing we have never had a problem until people started mating whippet with full greyhounds,
think we need to get this sorted before aug champs, and to do that a set of traps need to be ordered asap, p.s the block traps are smaller than single traps thats what the problem is,
Should all of the single traps used at both club and national level be checked for safety they are used more often (weekly).

Or hopefully is it just the block traps?

Our clubs Traps are checked every week before racing and are servied before every open, Im sure that all clubs do this dont they?
Surely if a whippet can't fit in the block or single traps then its not a whippet and more like a greyhound, in all the years I've been racing we have never had a problem until people started mating whippet with full greyhounds,

its not about can they fit in these traps these traps are smaller than what is used at all tracks up and down the country they are 3 to 4 inch shorter than most,also they open slower thus causing head and back injuries, surley its about time we move with the times and except these traps are NOT SAFE and before you all start saying you are only botherd because you have a scr dog that cant trap out of them we also have a 17lber and 18lber with scars on their heads we have being saying this for a number of years.

The BWRA appointed a welfare officer a few years ago and this officer considers that these traps are a welfare issue and not only that these traps do not fit into the standard

dimension’s written in all own bwra rule books,

I thought after the meeting we were on our way to sorting it out ? It was agreed by the members at the meeting to have a look at the Fed traps,working as a set of block traps (for those that don't know the Fed traps can be connected to work as a set of block traps) I personally asked Karen (Shirebrook) and Linda(NNWRF) if it would be possible to A use the Fed traps,connected to see how they work,and B have them working during a club meet at Shirebrook,so that BWRA top table can attend and see how they work.Both agreed to this happening :thumbsup: All that remains is to set a date that is agreeable to everybody concerned,so perhaps someone from the top table can contact Karen (Shirebrook) to sort a date out ? :thumbsup:

think we need to get this sorted before aug champs, and to do that a set of traps need to be ordered asap, p.s the block traps are smaller than single traps thats what the problem is,
I thought we had to have something sorted for bend champs so that top table can discuss it.Or was that just me and you talking afterwards :sweating:

My reply to Yvonnes comment has been changed between me typing it and it coming up on the topic.Very weird :wacko:
the FED traps were made on the same principle as greyhound traps when bolted together they have 3 rods and spacers Chris Jackson (when he is free of his puppy duties will ) will get a costing on the rods and spacers if the BWRA are then happy to cover the cost Chris will go ahead and order what is needed, The BWRA are welcome to loan the NNWRF traps whenever needed without having to buy a set if however they prefer to have their own they will have the rods and spacers for them
You are going on about the traps and sizes that are ment to be a certain size as stated in the BWRA rule book, if that is the case why were theese traps when made not made to the stated size and for the fact we have run out of them for how ever many years big and small dogs a like and all of a sudden its a big issue. Yes people don't like them and l agree some dogs struggle in them but shouldn't this have been noted long before now. We have run a scratch dog out of theese traps, who trapped ok out of them but we have a 16lb bitch who has not trapped once out of them. l also think peole should look at the size of the spring boards they are using in theese traps as they are shorter.l also think although people don't like Old Halls traps it might be cheaper to get traps set up like Old Halls so you just press a button and you can have a bigger distance betwen traps. Just my opinion .
the FED traps were made on the same principle as greyhound traps when bolted together they have 3 rods and spacers Chris Jackson (when he is free of his puppy duties will ) will get a costing on the rods and spacers if the BWRA are then happy to cover the cost Chris will go ahead and order what is needed, The BWRA are welcome to loan the NNWRF traps whenever needed without having to buy a set if however they prefer to have their own they will have the rods and spacers for them
as i understand from Chris you already have the rods and spacers and the traps have already been seen working as block traps this was already pointed out by Julie when ask at the agm so why would the bwra have to pay for more to be made ????
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Thats really put the cat among the pigeons Linda.We now know from what you've just said that the top table cant see the Fed traps working as a block trap,as you dont have the equipment so that this can happen.Somebody needs to inform the top table that the option is now not available,and that it wasn't a possibility in the first place.Can not see the point on wasting money on spacers and rods,if we dont know if it's going to work.Would have been a lot easier to state in the meeting that in theory it works,but that you havent tried it because you haven't got the rest of the equipment needed to try it
so should fed buy these we dont use em :ermm: it was just an offer but allways the same never mind ey...... think decisions on this should be left to the top table
Thats really put the cat among the pigeons Linda.We now know from what you've just said that the top table cant see the Fed traps working as a block trap,as you dont have the equipment so that this can happen.Somebody needs to inform the top table that the option is now not available,and that it wasn't a possibility in the first place.Can not see the point on wasting money on spacers and rods,if we dont know if it's going to work.Would have been a lot easier to state in the meeting that in theory it works,but that you havent tried it because you haven't got the rest of the equipment needed to try it
that's the impression i had that everything was there just to be bolted together and be tried out. ;)
block traps are ok if you put all dogs in from the back but trying to put 5 dogs in from the front is a nightmare dogs could get hurt aswell as peoples fingers jammed I have only ever had one dog that could trap out of them

I think some thing simular to old hall traps is the way to go with straight fronts press the button and they all open

cheers jim
As i was not at the meeting i cannot quote anyone on what was said ..but if theres no bolts or hat ever at hand then i guess the fed traps are no longer any good thing to do is have a new set made or alter one of the sets thats already been used to the correct size imo i would do away with block traps altogether ..did you see vickys arm this year when the trap lid went down on her
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i dont really know john just seems as though eveything is negative whatever anyone does
block traps are ok if you put all dogs in from the back but trying to put 5 dogs in from the front is a nightmare dogs could get hurt aswell as peoples fingers jammed I have only ever had one dog that could trap out of them

I think some thing simular to old hall traps is the way to go with straight fronts press the button and they all open

cheers jim
you have to have block traps this is to stop a dog getting a fast trap and nobody wants a re-run as a dog could need 3 runs just to win a title,

iv'e seen dogs get a fast/slow trap with old hall traps in the past.

also the only way to load your dog is from the front because of the kickboard.

iam not against a new set being made as long as they are no more than 7'3/4 inches wide :thumbsup:
Dogs can be loaded from the back if thats your choice, I always load my dogs from the back when using block traps, due to having one very nearly injured loading from the front, but I guess I don't use a massive kickboard ;)