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BWRA events

unfortunately they are not doing the 10 day event but they are doing 2 seprate weekend events over the course of the year, not sure of the date sfor certain yet or the opens that will be run there, but they found it too much hard work to do the 10 days so decided to split it into 2 weekends
I seem to have opened up a subject that some were already thinking about ,if the bwra would adopt this type policy maybe the regions would then pull out all stops to improve there tracks and facilitys which in turn would benfit dogs,members,and the sport in general , if all members were to think about ways of developing the sport, a little push here and there coulld go a long way to unite a sport which at preasant seems to be breaking into tiny little pieces.
the memberships could possibly go up £5 to improve all tracks?
hi rowland £5 isnot a lot of money however maybe each region could look at ways of raising funds themselvs by getting sponsor or selling scratch cards,fun runs, sponserd walks, bonus ball anythingshow a little imagination show the bwra we want to be treated equally ,if we do things for ourselves they cant ignore us
phil rowland was takin the mick . you could have a brillint track with excellent facilitys (kirkaldy) and the national b.w.r.a. won,t consider these tracks as they say people won,t travel . thats why bwra opens r at asfordby .

:( Ive tired really hard not to bother getting into this one. Right Asfordby was voted as the main track by the BWRA members at the AGM, before postal votes where bought back. If you wanted it changed you should have proposed it at the last agm not wait till now. The fact that the BWRA chairman lives fairly close has nothing to do with it. A track was needed with plenty of room.

Before that it was held at Oldhall every year. There are 2 workers there most weekends making sure all the work that needs doing is being done, as the members asked for when it was made the main bwra venue. Rowland you more than most should know that.

If you cant attend an agm put a proposal in.
:( not all bwra members can afford to travel to the agms which are held at Asfordby it is a three hour drive for us for an agm I dont think so do you? By the way nobody is saying Asfordby is not a good track with good facilities etc it is just that we think it should be spread around the country including The North and Scotland. :(
you will find that when a venue gets proposed and every year it is proposde that we go north then south it is agreed .UNtil the following year when the same proposal goes in andf they always say south every year they cancel themselves out . therefore never changes. this has been going on for years . i was at meeting .

when proposals were voted on . exactly the same with bend champs this year they said south (warwick)and it was saifd next year (north) bet it doesn,t happen.

Im not saying your wrong Sherry it takes us nearly 2 hours to go for a club meeting. But it just seems to me some cant wait to bring the bwra chairman into it when it was a members vote.
when was it a members vote that major events were changed to asfordby?(maybe i missed something as usual :p )

personally i think championships should be held on a rotation and give every region a chance to hold it if they want to.

i will also say on the occasions ive been asfordby i was less than impressed. i thought the track was terrible. im sure there are plenty other tracks in the country with excellent running surface and great facilities who would like the chance to hold a major event.
yes we was at the proposal meeting and for your information there was 49 proposals went in but only 9 went out to a vote as it seems the rest were not workable (i don't know how).
why dont you just wait and propose that the champs be held at different venues, then have a postal vote, i dont think there is any need for all the hassle certain members on here are causing.
There has not been a members vote on the venue for BWRA champs while I have been racing.

IIRC proposals for varying the champs venue have been forwarded but deemed "unworkable". There is little point in proposing a venue change if the proposals don`t go to the postal vote.

The reasons behind the change from Old Hall to Ashfordby were not reported fully in Whippet News or by the BWRA committee.

The change to Ashfordby would be acceptable as part of a rotation of venues if the track itself was of a good standard - but the track isn`t of a good standard, its poor - the worst track a major event has been run on in the 10+ years I`ve raced.

Also its geographicaly placed the same as Old Hall so there is no distance benefit.

The BWRA is supposed to be BRITISH Whippet Racing Organisation but is in danger of becoming the Ashfordby Whippet Racing Organisation. Look how many national straight opens were held at Ashfordby compared to those held in other regions. If all events are to be held att Ashfordby there will be no point in having regions and the BWRA will become nothing more than a local club with a grandiose name.

Like it or not the chairmans influence on where champs and national straight opens are held is a major factor and is it really a coincidence that they are held at his club?
I did notice that where ever the BWRA took there events that the NWRF followed shortly afterwards , over the past few years ...why did the NWRF take there straight champs to Ashfordby?

Also bend champs to WarwicK
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:D very good questions denise. Now that u r on the nwrf commitee (i know temp commitee) I hope some of the fed opens will be brought up North. ;) There wasnt many (if any) last year.
:D swish i dont think anyone is wanting 2 cause hassle . We r simply asking why a lot of the opens are held at Asfordby and not spread around the country. :(
I feel the same way sherry ..if it had not been that i want to run my dogs in nwrf champs last year i would not of joined ..i personally think the nwrf will have a good look at there opens for this year, esp now that the committee are dotted around country ...and see what we can be changed