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BWRA events


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why is the BWRA moving most of the major race meets south ,we in scotland tavel a long way to race as many others do, WHY dont they move them round the regions each year in turn surely that would be fair to all.
hiya Phil, :p would you please clarify which race meets have been moved and to where abouts down south :cheers:
totally agree phil . i pointed this out some weeks ago that scotland always gets left out ( except for the derby) i had to put that piont on or somone would have said it was on . when the opens are on they are all south/midlands,asfordby when there are plenty of perfectly decent tracks bend and straight around country inc scotland. some of the best tracks i,ve been to are ayr bends and straights brilliant atmosphere and you are always made to feel welcome.

:p i agree we have a great track here at Wallsend. Stockton is always in great nick as well. Bends we have got Easington and as Donna says wot about Scotland. Im wondering where the Lord Byron Plate is going 2 be this year? What about Newton AYcliffe. Yes there are loads of good tracks in the north so please dont 4get about them. :cheers:
The IRG are spreading thier wings futher afield unlike the other main bodies and i would hope they get lots of support maybe then the others will follow thier lead and show that fair play to all should be the norm not the exception and we then may get what you are asking for and i have been saying since coming back into this sport that being names of each region into the hat drawn out fairly for all to see then take it in turns year after year with all main events living in hope!!!
why dont the new NWRF and the BWRA move their straight and bend championships around the regions,as long as the region has got a suitable track and proper facilities.
the championships surely need to be in the center of the country so people can get there from all around the country, e.g if they were in devon imagine travelling from scotland
when did asforby become the middle of the country? if the championships were moved around the regions scottish racers would only be traveling to devon once every 5 or 6 years instead of 300 to 400 miles every year.
Dem Blue & Phil if you look back you will see a travel chart thing John did at the end of last year. We travel 6hour's up quite a few time's a year just to try and take part at some major event's.

Only 10 year's ago we could run the dog's in the Newcastle area almost every weekend but with quite a few club's closing like Beamish wrc and Felling wrc just to name 2 we need to travel further.

Scotland is not any better as the HDRA has shut,Arbroth, Dundee and Polbeth wrc are also shut so only 2 club's left here.
The location of national events being in the same area year in year out, gives an unfair advantage to dogs from that area. :eek:

Surely this cannot be right and fair, dogs running on their own local tracks and not having to travel gives them an enormous advantage.

Imagine the impact on dogs travelling to events on an average 2-3 hour journey especially during hot weather spells, having said that even normal weather/conditions must have an impact. -_-

Local dogs sleep in their own beds. drink their own water and follow a normal everyday routine which MUST give them an unfair advantage(once every 6 years or so should be more than enough)!

If these events were to move around the country every 6 years or so everyone would get fair crack of the whip. :D
danny the fed are going to have an event in scotland ,this is being looked at ;)
A BRILLIANT IDEA--- but first all the clubs would have to make sure they have the correct and adequate facilities ie showers/toilets that are open all day and every day. Good food is another point :p

Also plenty of space to accomadate the vast ammount of caravans which frequent this venue. WHY NOT ATTEND THE NEXT AGM and propose this idea. :cheers:

I agree with pete on this, and at the moment i can only think of three clubs that can accomadate as above and that is Newton Aycliffe, Asfordby and Kircaldy.........we have not been to the new Ayr club but have heard it is a brilliant venue, is there a club etc there plus facilities............ ;)
i agree with ashforby and newton ayclife but i think it was proved by the sucess of the fordingridge 10 day event last year they are capable of holding such events, also the facilties and effort at the a&t miners open were great.

jade :p
I agree with you about Fordingbridge Jade and would love to go there again everything was just great........ but would you get the vast ammount of caravans on there that a champioship event warrents.......I have not been to A & T club yet but hoefully we will be there this year...... :p :D
yeh i think u vud get a fair few caravans on the field if they were spaced out properly and if marked out areas were made, the field is quite big
Kirkcaldy very definitely has the correct and adequate shower facilities/toilets etc and I'm sure there would be no problem leaving them open all day if those using them treat the premises with some respect and behaved accordingly.Talking first hand here as the ones who volunteered to open them and keep them tidy but without going into too unsavoury details-the premises were abused.

Next AGM-attend- maybe? or Maybe we will use our postal voting rights- if were still racing.

AGM's are fine...providing an EGM doesn't follow immeditely after because it doesn't suit those not attending.

The East Ayrshire track is also brilliant as I'm sure Danny will point out with lots of positives.

The Ayr Greyhound track is excellent too but lacking facilities/camping if memory serves correctly?
Have to agree with you there Steve about the facilities at kircaldy being abused :oops: and I am sure we speak for all that attended the open when we say thankyou for keeping the showers and toilets tidy...... :p

and yes i think the postal vote would be better for voting on this subject........ :D

I just realised IT's my k9 birthday today, I am two........... :huggles:
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