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Bwra Champs


New Member
Reaction score
come on then lets have your naps for the champs,(imean racing naps boydy not nappies :)) )
Where is your naps then ...unsure what is running well at the moment but think Lacey Venture will do very well !! 8)
i think a few who should do well are challenger ,refuse to bend,trouble spot,and defiantly one not to be left out an all time great fluke :thumbsup: .good luck to all taking part :thumbsup:
I'm not playing :lol: coz everytime i tip something it goes t*ts up but good luck to everyone running.
come on sue (no limit)

no surrender/ bud (40lb)

brookhill buddy (36lb)

yds for lbs just a few.. midnight run, refuse to bend, paloma, moany moany, polar promise, lacey venture. erm thats it for now lol :lol:
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Woops sorry Fleesh i forgot Moany Moany :oops: Good Luck everyone :thumbsup:
bitchs refuse to bend or a friends that cannot be mentioned yet

dogs midnight run
few that can win it,me mate anths refuse,to,bend,midnight run,morphius,&laceyventure,and i would love to see little must be magic,run well,&tinkerman,good luck to all who take part&come off injury free :thumbsup:
MIDNIGHT RUN for the dogs


REFUSE TO BEND the bitches

best of luck to all :D :cheers:
DENISE BAILEY Posted Mar 15 2005, 01:21 PM   bitchs refuse to bend or a friends that cannot be mentioned yet
Oh aye Dee and to whom does this secret weapon belong ? :unsure:
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r u going kenny if so ill see you there i think this has to be the most quietest year for people to have a say there some good dogs out there so i think it will be quite open im not nameing any as im like the kiss of death lol see you all there and mine's a larger top please lol. good luck to all and an injury free day. :cheers:
[SIZE=14pt]Come on Sue = SupScr. :thumbsup: [/SIZE]


Morpheous = 22lb Dog Class. :thumbsup:


Ones Cushti Star = 24lb Dog Class. :thumbsup:


Buncie Boy = 30lb Dog Class :thumbsup:


Fluke or Lacey Venture = Sup Bitch :thumbsup:


Midnight Run = Sup Dog :thumbsup:


All the best to whoever enter's!!!!! :thumbsup:
kenny here tony yer i will see you down there,and i will get you a pint,and karen,i promise to pay at the :- "
well i got 4 out of 9 better than wot i normally get lol well done to all the winners! ;)