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Bwra Championships

did somebody do a tommy tit on the field then or what.? :sweating:
Lovely choice of words Jasper :D

Don't quite understand why this subject has been put onto K9 'if not followed through'-excuse the pun!

Maybe the person/s this is aimed at doesn't have a PC-but I have an inkling they must else why bother bringing it on to here....

If they haven't I'm sure they'll soon find out about their misconduct cos K9 news soon gets passed on.....

Just look at the number of views this topic has attracted.....
Why did this post get put on k9, i would think the phone call to the club should of been made first...then if Doreen felt it necessary to post anything about the incident on k9 she should of just named and shamed the person/persons responsible ...rather than have all this speculation ...better still write a letter in the whippet news and allow every one to read it.
Been posted on here or not is irrelevant...if the Asfordby Sports Club is unhappy about any of our members behaviour we shouldn't duck the situation...

We need to establish rules regarding how we behave when visiting these venues that give us the time and grounds to race our dogs...

Cos, treading in dog mess is also a bit of pain, when the 1st time you realise is when you're sitting in the car....Which happened to me on Saurday..

If we discuss the issues they can be dealt with, and we will show we are responsible by dealing with them...

Regards Etc..

I just think the 1st post on this topic should of read who, what had happened not I think I have some idea of what it is all about and if i am right I will be naming and shaming (you have read the rest)
cummon then who had a shit in the field its not rocket science is it. whoever done it was that thick they left bog roll next to it

beats me....
well in the first post it says ( members ) so maybe there were two or more of them :- "
spellbound said:
well thats alright then pat because we did'nt recieve a ban for drugs, we were banned for  bringing the sport into disrepute if you remember, and if someone as emptied the contents of a toilet over the field, i would say thats bringing our sport into disrepute would'nt you ??????????

why do you always bring yourself into other topics, its about hygiene and irresponsibility by someone, as for not been banned for drugs if you had abided to your own silly ruling at the time on zero, then you were under a 2 year ban .
Doreen, i dont know why you brought this subject up until the people concerned were contacted & asked about their behaviour, & dealt with in the appropriate manner. It seems a bit silly mentioning it, when you dont say whats happened.

You are just causing people to come to their own conclusions.
if someones shit on the field then they want banning from the bwra, this gets everyone with a whippet a bad name and i would'nt want them in this sport :angry:
hmm I have to agree, :( but as of yet no one knows what has actually gone off :- "
suzie said:
Doreen, i dont know why you brought this subject up until the people concerned were contacted & asked about their behaviour, & dealt with in the appropriate manner.  It seems a bit silly mentioning it, when you dont say whats happened.    You are just causing people to come to their own conclusions.

Suzie, I brought the subject up on K9 so that many of our members would be aware that a problem has occured and if there are any repercussions it will not come as a complete suprise to many members. I deliberately didn't say what the problem was because as Linda Broom rightly said in her posting this information can be accessed world wide and it's not the kind of image we want to be portrayed of BWRA whippet racing. I have contacted Asfordby club and the member of staff I spoke to said that the Chairman of the club as of to date is not aware of the situation so it could possibly be that when Paul (Jennings ) spoke to to the groundsman on Tuesday morning he was satisfied that the racing fraternity would deal with the matter. I will keep members informed if I receive an official letter of complaint from Asfordby Sports Club committee

regards Doreen