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Bwra Bend Championships Stainforth

first time ive tryed to post photo :- " skye chilling out with poorly leg 8)
By Eck David-you don't half keep us well informed! photos as well-

Steve's at the doctors today with his haemorrhoids-photos to follow later (w00t)


P.S Hope she recovers soon
:eek: she looks very sorry for herself Dave, good luck with her i know she will have you and Di running round after her, looks like its time for them pups from her, ??Hellbound's looking for a girlfriend :huggles: lol. its alright i not tell Di :- " , have to say she looks older than her mum + dad, you would think she was out off spellbound not cracked it, with all that grey :)
will you be able to resize to get them all in. :- " very hard race 26 3 railers and ours diving into the bend a recipe for trouble.would of been better if there where more dogs and 3 heats fluke sun princess whiney skippet all brillent into the first bend.lacey gets it right keeping wide she did every thing right on the day with unbelievable stamina 5 runs at 280 . :cheers:
:cheers: Dave mickey ( Rch Bound too ) ran very well and his first adult race and only 19 months old,Gary was over the moon the first Dog he has raced to gain Rch, he's a great little dog, i must say thank's to Chris Horsnall for picking mickey out for me when he went to sally's to see the litter out off What Spot + spellbound, he didn,t do bad himself picking out his own bitch from the litter (see spot run ) :cheers:
Bruce said that (Lacey) had lost the heat which Fluke won due to some sort of collision with Atlanta ? Yes/ No?

Your right David-Unfortunately won't be able to post photos -impossible to resize!! :blink:

seemed to be a collison as all dogs together skye did seem to stumble not 100% do you order a video,is there a comentary,what is in heats/results?? who hit who should be seen on video only know skye came of worst :( bends or straights lacey and skye been hard right hand runners always seem to come to gether :b
brilliant days racing, just wish mine would run the bends, may be nex year as he matures a little, congradulations to all runners up and winners of the day especially the 2 supremes midnight run and lacey venture, well deserved wins

sharon whincop said:
if any1 heres of anybody finding 2 small jackets, 1 black walking out coat and 1 brown bed jacket could you please let them know they are mine. as usuall i give them to me dad to keep and he forgot them on the windonsill. thankyou.Also well done to les and dot and rbch spoilt rottern.

Sharon Lynda has gone trialing greyhounds at Stainforth tonite just rang me she asked about coats they were handed into the office by the cleaners so she has picked them up for you, if you could let us know how to get them to you we will yours Les Windle
just a quick thank you to all the people who helped out on Sunday

Dennis on the traps with Bill, Both the Andrews for doing the times and the tanoy,

Alison who always helps with the entries and the draw, Linda Windle who also helps with the draw, then Sheila Webb who joined us all to staple the programmes together. A big thank you to Malcom Clarke who came along and watched the racing and then did the trophy presentation for us, without Red Mills sponsorship we would be hard pushed to stage these events.

And last but not least Paul Houghton who took the photographs on behalf of the BWRA,as well as trying to run his dog as well, a big thank you Paul

Thanks to all of you who attended for making it a very enjoyable day, and your dogs who gave us some brilliant races

kind regards Doreen
you will have to ring stainforth track and ask them as it was the man who actually did the videoing that is selling them, i am still waiting for mine, i expect it will be here tomorrow,

would love pups from skye but diane does not think the same.spellbound would give some nice sized dogs would be a interesting mating.diane says more dogs larger house :- " :cheers:
:- " so where you looking to move to Dave a nice farm with lots of land,???? Di would love pups to lookafter, and spellbounds still happy to line infact he as a bitch coming tomorrow,?????put my name down now for a pup WHAT GREAT BREEDING THEY WOULD HAVE, Atlanta's breeding -- top stud dog 2004 Rch Cracked it + Rch / Nch Alabama and then Sup Nch/ Rch Spellbound, yes i will have one of them pups Dave, but don't tell Tony lol
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