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Bwra Bend Championships Stainforth

results 16lb dogs one so fine solo

18lb spoilt rotten solo

20lb bound too r/u 2for 1

22lb mortheus r/u must be magic

24lb ob2 r/u ones cushie star

26lb gems lad r/u its magic

28lb midnight run r/ured reign

30lb maybe magic r/u power devil

32lb chase me r/u ?


16lb troble spot r/u ventura

18lb drama queen solo

20lb you dare r/u rapid stag

22lb billy the kid r/u monkey

24lb rusty fox r/u peggy sue

26lb lacey venture r/u fluke

28lb ruby rocket r/u seven eleven

30lb refuse to bend r/u in dreams

32lb scooby dont r/u trevors chaser

vets 20lb captain blade

24lb daytona

28lb pale rider

32lb blue boy sup vet

l/w bich ro

you dare w/d

drama queen 1st

trouble spot

m/w ro lacey venture 1st

rusty fox

billy the kid

h/w ro scooby dont

refuse to bend

ruby rocket 1st

sup lacey venture

dog l/w ro bound too 1st

spoilt rotten w/d

one so fine

m/w ro gems lad


mortheuos 1st

h/w ro chase me

maybe magic

midnight run 1st

sup dog midnight run

36lb bigland vixen ru hunters tweed

40lb no surrender ru for sale

no limit abbey road ru come on sue

m/w ro

trouble spot
well done to runners up peggy sue and hunters tweed, well done all racing champions of the day and a big well done to all supremes of the day, a good days racing was had by all and no injuries that i heard of.

again well done ricky
I think the runner up in 32lb dogs was ozzie.
A big well done to all the winners today, My first time at this track. FANTASIC great surface great viewing area, good food, a special mention to all the supreme

winners, No surrender, Lacey Venture, Blue Boy, but I must end with Midnight Run, this dog put in the most impresive display of bend racing i have ever seen, flew the lids, early pace railed, and then finished like a train, even Mad Mick at his best would have strugeld to stay with him, a fantastic performance by a fantastic dog. Whats more a nice family to boot.

Photo's Tomorrow
if any1 heres of anybody finding 2 small jackets, 1 black walking out coat and 1 brown bed jacket could you please let them know they are mine. as usuall i give them to me dad to keep and he forgot them on the windonsill. thankyou.

Also well done to les and dot and rbch spoilt rottern.
:) well done this BWRA committee on a well run championship's, very well done Sup Rch Midnight Run and all Rch's off the day, also Mick + vicky with Sup Rch Gem's Lad getting him back to racing after such a bad injury would have been an great accomplishment but you have done one better and got another Rch title with him well done,

Top stud dog 2004 Rch cracked it

did very well with his offspring once again taking Sup Rch with Midnight Run, Rch Gem's Lad, Rch Troublespot, Rch Billy The Kid, Rch Rusty Fox,and R-up Sup Rch Red Reign, Rch/Nch Monkey, what a good start with the first championship's off 2005,

Also well done to Sup Nch/ Rch Spellbound with his offspring taking Rch's with Rch Bound Two, and Rch You Dare
The Stainforth track was a superb venue and we had some brilliant racing to match it, here are the results

36lb Scratch Ht winner Hunters Tweed, Final Winner Rch Bigland Vixen

40lb Scratch Straight Final, R/U For Sale, Winner Rch No Surrender

N/L Ht winners, Shane, Challenger, Final R/U Come On Sue,winner Rch Abbey Rd.


Dogs 16lb, Rch One's So Fine

Dogs 18lb,Rch Spoilt Rotten

Dogs 20lb,Ht 1Coral,2nd 2 For One,Ht 2 Bound Too,2nd Rag Crazy, Final R/UP Rag Crazy, winner Rch Bound Too

Dogs 22lb, R/U Must Be Magic, winner Rch Morphius

Dogs 24lb, R/U One's Cushtis Star, winner Rch O.B.2

Dogs 26lb, R/U It's Magic, winner Rch Gems Lad

Dogs 28lb, Ht1 Midnight Run2nd Red Reign ht2 Shakira 2nd Scud Final R/U Red Reign, winner Rch Midnight Run

Dogs 30lb, R/U Power Devil, winner Rch Maybe Magic

Dogs 32lb, Ht1 Ozzie 2nd Hellbound,ht 2 Chase Me 2nd Sailaway, Final, R/U Ozzie, winner Rch Chase Me


Bitches 16lb, R/U ventura, winner rch Trouble Spot

Bitches 18lb winner Rch Drama Queen

Bitches 20lb R/U Rapid Stag, winner Rch You Dare

Bitches 22lb,R/U Monkey, winner Rch Billie The Kid

Bitches 24lb R/U Peggy Sue,winner Rch Rusty Fox

Bitches 26lb, ht1 Fluke, 2nd Lacey Venture, ht2 Free Spirit 2nd Tiger Ellie,Final R/U Fluke, winner Rch Lacey Venture

Bitches 28lb ht1 Seven Eleven, 2nd Sun Bird,ht2 Acca,2nd Ruby Rocket,Final R/U Seven Eleven, winner Rch Ruby Rocket

Bitches 30lb R/U In Dreams, winner Rch Refuse To Bend

Bitches 32lb R/U Trevors Chaser,winner Rch Scooby Do

Bitch Supreme R/Off !st Lacey Venture,2nd Ruby Rocket, 3rd Drama Queen

Veterans Up To 20lb Captain Blade

Veterans Up To 24lb Daytona

Veterans Up To 28lb 1st Pale Rider, 2nd Mad Mick

Veterans Up To 32lb 1st Blue Boy, 2nd Tormentor

Supreme R/Off 1st Blue Boy, 2nd Daytona, 3rd Pale Rider, 4th Captain Blade

Well done to you all, and thanks to all of you who raced dogs for a great days racing

back to his winning ways, well done jackie colin ,and john,and top dog midnight run :thumbsup:
Star of the day-Midnight Run-Well Done- Jackie and family :thumbsup:
well done to all what a brill champs big well done all from the south we had a good day and met alot of old freinds from up and down the country and the beer was cheap as well .thanks must go to sharon and bobby for bringing down the cage for me and to kenny for the pie as well i had eaten that by the time i got home lol and thanx to the bwra committe for a good day for all its members :cheers:
well done jackie & colin & the kids. superb little dog and theres more 2 come from him :luck: :cheers:
Kenny came up trumps all round then yesterday eh Tony-lol :thumbsup: bearer of pies and gate money!

Hows that bitch-Tinkerman- of yours today? after her run with the boys.

Think the elusive Ash may have spoken to me yesterday????? woolly hat and red ski type jacket ?????

tinks is fine he /she ran well for me i thought as his only a baby lol well the wife's baby his eaten a few of my dinners when i came home late lol yes kenny came up trumps as always get him to make you one mind you steve will leave you for him when he taste's them pie's lol :cheers:
hi karen broke my heart paying that gate money,lol.pleased ya enjoyed your pie tony,as me&anth never got any,when you see peter ask him who ate all the pies :rant: ,really pleased for me mates who won yesterday,you all know who you are,well done. :thumbsup:
Was a good day wasn't it, Midnight run was a good crowd pleaser.

A few surprise winners too which is always a nice change, hope all dogs came off sound.

Think the elusive Ash may have spoken to me yesterday????? woolly hat and red ski type jacket ?????
I still haven't spoken to him lol

BIG well done with keith & Must be Magic, he's doing fab! 3rd bend open & managed r-up!!!!
well done all the champs and runners up :cheers:
CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners and runners up :thumbsup:

A big Well Done to Sup R Ch Lacey Venture and Bruce and Di too :thumbsup:
Yeah well done all the winners, it was a good days excuses from me, Midnight Run as at at the top of his form...well done...and the bitch Lacey Venture...many congrats.

Mind, was I tired for work this morning, and then we went on a unofficial strike, might as well of stayed in bed!

great to see midnight run taking the top dog very nice people colin jackie and dad :cheers: also boundtoo this little dog lucked very sharpand at 21lb will be a little bugger to catch at 150 good luck with him tony/von :thumbsup: sadly we didnt have any luck,had atlanta xrayed yesterday to find she has broken her right ulna,wrist and ligiment damage not good at nearly 4 and half :( :( :( any news on moany moany as they where concerned about her :(