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Buying A Puppy Online?

yaaaay!thats people power! :thumbsup: :huggles:
:cheers: well done everyone. I seem to have missed this first time round but would have done my bit too. Roll on the next one :thumbsup:

A woman at our dog club has a Golden Retriever from a "Dog Superstore" aka "Puppy farm outlet" in Manchester. The dog is only about 3 & has had endless trouble with his legs, hes had about 3 big ops, cruciate ligament repairs & his knee joint has now popped :x

Good breeding eh???

Get them all shut down I say.
:oops: Just read through all the posts and there is one from me so I obviously did see it before, my memory is getting so bad these days.

Now where did I put that glass of wine :- "
J.T. said:
:cheers:   well done everyone. I seem to have missed this first time round but would have done my bit too. Roll on the next one :thumbsup: A woman at our dog club has a Golden Retriever from a "Dog Superstore" aka "Puppy farm outlet" in Manchester. The dog is only about 3 & has had endless trouble with his legs, hes had about 3 big ops, cruciate ligament repairs & his knee joint has now popped :x

Good breeding eh???

Get them all shut down I say.

Ive heard of that place JT. Hmm...imma go find their website.
wonder what they mean by approved breeders?approved by them? :angry: these are the people who set up the false pedigree registration scheme called the dog lovers registration scheme,(another money spinner)for a cheque sent to them(cant remember how much they used to advertise it for )you could have a piece of paper that said your dog was an official member of the dog lovers registration scheme.(i think they set this up for folk who didnt have pedigree kc reg,forms for their dogs)they buy anything and everything.ive been there and had rows with the owner and called him to his face a puppy still waiting to be sued! :- "
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How the hell have they managed to get hold of Dachshund puppies :rant: :rant: :rant:

Have you read the testimonials? and seen the poor little specimans they have sold flaming hell :(
Think this operation has been running at least 30 years maybe more. I strongly suspect that this is the latest front for Mayfield, Agecroft, & various other names they have used over the years. Very big very organised outfit who have shook off most attempts to finish them. They even tried to set up their own registration body when the KC caused them problems.
Terry & Sheila Smith said:
Think this operation has been running at least 30 years maybe more. I strongly suspect that this is the latest front for Mayfield, Agecroft, & various other names they have used over the years. Very big very organised outfit who have shook off most attempts to finish them. They even tried to set up their own registration body when the KC caused them problems.

Yeah just read the rest of the site!! That's them.
I feel a mass email campagne coming in :D
I work for the RSPCA in Manchester & over the last few years we have had loads of complaints about this place & have also taken in some of the pups/dogs sold to people who then no longer want them 6 months later because of the problems they are having with the dogs. I always tell the people that they should complain to the council as its them who give the licences out & that according to the law as it is :rant: there is nothing illegal going on. Its sooooooo frustrating but as someone has already pointed out, until the public stop buying from these places it will just go on & on. GGGGGGRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!! :rant:
their advertising is sooooo slick it draws the unsuspecting public in and they think if they buy a pup from them than it will be safer than buying from a breeder as its a big company so they equate this with the likes of supermarkets like tesco and asda and think theyll get a better deal.a friend of ours bought a cavalier there weeks ago and although i played hell with him and told him he was propogating misery for brood bitches on welsh puppy farms hes quite happy with his pup and said he knew he shouldnt buy from places like that but they just went to look and ended up coming away with a pup! :angry: ive known lots of folk over the years who have bought pups from there and ended up with horrendous vets bills and when ive aske dwhy didnt they go back and complain or take them to court theyve just said we couldnt be bothered or we were too upset etc etc.the end story is they keep in business and they arent getting shut down.if someone could coordiante all the complaints maybe trading standards or the council could shut them down.they were mayfields kennels by the way but i think they changed hands some years ago. :thumbsup:
:ph34r: :ph34r: :ph34r:

Not sure if anyone would be interetsed in joining the Phantom Army.

All you have to do is this.....

Next time you have a train journey planned:-

Type up or write a couple of paragraphs on why puppy farming is wrong and the conditions these pups are reared in. Add that for the same price you could usually get a puppy from a breeder who really cares about what they are doing. Mention that if you want something really 'exotic' or unusual, there are thousands of one-off crosses and mongrels destroyed every year. Point out that a dog from a puppy supermarket may be with your family for the next 15 years; do you really want 15 years of vet's bills, behavioural problems etc. Can you justify putting your chilren's safety at risk by buying a dog whose parents you have not assessed for temperament?

Then, just take it to the station with you & slip it inside the free magazine!

You can leave them in waiting rooms too.....

:- " Who wrote that?!!!!! It just appeared!!!
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When I looked at their site I noticed they had a superstore which looked to me like it stocked goods from some very well-known suppliers. This actually makes me sick that they are quite willing to associate with a place like this, it all boils down to money. I'm going to start enquiring from suppliers if they supply to this place and then I'm going to tell them I cannot use their products anymore. One small fish in a big pond no doubt but it's a start.

good idea jenny,if we all boycott their products (and tell the manufacturers why)then they will sit up and take notice. :thumbsup:
why dont we call them tomorrow night? i nearly did just now- but chickened out! i think each of us should give em a call and ask lots of questions? it makes me sick to the stomach :angry:

they obviously dont care if a person comes in wanting eng bull terrier- never had a dog before- they are more concerned if the bloody person is disappointed if their choice is not stocked!!!!!!!