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Bsfa Meeting At Banbury

OMG Barb...........What a drama, I expect Alan dealt with it in his calm and collected fashion.........Bless :wub:

Ain't Digger a star? Glad he is coming to SC for trialing and outsize racing, though he will leave Archie standing...........(he won't have any-one to cuss at :eek: )
Crikey Beejay - we passed that accident - didn't realise it was you tho :( :(

Thank God it wasn't more serious, but must have shook you all up. I bet you were knackered when you EVENTUALLY got home -_- -_-

Many thanks all for continued congrats on Digger Dog. He's had a quiet day today (nothing unusual there then :- " ) being a typical sleepy whip sprawled on the sofa, and having to be virtually dragged off to go out - totally different dog away from that lure :wacko: :wacko:

Looking forward to next event and meeting everyone again.

I assume no-one has heard how the blue greyhound is

BTW dessie OH name is Laurie and yep he is a proud dad :thumbsup:
BeeJay said:
And the good news is that he's dislocated his shoulder (no doubt falling off the bike) and has a scrape on his big toe.

I don't suppose he thinks it is good news that his shoulder is dislocated or the doctor who had to put it back!! LOL! The quicker that is done the better and easier!
I have been going to BSFA meets for several years, firstly the Belper meet and now that's gone i go to Chomondley (who knows how it's spelt-something like that!) I started going with my retired Greyhound but when he died they kindly let me still run my Lurchers :thumbsup: They do really well and love going, they have won BIF 3 times-my Greyhound Ginger in 1997, Lulu in 2001 and Woody in 2003 bless 'em. The club seem to have plenty of runners but are always short of helpers and people to set up etc, judge...

Here's some pics i've found from few years back, firstly a very young looking Gemma at Belper in 1999
And again with her bestest buddy my darling Holly Dolly who died very young of Toxoplasmosis :( :( :(
Here's a load of Irish Wolfhounds getting ready to all having a run together :clown: :clown:
:oops: :oops: Just realised this is Whippet not General Discussion so sorry for gate crashing but i've started now!!!! :b :b Here's my gentle giant Ginger the Greyhound looking very keen!!!!
And lastly-"Tally Ho"!!!
Hi Everyone,

Had the day off yesterday so wasn't able to post. Just wanted to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the coursing, what an experience.

Congratulations to Digger and Debs!

It was amazing to see all of the dogs enjoying themselves, some were raring to go and it was fantastic to watch them all so excited. I can't help but mention the first trial runner who had to break away to relieve itself though, this made my day :blink:

Poor Beejay, what a nightmare about the accident, I really feel for you.

Loads of people were really nice to me and chatted quite a bit, and it didn't take long for me to be updated on all of the rules!

It was lovely to see so many gorgeous dogs though :wub: and I felt so inadequate as I seemd to be the only person with One whippet!


p.s. The toilet was fantastic :thumbsup: I have never been to a public event and had such clean facilities, well done!
Tracy, so sorry I didn't get to meet you! :( Glad you had a nice day though. :thumbsup:

PS I also have only one whippet :(
Millie & I didn't get to meet you either Tracy ........... sorry! :(

Beth ............ wasn't it Zephyr who shot off for a pee instead of going after the lure??? :b LOL!!
dessie said:
Millie & I didn't get to meet you either Tracy ........... sorry!  :(
Beth ............ wasn't it Zephyr who shot off for a pee instead of going after the lure???  :b   LOL!!

ditto! I think it was our walking friend Olivia's little black one that got 'caught short' a couple of times!

We've only got one too (gnashing of teeth...), just as well perhaps as I don't think I could have stood the excitement of having two running!

dessie said:
Millie & I didn't get to meet you either Tracy ........... sorry!  :(
Beth ............ wasn't it Zephyr who shot off for a pee instead of going after the lure???  :b   LOL!!

Yes, he did indeed on his 2nd trial :lol: - thank goodness he wasn't the only one!! :lol:
I can't believe that you were all there and I didn't even know. Half of me desperately wanted to move nearer to the entrance to the track, but I felt a bit daunted as you all seemd to know each other, just me being a bit of a nancy I think. I will have to be braver next time :- "

I may have to get a K9 Badge for the next event and keep pointing it towards everyone. I just love being a member of this site, the posts are so amusing and informative, and it would be so good to be able to put faces to names. Everyone is so warm and friendly and very supportive.


Tracy Chamberlain said:
I can't believe that you were all there and I didn't even know. Half of me desperately wanted to move nearer to the entrance to the track, but I felt a bit daunted as you all seemd to know each other, just me being a bit of a nancy I think. I will have to be braver next time  :- "
I may have to get a K9 Badge for the next event and keep pointing it towards everyone. I just love being a member of this site, the posts are so amusing and informative, and it would be so good to be able to put faces to names. Everyone is so warm and friendly and very supportive.



Where were you hiding then??? LOL! Not in the toilet tent!!
Where were you hiding then??? LOL! Not in the toilet tent!!

I was about half way along the orange fencing, next to a couple of ladies with HUGE amounts of Afghans!

I was the short fat ugly woman with the gorgeous fawn whippy!
Tracy Chamberlain said:
I was the short fat ugly woman with the gorgeous fawn whippy!
That's really strange, cos I thought that was me!! :lol: :b :- "

It was my first time as well, Tracy, we were only near the front so I had a chance to see what was going on :wacko: (didn't bring my glasses!), though in fact most of the time the dogs were too far away to see much!! :teehee: I do know what it feels like when it seems everyone knows eachother except you - it's horrible isn't, like being back at school :b but actually lots of us were only meeting for the first time, so if you can, pluck up the courage and come and say hi - we are all really friendly :) :)

Was your dog a young pup, and did he/she enjoy it?? :thumbsup:
That's really strange, cos I thought that was me!! :lol: :b :- "

It was my first time as well, Tracy, we were only near the front so I had a chance to see what was going on :wacko: (didn't bring my glasses!), though in fact most of the time the dogs were too far away to see much!! :teehee: I do know what it feels like when it seems everyone knows eachother except you - it's horrible isn't, like being back at school :b but actually lots of us were only meeting for the first time, so if you can, pluck up the courage and come and say hi - we are all really friendly :) :)

Was your dog a young pup, and did he/she enjoy it?? :thumbsup:

Ollie is 22 weeks and seemed to have a really good time. He was very excited each time the dogs went running past as we were right at the front as well.

I really came to just see what it was all about as bought Ollie purely as a pet. However, having seen what fun they have I would like him to have a go to see if he enjoys it once he is over a year.

I agree with you that it was quite hard to see the dogs when they were right over the other side, but I was in awe of so many of them as they went flying round those bends.

I will definitely say hello to more people next time, please don't get me wrong there were quite a few people that were so nice and I had a really good chat with them. Just felt a bit silly asking then if they were K9ers, seemed so nosy really. And then of course there was the lady parked next to me who said that she was and I have completely forgotten her name :wacko: She had four beautiful dogs, I was very impressed by them all :wub:

Does anyone know of any other events coming up soon?
Okay here goes with the pics. Sorry if your dogs not here - we only took one film in case they were all rubbish!

Here's Digger out in front! Nice length of stride there Deb and Laurie (?) :thumbsup:

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