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Broken Toe?


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Hello K9 Community,

I think my deerhound broke a toe while chasing squirrels yesterday, I came hame to find a big hairy tripod looking at me all sorry like. I had to carry him out to pee this morning, and I think that broke my back! Well, I'm not keen on taking him to the vet since I can't imagine that they can do much for him, and it seems that most vets round here are a bit too keen on dispensing anti-biotics and anti-inflammotries e.t.c. for the slightest affliction, so it'd probably be the operating the table for a broken toe!

Anyway, I'll go with what you people say - I've not been failed in the past- always sound advice.

Many thanks again.

Simon (and Angus).
Oh poor little chap. Hope he gets better soon and you won't have to keep carrying him out to the garden for too much longer!!! :D Big hugs to him :huggles: Sure you will get some great advice from the K9'ers :D
Sorry - but I think you do need to take him to a vet. Broken toes can be tricky, depending on the type of break and which joint is broken and there's no way to be sure without an x-ray.

If it's the first or second joint that's broken and a clean break with the bone still aligned you might get away with strapping it up and 6-8 weeks rest. If it's the 3rd joint or a more complicated break it may not heal straight without pinning. If it heals badly you might have to lose the toe in the end.

Broken toes also get infected easily, for some reason, and can be very painful so if it was my dog I'd want ABs and pain relief.
yep,id go along with Fee Fee on this one.dont mess around with broken bones.take him to the vet :thumbsup:
Agree with the last two posters.

You say "you think its a broken toe" and you had to carry him.

If its on front leg it could be a wrist or shoulder.

If on back leg could be a broken hock or worse shattered.

Take the poor dog to a Vet

:angry: :angry:
Hiya Simon, I do know what you mean but a broken toe is so painful and must be dealt with by a professional if its not to cause problems in future. :luck: :luck: Jan

I know it's his toe because he gave a yelp when I moved it yesterday while checking for cuts between his toes or cuts to his pad. It's on his front leg. I'm not sure if it's broken though, he will put a little weight on it but doesn't like to (obviously). Ha, my wife is hand feeding him on his bed now, like Julius Caeser!

Thanks for the advice, I will make the appointment for the vet.
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:thumbsup: Hope its not too serious :) Any pics of him - I love deerhounds :huggles: (w00t)
They usually say the lower down the injury the higher the dog will carry it's foot. Get the lad down to the vets, nothing wrong with dogs having anti-biotics and / or anti-inflammatories if they're needed and the vets the best person to decide if they are needed. :thumbsup:

Hope all goes well. :luck:
I'm beginning to think that my earlier diagnosis was wrong. He's almost walking normally now and only limps when he first gets up, also, there was never any swelling and nothing looked to be displaced.

I will still consult the vet though.
