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British And American Whippets

UKUSA said:
Yes, yes yes Cathie but the standard doesn't say that they should have  a weak under jaw, the under jaw should be strong to pick up and hold a rabbit, of course its important that it is strong.Nicky

No it's important that the underjaw strong because that is what the standard asks for !

My point is that a whippet with less underjaw than required in the standard, can still grab the bunny. The same as a whippet with an overshot mouth can still do the job, it just isn't very pretty to see. Functionality is not the preserve of the perfectly formed whereas winning a beauty contest should be!

This is one of my favourite pictures, its my Chelsea, taken at a show when she was BOB. Pictured also is Lily, her Gt. Niece.
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i love this pic of Otis that Mark Roberts took last week,

Uber Masculine head without being course, i am a bit Bias though :D

though am i right in thinking his pigment would go against him on T'Other side of the pond?

patsy said:
It was very gratifying to hear from one of our American friends that she found the thread one of the most interesting threads she had read on the breed, even staying up until 2 a.m. to finish it.  Yes Jax there are head breeds, when you come to think of it most breeds are, and we must consider ourselves very lucky in Whippets that the judges don't think that the head is of very great importance, not in anyway easy to breed for a head type and construction. We must never forget that a Whippet does have a standard for the head, eyes ,ears and under jaw play an important part, I don't think that it is acceptable just to have a feminine bitch and a masculine dog, that is a complete cop out.

I did not say JUST to have a feminine head or a masculine one would make a whippet head , , WHAT I meant was , I like a bitch to look like a bitch etc , we are getting bitches with very heavy heads , which does not fit with the elegance of female whippet < Im quite aware of the standard :cheers:

Harvee and India easy Im sure to see who is male and who is female , and with the breed standard in mind :cheers:
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UKUSA said:
Yes, yes yes Cathie but the standard doesn't say that they should have  a weak under jaw, the under jaw should be strong to pick up and hold a rabbit, of course its important that it is strong.Nicky

I once had a cat, just ordinary little 3.5kg moggie, who used to bring home rabbits lot bigger than himself. I could see him long way across the paddocks coming up the hill holding the rabbit somewhere in the middle and both hind legs and head would be dragging on the ground. I can assure you he had a jaw considerably weaker than any Whippet ever had.

I have nothing against "strong" underjaw, however if we keep stressing that, some people will be selecting for the strongest jaw forgetting other aspects of the head. I would like to know exactly how strong is strong enough. Some photos , perhaps? What is considered not strong enough?
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Heres Jackie, a lovely soft head, I just love this photo.
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i just fell in lurvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee JACKIE!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: parnew you are very lucky , stunning :wub:
dragonfly said:
UKUSA said:
Yes, yes yes Cathie but the standard doesn't say that they should have  a weak under jaw, the under jaw should be strong to pick up and hold a rabbit, of course its important that it is strong.Nicky

No it's important that the underjaw strong because that is what the standard asks for !

My point is that a whippet with less underjaw than required in the standard, can still grab the bunny. The same as a whippet with an overshot mouth can still do the job, it just isn't very pretty to see. Functionality is not the preserve of the perfectly formed whereas winning a beauty contest should be!


Isn't that what we are talking about, winning a beauty contest ? I know that I'm certainly not talking about and have no interest in getting into the working aspect of the breed, I am more than happy to leave that to the people whose preserve that is, they know far more about that than I do.

A 'classic' whippet head? I think masculine without being coarse and correct ears, perhaps not masculine-enough for some?

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posh totty said:
i just fell in lurvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee JACKIE!!!!  :wub:   :wub:   :wub:   parnew you are very lucky , stunning  :wub:
Thank you I just love her head, always have, a true classic. I'll put a couple more up for you.
I think this photo of the Stormburst trio shows very well stunning masculine heads on the 2 boys and a beautiful feminine head of their sister Lily.


There is also a great photo that Jo has of team Citycroft together, which shows good feminine and masculine heads, all with correct ears. But I can't find it! :(
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Some truely lovely shaped heads, this what we want to make you fall in love when look at them :wub:

Jackie again !!!
parnew said:
posh totty said:
i just fell in lurvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee JACKIE!!!!  :wub:   :wub:   :wub:   parnew you are very lucky , stunning  :wub:
Thank you I just love her head, always have, a true classic. I'll put a couple more up for you.

wow!!!!! do you mind if i ask for a full stacked pic ? stunning :wub: btw i may pinch the pics o:)
Can we have pic's / diagram's of not so good :thumbsup: