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Book reccomendation?


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Hi there

Can anyone reccomend a book/s on the Italian Greyhound in Britain. I'm really interested in learning more about the breed especially about how they like to be kept happy. My whippets free-run and the Iggy would have the run of the downstairs part of the house with them so I wouldn't want it to damage itself - are they tough enough???

Appreciate any comments...

One of the best books on the market at the moment is Lillian Barbers 'The Italian Greyhound, 21st Century'

It is really informative. You would have to order it via as it is not available in the UK yet.

My IGs have always run with the Whips but they have the bone density to do so. I have a movie clip of my two 6 month old pups playing. I wish I could post it. I lost count the number of times they have fell off the settee.

It really would depend where you got your IG from whether you would be able to let them run free, that is the bottom line really.
Many thanks Jan - I'll order that from US.

I'm thinking of a few years down the line so that will give me plenty time to read and learn more about them. It's a pity I'm only at the odd CH show on Hound days, not Toy. Is there a Scottish IG club?

many thanks,

No Scottish Club Im afraid, There are very few IGs in Scotland. But we will be going to the Scottish Kennel Club in May, so come along and see us.

Check out the IGUKSOC.CO.UK web site as well for more info and a view of IGs not connected with the IG Club.
Hi Jan

I can't find anything online at IGUKSOC.CO.UK? Did find tho..

Will be at SKC hound day in May... definitely going to try to get to TOY day too.... I'd love to meet some IG. I have only met one, at a show in Dundee, but they are really 'holding' my eye all the time now! Just beautiful.

The Supermodel will be at SKC both May and August so I hope we can meet :D

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:D I'll be up there too, so come along and say hello. Haven't seen the book that is being talked about but if you go to the champ shows and some open shows, the book stalls have some really good books on about Iggies and they give you a very good idea of how the breed has developed. There is usually one at SKC.

Jan Fiers
Doh! :oops:

Just realised hounds and toys are on the same day at SKC :p

Do your classes start early?? The Supermodel's class won't be until after 11am (no doubt) so I will be able to come and say hello! Would I be able to photograph your Iggies - I'm an artist and would love to paint an IG. I'll keep away until after you have been in class.

How will I find you? - can you tell me your Iggy's names please...

Really looking forward to May...

Attaching an oil painting of The Supermodel

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:D :D :D :D Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, you can take all the photos you want cos then you can paint me a picture for my hubby's xmas pressie this year. He would just love it. I'm so in awe of anyone with talent like yours. I can't even draw a matchstick man, let alone paint one!

Do you do Whippets as well, cos my best boy will be in the Whippet classes at SKC, as you've already guessed on the same day, and his portrait would be just for Me?

We won't really mention the filthy lucre, but just let me know at SKC how much I will owe you, for your work.

Ooooo, I'm really excited about it.

Must be getting old!

Jan Fiers

Really looking forward to SKC now! Will have my camera.

The Supermodel (Therpan Tickle of Zilloot) will be in one of the bitch classes,poss Limit. Which class will you boy be in (and your IG?)

have checked out

good site

Jan did you have input to this site or did you come across it by chance

it is more informative than the IG club website with regards to health
Hi Neill42,

Although I was initially 'in' financially at the start of the website the credit has to go to Joanne Amsel (Artmeis) for keeping the site running and keeping our web master updated.

The IGUK SOC. was set up as an alternative web based site to the IG Club from which I resigned as Chairman and as a member about 2 years ago. We have no committee, no politics and therefore no arguing :cheers:

One of the aims was to be more informative about health problems which tend to be swept under the carpet by some breeders and downright ignored by a few.

Shortly after we set up the website the IG Club also set up theirs. We had linked in to as many other IG Clubs world wide as we could. An IG Club member then took it upon themselves to contact all our links asking for our link to be removed as they were the only 'official' IG Site in the UK approved by the Kennel Club :- "

We are very proud of the website so thank you for your compliments, they are much appreciated. Jan
:D Zilloot, my lad's called Taraday Charles at Lokeren and will be in Junior Dog.
:b Forgot to say, my boy will be in Open Dog in Whippets, Nevedith Beefa Beejabers at Lokeren, thank goodness I don't have to shout that when I want him to come indoors. He's called BJ and at the moment is fast asleep on my bed right in the middle, so we'll have a tussle when it's my turn for bed!
Hi Jan

I myself was a member of the IG Club for a while, but also found that when one of my dogs Pepe started getting seizures I tried to seek advice from some of the members to see if anyone had experienced the same problem ... as you can imagine I hit a brick wall !! . I have since found out that seizures are known in certain lines of IG and have found another IG owner whose dog has seizures(who incidently is the same line) .

My friends dog Bello died of cushings syndrome and her friends dog which was the sister of Bello has recently died of Leukaemia.

My oldest dog Polo has just been diagnosed with Pancreatitis he also has knee problems(he has had a knee reconstruction which i am given to understand is frowned upon by the IG club they would rather the dog suffer!).

The IG club members claim to be choosey who they let their dogs breed with but in my experiance they are only interested in what the dogs are going to look like and not what health probs maybe in that particular line. The don't seem to abide by their own code of ethics.

I was really pleased to see a website with more info on IG health in the UK. The American sites seem to be useful too.

I wish the IG club could be more up front as it is the IG that suffer because of their honesty. Had I known the health risks in Pepe's line I would never have breed from him, luckily none of his offspring are showing signs of seizures....yet.

keep up the good work!
hmm...I am starting to think seriously about my first IG and want to avoid lines that are problematic; I think dog-health has the priority. I had a whippet with epilepsy and boy, did I meet brick walls too. It killed her. I don't care what caused it I would never have bred from her. Her brother went on to be a champion and would have been used freely as a stud..... :wacko:

I know that it's not nice to name names so what I'm going to ask for is guidance. I'm going to meet as many IGs as I can and learn as much as I can before 'asking' to be considered for a puppy.

I've heard of lines that breed in stronger bone (free running with whippets)too.

Neill, do you ever show.. and in Scotland or the North. It would be very nice to meet you and your IGs sometime, and Jan Doherty, and Jan Fiers (SKC-May!!!can't wait Jan!). I can see the point of the IG Society and am so glad they have such a great website.

Anyway, very glad to find all these sites! and 'meet' you all!

I currently have a bitch with Cushings. I bred 3 litters from her before spaying and to date all puppies from her litters have now been spayed or castrated. There has been only one litter from her progeny and so far they appear healthy.

Our line is free from Epilepsy. Leg breaks can happen to any dog if the circumstances are right. Ours do not break their legs jumping off the settee :- " or leaping up and down for food. Mine do suffer occasionally from Colitus but because I know how to treat it immediately and know the signs it is kept to a minimum.

Breeders are not up front about their health problems on the whole and I think the classic was a comment from a breeder when asked about epilepsy in their line, Mine dont have Epilepsy they have little episodes ;)

There is a high proportion of IGs who end up in rescue who have epilepsy although that is not the reason they are come to rescue but indicates a bigger problem.

What I cannot and will not forgive is breeding Epilepsy to Epilepsy, or leg break to leg break, getting on my soapbox again :rant: :rant:

Until recently my IGs ran with a lurcher and a racing Greyhound, I only have the one whippet now and he has to stay on a flexi lead because he runs off but he runs with them in the garden.

Whenever anyone calls asking for information about IGs they are told the truth. What they do with that information is up to them. What also amazes me is the amount of people we would not consider for a puppy who then turn up with one at a later date. Jan
I have been to the vets tonight and they have told me that they got the results wrong and Polo doesnt have Pancreatitis, so thats a relief, they think he may have just had a stomach bug.

We live on the south coast (fiona, if we find ourselves in your neck of the woods we will let you know)

My mum has Pepes son and my friend has Pepes wife and two daughters! There are other IGs locally aswell.

Polo is coming up 7 was breed from a mother and son( i was told it was a accident!) bred in Devon. Pepe is 5 was one of four puppies, bred in Dorset.

Pepe is now on medication for his epilepsy which he will take for the rest of his life, he does have to have a liver function test every six months.

Polo has his bad knee he also had a break in the same leg he now suffers with mild arthritis.

I call them "mummys angel" and "mummys star". My husband calls them squigglers.

The boys days of showing are long gone they're both castrated. My friend did show Pepe once at a IG Club champ show he got two 2nds the (the first one there was only him and the other dog in the ring and the other there were more dogs but the judge couldn't place him higher than the dog he had just gone up against).

We have lots of photos so will have to sort out and show you. We also have a oil painting of Polo, we will try and take a photo to also show you.

We certainly wouldnt be with out them now!
Glad Polo is okay. If you find he suffers from dicky tummies regularly then it sounds more like Colitus, vets always seem to go for the worst case scenario.

Keep some Zantac and Buscopan handy in the cupboard(from any chemist) When you hear the tell tale squeaking of the stomach give Zantac (usually by this time the stools are loose also) If you miss that stage and the dog is cramping, hunched and uncomfortable give the Buscopan. The quicker you treat the less chance of a repeat episode.

Did your IGs come through rescue as both their names are familiar? Although I dont support the IG Club I still support the rescue and help with moving dogs around the country to new homes.Jan
I've had both from pups. polo is a hestia and pepe is a myroak.

Thanks for the advise re stomachs, i know that noise well. what size dose do you give?

Rescue dogs need support whatever and where ever they are. Our work charity is Last Chance in Kent.Always happy to support rescue if we can.

It's great finally find people willing to offer advise.This is a good forum.

Thanks again