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Body Language

This is a very good exercise for a new dog owner like myself. Have been reading about body language but it all makes more sense when you can see it.
I found a nice little test on the net... I found some of the sites decisions a little dubious; but as we've already observed it's rather difficult to read the situation from a photograph. Anyhow I got 14/19, how will you guys do?
How fluent are you in dog-speak?
Couple of vids of Jasper interacting with a dog we met in the park - I'd be interested to read what people make of the body language!

I would say that initially he looks like he’s having fun, he’s bowing down and playful but then his body changes when the lab is sniffing intensely round his face. But then this changes again when the lab moves away and Jasper follows.... does jasper like to be in control of the situation?
does jasper like to be in control of the situation?

I think that's a very good description! Importantly... the lab was an 18-month-old entire male. There was a time when Jasper would have tried to neuter him :eek: As you can see, he's intensely interested and despite the playbow not comfortable with the situation, but also, despite the fact that we'd been walking with the owners for about 20 mins, not prepared just to ignore the other dog and simply tell him to bog off. I'm really pleased he didn't tip over into agression - we split up just as he was thinking about getting humpy with him...
Agree with Josie. He doesn't seem to like being sniffed but not all dogs do. I'd be happy if my Pip interacted that well with another dog .
I've just had the chance to watch this properly, I thought the lab was quite lacking in self awareness regarding his own bolshy behaviour and body language - a fairly typical teenage lab lad in other words. Despite him pushing the boundaries a bit, I thought J behaved in a very restrained way, I'm sure you are really proud of him.
Yes, and I suspect it's a lot more common than people realise. Jasper likes shows of affection to be low key - either a good ol' bum scratch, or an ear rub while he has his nose stuck in my groin. And if he's feeling really loving, he'll just rest his head against my leg and sigh.

Yes, that is very interesting! I have noticed with Robin, he does like me, but when I get to giving him a cuddle and kiss on his bonce! He almost ducks down! LMAO - so I don't do it any more it was clearly too much for him! He will come and sit on me - but I'm not sure if that is a good sign or a bad one? He sits with me much as he can and puts a paw on me, giving a blink with both eyes - no idea what that means either! :)
He will come and sit on me - but I'm not sure if that is a good sign or a bad one? He sits with me much as he can and puts a paw on me, giving a blink with both eyes - no idea what that means either! :)

Yes, given a chance Jasper would sprawl all over me. Sadly, he can't, because one of his quirks is he doesn't then like it if I move, or so much as breathe deeply. Blinking is a calming signal - maybe Robin is saying, 'I come in peace - settle down and let's chill together.'
Errrm? Breakfast perhaps?
Wow! Is that your saluki? Lucky, lucky you. What a handsome chap. However if I’ve clicked and opened the wrong image I take it all back.
Yes, given a chance Jasper would sprawl all over me. Sadly, he can't, because one of his quirks is he doesn't then like it if I move, or so much as breathe deeply. Blinking is a calming signal - maybe Robin is saying, 'I come in peace - settle down and let's chill together.'

JudyN! That is amazing! Of COURSE!!!!! I am VERY high energy most of the time, working on getting his attention to keep him safe! I need to RELAX - thank you!!!!!! :)
JudyN! That is amazing! Of COURSE!!!!! I am VERY high energy most of the time, working on getting his attention to keep him safe! I need to RELAX - thank you!!!!!! :)

Seriously - I think a sighthound does much better with calm, Zen-like owners. Otherwise there's too much 'Erk, what's going on? What's happening? Is the world about to end?' going on in their heads. It helps that OH and I are pretty low-energy people, and rarely argue - but even letting off steam about the political situation can upset Jasper, and if OH is in another room, I avoid shouting at him (he's getting a bit deaf). And if I realise I should have got tea out the oven ten minutes ago, I don't go 'OH NO!!!' and leap up (in which case Jasper would assume that there is DANGER and it might be best if he stops me even getting off the sofa) but casually get up slooooooowly.... [Disclaimer: Jasper does tend to overreact!]

Not to say that this is a problem for you and Robin course - but it's important to be aware of how 'on alert' he is feeling and how your own body language is influencing that. It's not always easy to spot in a puppy who is naturally wired a lot of the time, so you need to be aware of subtle clues in his body language. And if he teaches you to be more laid back and relaxed, that's good too!
Couple of vids of Jasper interacting with a dog we met in the park - I'd be interested to read what people make of the body language!

In video 1 - I saw a well mannered adult (Jasper), being friendly, and responding as I see many dogs do to typical overly friendly in your face lab greetings. Well done Jasper.

In video 2 - I saw a bit of a mature adult setting boundaries on Jasper's part. he would freeze/disengage. then when the lab stopped doing what he was doing, he would reengage.

I watched a 9 month old female husky teach a 3year old mastiff male to mind his manners in a very similar way. she used "submissive" behaviors, freeze and disengagement to reinforce or punish wanted/unwanted behaviors by the mastiff. it was brilliant to watch, particularly from such a young dog. Mastiff soaked up the lessons and in his case advanced his social skills with other dogs.

Of course when the lab would be moving away, Jasper would revert to boundary pushing youngster. but nothing of concern.

over all, Jasper was very well mannered. mostly...for Jasper :p just kidding. he was a good boy.
Seriously - I think a sighthound does much better with calm, Zen-like owners. Otherwise there's too much 'Erk, what's going on? What's happening? Is the world about to end?' going on in their heads. It helps that OH and I are pretty low-energy people, and rarely argue - but even letting off steam about the political situation can upset Jasper, and if OH is in another room, I avoid shouting at him (he's getting a bit deaf). And if I realise I should have got tea out the oven ten minutes ago, I don't go 'OH NO!!!' and leap up (in which case Jasper would assume that there is DANGER and it might be best if he stops me even getting off the sofa) but casually get up slooooooowly.... [Disclaimer: Jasper does tend to overreact!]

Not to say that this is a problem for you and Robin course - but it's important to be aware of how 'on alert' he is feeling and how your own body language is influencing that. It's not always easy to spot in a puppy who is naturally wired a lot of the time, so you need to be aware of subtle clues in his body language. And if he teaches you to be more laid back and relaxed, that's good too!

I feel you have totally hit the nail bang on the head! me,me,me! every time. I am working on keeping my energy low, but I am constantly running at overload on jobs to do vs. time to do them! There is never a day when I chill! I am very aware of how I affect the horses, being an EAL facilitator I have to be! Did not think hard enough about poor Robin! When I chose him at 2/52 from a photo I kept close touch with breeder and he messaged me photos and updates. His comment one time was 'He's completely MAD' I love it, that is how I wanted them to be when I chose the parents' well at that point I should really, have said no thanks, but it was wa-ay too late we had chosen each other from the photos and there was no way I would let him go to anyone else now! I shall work hard on myself, thank you for pointing that out I really do appreciate it! I will never get offended if anyone tells me something, but will always be grateful. :)