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Blidworth Club Ends

sorry to hear this Chris hope you are ok now

if you need anything just get in touch will do anything

you just think about resting and getting well again

hope you are soon up and about see you m8

glad to say track all marked up on satarday ashame about car hitting me head on on way home and 8 hrs in a and e on way home and van being wrote off and a broken wrist. but could have been worse as lad in car took fire men 1 and half hrs to cut him out and least he was totally fine as rode with me in ambulance.and just like to thank friends with offers of helping with travel and offer to look after dogs :thumbsup:
Pleased to hear your ok Chris :thumbsup:
HOPE YOU ON THE MEND CHRIS,kenny,chris dan ash.x
Bloody hell chris you'll do owt to get a kennel hand hahaha look you dint have to go break ya wrist so i'd run your dogs lol just ask :thumbsup: Glad your ok see you soon x
Glad your OK Chris, vans can be replaced but people can't. Take it easy till you feel betterAll the best

Marie and Graham

Same message from me too, although i do know the 'taking it easy' bit will be more of a pain for Chris than the wrist (w00t)

Look after yourself i'm sure it won't keep you away from racing for long, the lengths some people will go to, to get a dog handler :thumbsup:

was thinking the same karen lol now he wants a dog handler and driver lol really glad your ok chris but will adimt first thing i said when told on sunday was " did he have any dogs with him are they ok " sorry next thing was is he ok oops :thumbsup:
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