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Black Friday? Love or Loathe?


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Hey all,

What are your thoughts on Black Friday? Have you used it in the past to get some really good deals or do you find it all to just be one big con?

I’m on the fence and definitely feel the pressure to buy. I have got some amazing deals in the past on items that I had been watching pretty much all year so knew the price drop was genuine but I have seen some really bad examples of how it can be a massive con -for example when companies say that an item is half price but they just put the ‘before’ price up to make it look like it’s cheap.

I usually make a list of things I want for the dogs and then research them beforehand and note the prices and then I search on the day for the best deals and snap anything up that Le genuine. I haven’t done my research this year though so I’m a bit scared about getting sucked in to the hype.

what do you guys think? Have you ever gotten any amazing steals?

It a really new concept here and most people see it as an American gimmick so they take no notice!
It's only recently emerged in the UK and I hate it. We all consume far too much, and people end up buying more 'stuff' that they don't need simply because it is, or looks to be, a bargain. Consumerism is a huge part of why the world is in the mess it is in, and buying frenzies are wrong, wrong, wrong.

Don't get me wrong - I admit that I love shopping and feel the lure of new 'stuff' :oops: But I won't buy anything that I don't either need, or really, really want. I make a list of what I need or my heart's desires throughout the year so I can ask for them at Xmas or my birthday to avoid getting stuff I don't need. This can range from really lovely socks (I specify the exact ones) through books, indulgent toiletries, a new sieve, even - on one occasion - a sink plunger...

I wouldn't go so far as to boycott Black Friday because it's not going to make a difference, and if my budget was limited I'd probably make a point of looking for Black Friday deals on the stuff I need. But I won't be going 'Woo hoo, it's Black Friday, what can I buy?'
I think you’re right @houseof_fraser and that if you know the original price you can tell if you’re being tricked!

It’s a very common trick and lots of people that fall for it because your mind automatically thinks it’s saving on something!