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Biting Help Needed Please

HopeRosie said:
Just a little update -
Weve been following the new "rules" for a few days now but already I can really notice the difference and shes only mouthed me once with her teeth in the last couple of days, Im not expecting miracles but I feel a lot more confident than I did.  In our training class on friday she was a complete angel, really listening to me for longer than before (well as much as a 12 weekold pup could) - and there was no snatching at the treats because Ive taught her to move her nose away from my hand before I give her the treat so no more grazed fingers.  She will now also wait for her food bowl , (only a couple of seconds).  We do ignore her when weve come in and shes learnt that if she sits quietly she gets attention - she sort of squirms trying to will herself to sit still lol Weve stopped playing tuggy games and as the weather has been so foul the back door has been shut so she cant go in and out whenever she wants.  She taught herself yesterday that if she jumps up at the back door she can jangle the keyring with keys that stays in the lock.  She jangles the keys - I let her out for a wee!  Weve played loads of fetch which is much more under control and lots of "find me" I hide - she finds me, and of course there are still loads of ball games and whippy kisses and cuddles.

Weve found about five different walks to go on - each with off lead bits, we are going out twice a day every day which is good for both of us (although a little damp at the mo!).

She also had a marrow bone today to chomp on - she wore herself out with that one - although she was confined to the kitchen with that one - and I had to keep an eye on her in case she got into trouble!

So all  :thumbsup: so far

Have missed the whole of this thread :b but so glad to come in now and find out you've made fantastic progress and all is looking positive :thumbsup:

I am sure she will continue to improve and all the stress will be a distant memory :)
:thumbsup: im really glad things are improving for you! :luck:

great news :cheers: it sounds like she's a clever and sweet little gal :huggles:

I shall have to do some "find me" games with my pup - hadn't thought of that. Thanks for sharing all the advice :thumbsup: