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JAX said:
Sorry EMW , but youve lost me there ?? what do you mean  :b
Sorry! :b He just seems to be glowing in that photo - like the old readybrek adverts!! :lol: :b :b :lol:

He's gorgeous! :wub: as is Tiger Lily!!
Ok , so I got the seas mixed up :oops: I knew it was the IRISH sea , I was just testing :- "
Well done Jax, nice result. Congrats to everyone else too. Lovely venue and only just 35minutes away from home. All shows should be there in future :D
Might have if this is the right photo!!!

R - L is Rupert (aka Derohan Hawk Wing JW) BPIS, Pony Soljer DCC winner, Bardo BCC winner and Savilepark ???? RBPIS

Ah!! Photo cropped to take out RPBIS!!!

So L- R Bardo, Pony Soljer, Rupert!!!!
Didnt get through to the BIG final of the Junior Stakes today :( , we got beaten by an Old English Sheepdog , :wacko:

Still , Mikkee was good as ever and tried her best , :wub: and we got seen in the BIG ring , which can`t be bad :p

and OH came too :blink:

Next show RICHMOND
this is a picture of the 3 finalist ( Bitches) , the lady with the GSP has won through to 3 finals :eek: and has yet to win overal :( , so we were in good company ;)

Photo taken by OH who forgot how to use the zoom :wacko: