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Biopsy On Wart Type Lump

Dylan got his stitches out today and the all clear!!!!

Thanks for your support and well wishes

Anne & Dylan xxx
Great news :)

Hope it won't be long until Dylan can go charging about "up Rosso" again. I had mine there on Monday, they loved it :teehee:
So glad to read that both Dylan and Fin are on the mend and its been nothing too serious :huggles:
Glad all went well :thumbsup:

Sada had one removed from her chest, i was horrified at the

size of the wound when i collected her, but thankfully it soon

healed up.

Just picked Tilly up from vets having had the lump removed. She came round very quickly and is very lively, such a stoic little dog. Now we wait and hope the histology results are good. So glad that Finn and Dylan's results were clear.
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Maybe it was too much to hope for that all three dogs, Finn, Dylan and Tilly would be in the clear but we have had the awful news today that Tilly's lump is cancerous. The vet tells me that it is a Grade 1 Mast Cell tumour and that histology confirms a good margin of clear non cancerous tissue around and below the removed tumour. Vet did her best to reassure me and feels no further treatment is necessary but I have asked that Tilly be referred to Leahurst Vet Hospital for a second opinion. My worry is that as the operating vet didn't think it was nasty either before or after she had removed the lump, has she really taken away enough surrounding tissue to prevent re-growth or should we make sure by zapping with some radiotherapy?

I feel as though I have just gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson.... and lost. Does anyone have any experience, good or bad, with this type of tumour?
TillynPip - sorry to hear your news. I know nothing of these tumours other than what I read when I thought it was what Dylan had. Your vet was right to remove surrounding tissue - that I do know. When I discussed scenarios with my vet he said there were things that could be done if it was a mast cell tumour but we didn't talk of it further. I'm sure there are folk on this forum who can advise through experience. Easy for me to say I know but keep strong. Look into options. Even get advice from another vet if you feel you need to. Let us know

Anne x
Sorry to hear Tilly's bad news, hope you get good results from the Vet Hospital :thumbsup:
Really sorry to hear of Tilly's news. Hope the Vet Hospital will be able to offer you some reassurance. :huggles:

May be best to start a new thread if you're asking for advice or others experience. Sometimes when a thread has been up for a while and started by someone else people stop looking at it! :unsure:

Good luck :thumbsup:
Angela, very sorry to hear your very worrying news about Tilly. I do hope that all the cancerous tissue was removed and that everything is ok. :luck:
I am so sorry to read your news on Tilly, I hope that the vet has removed all of the cancerous area and that the specialist can reassure you :huggles:
Thanks for your concern guys. Leahurst Vet Hosp have confirmed that they would not recommend any further treatment and that there is no reason to think this will recur. Obviously we will watch carefully for any new lumps and they will be removed immediately. Fingers crossed this is the end of it but I have learnt not to count my chickens. In the meantime, the stitches have been removed and Tilly has healed really well.

Once again, if anyone out there has first hand experience of this type of tumour, any advice or pointers would be appreciated. (I should probably have taken Gilliwigs advice and posted a new thread).
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