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Binx's line tend's to have a few "later developers" in it :thumbsup: ........Met his brother Otis on Sunday though, and he's certainly not a late developer :b .......
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Tona, so glad you have been reassured about Binx :))

Jo -

anal furunculosis
probably thick, but what is this??
Tracy Chamberlain said:
Just read the whole of this thread in one go, so good to know that Binx has had the all clear, but had to say you have made me laugh with this story  :- "  (w00t)
Me too - thought it should be a 18+ thread!!!! Almost pornographic....
JAX said:
ILoveKettleChips said:
Trundle along to your vet and have a chat with them.  My personal feeling is that they are very unlikely to descend now and he'd benefit from being neutered at some point, particularly with both undescended.  It's not necessarily a major op, as sometimes the balls are just sitting in the groin region.  I don't know whether you had planned to breed ...  :(

Why . is there prove that undesended testicles go cancerous if left ?

The litter brother to one of my freinds whippets had testicles that didnt decend and his VET said it wasnt going to cause any problems , and the dog lived to 16 years quite healthily :- "

Well JAX, I wish i had access to the same crystal ball this VET has access to.

Yes, there is an increased risk of cancer. Testes live in the scrotum for a reason - they are designed to function at a temperature less than that of the rest of the body. Subjecting them to the abnormal environment of the abdomen can increase the risk of cancer. Not to mention the risk of torsions etc, although IMO this is pretty uncommon.

These damn VETS, eh?

P.S. Great to hear the wee man is all fine and dandy Tina! :D
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Deb said:
Tona, so glad you have been reassured about Binx :))
Jo -

anal furunculosis
probably thick, but what is this??
Its an absolutely horrible condition :x basically without being too crude the flesh around the bum hole starts rotting away and they start bleeding, although there is medication to help nothing cures it, and ultimately surgery is the only option when they have to cut away all the flesh around the anus and after speaking to a lot of vets it is apparently a horrendous operation.

GSDs are particularly prone to it, so in the end we decided to have Oz PTS - you can't let them suffer like that :(

Glad Binx's bits are all correct and present! :huggles:
so glad binx is ok tina :) very funny reading though :lol:

my lab is nearly two and he still doesnt cock his leg, bless him :wub:
well it seems that everytime I go to reasure myself that Binx has his bits, (even though I clearly seen them yesterday with the vet showing me) I can't find them again!!

he was just lying on his back with leg's spread and they wern't there!! Do they hide them away?? :blink: I'm confused!

I went and had a feel where the vet showed me and nope they have disappered :eek:

Hannah you mentioned Binx's line being late developers, at what age did thier 'bits' become very noticable for all to see?
Hannah you mentioned Binx's line being late developers, at what age did thier 'bits' become very noticable for all to see?

Most are there from the start, but some have been as late as 7-8 month's ......This line also sometime's produces small balls :b .......Won't stop him racing though lol ........ :luck:
Thanks for that Hannah :thumbsup:

I just can't wait until you can see them properly, then and only then will I stop worrying, maybe it's because like you said Hannah there small :- "
Lil Digit only has the one (in evidence!) apparently both decended, but then one returned whence it came. The vet advised that we have him castrated - but i'm reluctant to do this just yet (if at all!)

He's only 10 months old and i sure don't want to be messing with his hormones right planning on leaving things well alone at the minute, and keeping an eye on things

just wondering if there's any kind of test i can book him in for every so often (when he's a bit older) to detect if anything cancerous is going on? he really has the sweetest temperament and i don't want to go changing that - or taking away bits that mother nature clearly intended him to have! :unsure:
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»Tina« said:
well it seems that everytime I go to reasure myself that Binx has his bits, (even though I clearly seen them yesterday with the vet showing me) I can't find them again!!
he was just lying on his back with leg's spread and they wern't there!! Do they hide them away??  :blink: I'm confused!

I went and had a feel where the vet showed me and nope they have disappered  :eek:

Hannah you mentioned Binx's line being late developers, at what age did thier 'bits' become very noticable for all to see?

Poor Binx just when he thought he was in for a tummy tickle, mum's out with the magnifying glass looking at his bits :lol:

Hope they appear soon Tina to put your mind at rest :thumbsup:
We were talking about this last night, and seriously as daft as it sounds you should try manipulating them down - saves a lot of agro in the long run!

Ziggy's (i know he's still very young) were still quite high up and i've been messing with them :oops: every night for about 2 weeks and the last couple of days they've really dropped, his line is the same and are known for it but i wasn't taking any chances.
Vicky said:
We were talking about this last night, and seriously as daft as it sounds you should try manipulating them down - saves a lot of agro in the long run!Ziggy's (i know he's still very young) were still quite high up and i've been messing with them  :oops: every night for about 2 weeks and the last couple of days they've really dropped, his line is the same and are known for it but i wasn't taking any chances.

thanks for that, ok how do I do this??? he's a hyper-active 7 month old who will not stay still for 2 seconds, you know where you say there quite high up, where abouts does that mean?

I see them clearly when he's excited in his willy shaft (sorry only way I know how to discribe this!) but when he calms down a bit they dissapear! :blink:

HELP!! :wacko: :unsure:
»Tina« said:
I see them clearly when he's excited in his willy shaft (sorry only way I know how to discribe this!) but when he calms down a bit they dissapear!  :blink:
Are you sure you're not seeing accessory sex glands, which are immobile swellings seen either side of his willy when he's excited, but which go away afterwards? His balls will be further back than these, and will be quite mobile if you prod them a bit! :clown:

To urchin - an abdominal ultrasound might be able to show the shape and location of the testes, but the only way to confirm what cells a tissue is made of (and therefore whether there's anything cancerous in it) is to remove it and get a pathologist to look at it - hence the only way to be 100% certain would be surgery :( ...
ILKC to be honest I don't really know, but they do sound like the glands you've discribed :blink:

it's so hard to have a real good look as he's hyper-active, I've tried and tried but he's just too bouncy!!

I think a second opinion at my vets is on the books!! (and not the new foriegn vet I saw before either)

how would I massage them down, that's if I find them :unsure:
OK..............I'm now in total SHOCK!!

I wasn't convinced 100% that the vet I took Binx too was qualified enough, or understanding what I wanted of her (she was foreign, and had real trouble understanding me,)

so I have just took Binx up to my cousin's house (she's a vet nurse and a breeder for many years)

she examined Binx, this is what she's told me............he has NO scrotum, she can't feel any testicals anywhere, not even a rigg (her words) she thinks Binx is a mono something (forgot the word) which means he has NO testicals at all, she said don't quote her on that as he'd need a scan to be 100% sure,

she's at the surgery tomorrow and she's going to ask the owner vet to see Binx for me, she said she's NEVER EVER felt a male dog like Binx before usually you can feel one ball but never no balls, there wasn't nothing there to massage down at all not even something as small as a pee, she said if he didn't have a willy she would have sworn she was feeling a bitch,

she also said he would have been like this from birth, and didn't I check him, I said no I didn't think to as you think when your buying a new pup that everything is perfect with them otherwise the breeder would have mentioned it :(

I'm so upset right now :( and to be honest a bit angry too, but more upset!!
Blimey what a roller coaster :( Bet binx is enjoying all the attention to his manhood (or lack of lol)
Poor you :oops: Tina and :b :b poor little Binx . I hope you can get a straight anwser tomorrow. To put your mind at ease once and for all :luck: :luck:
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she also said he would have been like this from birth, and didn't I check him, I said no I didn't think to as you think when your buying a new pup that everything is perfect with them otherwise the breeder would have mentioned it :(

I'm so upset right now :( and to be honest a bit angry too, but more upset!!

Please don't worry too much. I know exactly how you feel though, Lenny definately hasn't got any :(

I was annoyed too, but more with myself than the breeder. I didn't think to check him there either (probably because we had set out to but another bitch so I hadn't really thought about it). With hindsight, I am annoyed the breeder didn't mention it, because she obviously knew about it as she breeds for showing and that will be one of the reasons she couldn't show him. We still would have bought him because we fell in love with him but it would have been nice to know what we were dealing with from the start. Hmmm, I can feel this turning into a mini rant so I'll shut up now!! I blame myself for not checking :angry: