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Hi all,

well I've been wondering about a certain litttle whippet's balls, (or lack of them :blink: ) I just thought they haven't dropped yet so didn't worry to much about it, but the thing is he's 7 months now and there's NO sign of them :eek:

I've had a feel and can't feel any bumps what-so-ever :unsure: he looks like a female with a willy lmao! he even still pee's like a female, he doesn't cock his leg!

is this usual in whippet males? I'm looking after my friends king charles at the moment while shes on her hols and her pup is 4 months old and has visable 'man bits' and cock's his leg!

is this different in different breeds? should I be worried? and if whippets are late developers when will his balls drop?

Thanks in advance :)
Trundle along to your vet and have a chat with them. My personal feeling is that they are very unlikely to descend now and he'd benefit from being neutered at some point, particularly with both undescended. It's not necessarily a major op, as sometimes the balls are just sitting in the groin region. I don't know whether you had planned to breed ... :(
Normally, they should be clearly visible by the time puppy is 2 weeks old. If i cannot find them by 6 weeks i would be concerned.

My whippet has no balls either :(

I took him to the vets and they said it would be best to castrate him because there is a chance they could turn cancerous at some stage (thats because the balls will be there, just hidden in the abdomen somewhere!!).

Lenny is 6 months at the moment and we were told to wait til he was about 8 months before the op. Any comments on this??

He does cock his leg though, his favourite place is up against the oven when I'm not looking :rant:
wow I didn't know this could be so serious :eek: poor Binx!!

Will have to get him to the vet's and have him checked out by an expert, I'm just going to have another feel now just to be sure, :unsure:


he gets all excited when you fuss him and I do feel a bump by his willy (well inside, along his willy, you know when the red end comes out SORRY! :x ) is this his balls??
ok have just phoned my vet, he told me where to feel and what i should be feeling for, I was doing this while on the phone to him, I feel like such a dummy!!

I was feeling in the wrong place :b all I felt was like a long hard vain when I tryed to do it myself, my vet told me to move my hand forward a bit (towards his head direction) and BEHOLD I found Binx's balls (w00t)

I was feeling to far back lol, but I still can't see them when he's walking or lying down but I deffo felt 2 of them lmao!

my vet asked me to pop him down and he'll take a look just to reasure me though, :thumbsup:

Thanks for the help guys!

Jezza I hope your whippet is ok :(
Sorry had to laugh Tina - you are so explicit :lol: :lol: :lol: seriously hope Binx is ok. :thumbsup:
If you can feel his testicles they are not so far up in the abdomen and I think that is less dangerous for the dog. On some other threads, people were saying it would be okay to leave the dog alone at least until he is about 2 years old, as long as he has no adverse symptoms (pain, difficulty urinating, etc) as sometimes testicles descend very late. You should in any case not breed from such a dog (if he isn't infertile) as he is likely to pass on this undesirable trait. I wouldn't be concerned about him not lifting his leg, some dogs don't develop that behaviour until they are over a year old.
ILoveKettleChips said:
Trundle along to your vet and have a chat with them.  My personal feeling is that they are very unlikely to descend now and he'd benefit from being neutered at some point, particularly with both undescended.  It's not necessarily a major op, as sometimes the balls are just sitting in the groin region.  I don't know whether you had planned to breed ...  :(

Why . is there prove that undesended testicles go cancerous if left ?

The litter brother to one of my freinds whippets had testicles that didnt decend and his VET said it wasnt going to cause any problems , and the dog lived to 16 years quite healthily :- "
Thats a real bummer Tina , was it one you wanted for showing ? Have you ever seen his` bits `?
See the Stan the Man post and you'll see a lovely close up of some balls!! (w00t)

Sorry about your lad, we had a GSD that had undecended testicles (he was meant to join the poilce force - but this stopped him) He lived a fine life, until he was about 9 when his coat changed condition etc etc and they had operate, one was just up inside but the other was right up by the kidney I think and one had gone nasty. He recovered quickly and lived until he was about 10 or 11 when unfortunately he got anal furunculosis and was PTS :(

If I was you I would wait until he is at least 18 months before castrating as although unlikely they still may descend. There is no rush to have them removed.

:luck: to Binx :D

I would also give him wheatgerm oil, aids fertility so may help - you never know!
Poor Binx, now undignified to be discussed like this :unsure: .

I'm sure the vet will advise you on how best to deal with it.

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:

and :huggles: for Binx
Thanks for the replies everyone! I got rather worried!

just got back from the vets, he can feel them, and he showed me them too lol, I just thought they'd be huge as other male dog's I've seen are 'hanging' so to say lol, my vet said as he gets older they will droop more (w00t)

I feel so guilty for putting Binx through this now, I mean it's not nice having a strange man feel your bits :b

Jax, Binx won't be shown but I do hope to race him next year :thumbsup:
Just read the whole of this thread in one go, so good to know that Binx has had the all clear, but had to say you have made me laugh with this story :- " (w00t)
So glad Binx has got them Tina, :thumbsup: for his manhood pride if nothing else after everybodies had a feel (w00t) . :lol:
Hi Tina, I'm glad you found them!!

I've just had another look at Lennys :- " and he definately hasn't got any and he ha had two nice lady vets looking for them as well (perhaps he was just a bit nervous though!!)

Looking at advice given by other people, I think I will leave it until he is a bit older before thinking about having them removed
jezza said:
Hi Tina, I'm glad you found them!!
I've just had another look at Lennys :- "  and he definately hasn't got any and he ha had two nice lady vets looking for them as well (perhaps he was just a bit nervous though!!)

Looking at advice given by other people, I think I will leave it until he is a bit older before thinking about having them removed

What a good idea :thumbsup: :cheers: