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Big Brother 8

beaubeau said:
Not me

Make time to watch Prison Break (only for Wentworth Miller tho) and Friday night with Jonathan Ross.


So am I in the minority on here? or just a freak


Tracey X

Nah - not a freak. We stopped watching BB after BB 5 - it just got too OTT and really we didn't find ANY of the housemates interesting after that season.

Hey I'm with you on Prison Break though I watch it Mondays.

I'm still watching The Apprentice, and I think they clash tonight.

Im with you Jenny , The Apprentice for me :)
Well I can honestly say we won't be watching it.

I can't stand the excuse for a so called entertainment programme...I personnally would rather have my toe nails removed or or hot pokers shoved into my eyes. :- " (w00t) :blink:
hellybobs said:
Well I can honestly say we won't be watching it.
I can't stand the excuse for a so called entertainment programme...I personnally would rather have my toe nails removed or or hot pokers shoved into my eyes.  :- "  (w00t)   :blink:

Hows about a nice full frontal
midlanderkeith said:
hellybobs said:
Well I can honestly say we won't be watching it.
I can't stand the excuse for a so called entertainment programme...I personnally would rather have my toe nails removed or or hot pokers shoved into my eyes.  :- "  (w00t)   :blink:

Hows about a nice full frontal

of my false teeth :lol:
Im another saddo on the BB bandwagon..............never miss it
LasVegasNo1 said:
O doris I have just remembered something I meant to tell you ages ago, I was shopping in Partners Pets, about a year ago now, and I saw a family portrait with some very familiar Whippet's and IG's, hanging on the wall behind the checkout...... :cheers:
P.S. I hope it was your family now and I haven't made a complete twit of myself :b

yep, that's my lot!! it's still there too, I saw it there yesterday :D

it was done xmas before last, which turned out to be our Sunny's last one :(

we've got one that size at home, but the first time we saw it there was when I was feeling a bit guilty cos we were buying puppy stuff for Monty, who we were only getting cos we had room for him as Sunny had gone :( :( :(

when I saw it I burst into tears in the middle of the bloody checkouts!!! I felt such an idiot :b

actually, yesterday was the first time I've seen it and not cried - oh, I feel sad again now :unsure: :- " :wacko:

lovely though, isn't it :wub:
Hey they should do a whippy big bro with pooch contestants?? :- "
hellybobs said:
Well I can honestly say we won't be watching it.
I can't stand the excuse for a so called entertainment programme...I personnally would rather have my toe nails removed or or hot pokers shoved into my eyes.  :- "  (w00t)   :blink:

snap!love the apprentice though. :thumbsup:
:rant: well thanks to n.t.l or virgin media what ever they are calling them self.................i wont be watching anything :rant:

the set top box has gone up the shute, and the b****y a**e wipes, on the end of the phone said the cant come and fix /replace it till NEXT TUSDAY............ :eek: ......................that like 6 days away :- "

so after a few stroppy phone calls :oops:

il be going over to sky and they are coming to turn us on :- " :lol: on saturday.

so no i didnt watch bb tonight........tomorrow.......or the next night (w00t)
wheres the men in big brother...i see nails and hair pulling in the near future..spec when they stick 1 unsuspecting male in there...i predict world war 3!!!
doris said:
yep, that's my lot!! it's still there too, I saw it there yesterday :D
it was done xmas before last, which turned out to be our Sunny's last one :(  

we've got one that size at home, but the first time we saw it there was when I was feeling a bit guilty cos we were buying puppy stuff for Monty, who we were only getting cos we had room for him as Sunny had gone :(   :(   :(

when I saw it I burst into tears in the middle of the bloody checkouts!!!  I felt such an idiot :b  

actually, yesterday was the first time I've seen it and not cried - oh, I feel sad again now :unsure:   :- "  :wacko:

lovely though, isn't it :wub:

It is lovely, and what a lovely lasting tribute to Sunny :huggles: I didn't notice it last time I went but that's probably because I was on my own with Alfie and he was being a bluming pest at the checkouts! :sweating:
ladydee said:
wheres the men in big brother...i see nails and hair pulling in the near future..spec when they stick 1 unsuspecting male in there...i predict world war 3!!!
I know - not sure I like this all-women beginning!
(w00t) what ya all make of that tracy ... :lol: i think shes taken to much acid in her time all that face twitching :lol: