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Big Brother 8


Waiting for Telstra
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Come on who's not too embarrassed to admit that they will be watching Big Brother tonight? I know it's complete an' utter tosh but I'll be tuning in! :D
i'll have no choice unless i watch something else upstairs?
Sad to say I think we will be - although we've said we're going to try and not get too interested - but then we say that every year :oops: :lol:
LasVegasNo1 said:
Come on who's not too embarrassed to admit that they will be watching Big Brother tonight? I know it's complete an' utter tosh but I'll be tuning in! :D
No thanks, and tomorrow night weve got Katie n Peter, you see her whap her legs open onboard that boat :lol: disgusting to a typical english prude gentleman like me, and then flicking thro the channels, gets 97 up, nowt but utter debautory.

11pm thats on :oops:
midlanderkeith said:
LasVegasNo1 said:
Come on who's not too embarrassed to admit that they will be watching Big Brother tonight? I know it's complete an' utter tosh but I'll be tuning in! :D
No thanks, and tomorrow night weve got Katie n Peter, you see her whap her legs open onboard that boat :lol: disgusting to a typical english prude gentleman like me, and then flicking thro the channels, gets 97 up, nowt but utter debautory.

11pm thats on :oops:

oh alrightyyyy then debautchery :lol:
i'll have no choice unless i watch something else upstairs?

I would of been watching Speedway tonight if i was in, but i"m going lure coursing instead, :thumbsup: will have to watch the rerun on more 4 though. :lol:
where off lure coursing thank goodness,i hate the programme but for some reason i always end up watching it :wacko:
defo watch it 2night..then prob get bored after a few days...leave it 4 weeks saying "i'm not watching that trash again"..hear about something shocking that happened in it, on the news ...then tune back in..totally addicted.. :- "
Not me


Make time to watch Prison Break (only for Wentworth Miller tho) and Friday night with Jonathan Ross.


So am I in the minority on here? or just a freak


Tracey X
definately will be watching it (i know sad life) watched them all (w00t)
I'll be there too, and I watch Katie and Peter. BB will take us right through the summer - sad isn't it?!!
(w00t) il be watching i love it ,sad i know but i dont care i love it (w00t)
Good good glad to see I won't be on my own ;) It's even longer this year.... 13 weeks if you can believe it! :sweating:
YAY, BB IS BACK!!!!!!! :cheers:

I'll be watching every chance I get :b :- " :oops: sad I know but I am real addict :D

my OH says the same thing every year, 'great, thats me sitting in the garden drinking beer on my own while you sit staring at the telly all summer :angry: '

hope the weather picks up for the next 3 months or he is going to end up all wrinkled like a prune (w00t) :lol: :lol:
O doris I have just remembered something I meant to tell you ages ago, I was shopping in Partners Pets, about a year ago now, and I saw a family portrait with some very familiar Whippet's and IG's, hanging on the wall behind the checkout...... :cheers:

P.S. I hope it was your family now and I haven't made a complete twit of myself :b
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I always try and catch the first night - it's just further on down the line when it gets a bit boring!

But yes :b I'll definitely be tuning in tonight (the shame of it :lol: )
~JO~ said:
I always try and catch the first night - it's just further on down the line when it gets a bit boring!
But yes :b I'll definitely be tuning in tonight (the shame of it  :lol: )

Yep, me too, I like to watch the freaks go in :lol: try not to watch much more though but somehow end up getting drawn back in if I really hate one of the contestants!
jezza said:
~JO~ said:
I always try and catch the first night - it's just further on down the line when it gets a bit boring!
But yes :b I'll definitely be tuning in tonight (the shame of it  :lol: )

Yep, me too, I like to watch the freaks go in :lol: try not to watch much more though but somehow end up getting drawn back in if I really hate one of the contestants!

think that sums me up too lucy... :lol: ive usually got one i want out as soon as they step foot in the door (w00t) :- "