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Best pooper scooper?


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As a fairly new dog owner I thought it best to ask advice rather than spend ££££ on ineffective or unsuitable equipment I need.
I am a left arm amputee so only have use of one arm/hand but I also think if you have a dog you should be responsible for clearing up their poop. With two hands it is an unpleasant job but one handed it has been very difficult especially on windy days where the poop bags are blowing around. No doubt you have the unpleasant picture in your mind......sorry :/
Has anyone found/used a good pooper scooper device that they could operate completely one-handed?
With my large dogs I use big bread bags - cheap too! Then I first put my hand inside, and grab a handful, windy or not the bag is big enough for the opening not to meet the contents! Now obviously you would not be able to tie a knot in the bag, but I also carry a cheap supermarket bag, and drop the bag(s) in that. Until we reach a Poop Bin no-one realises what I am carrying! ;) Therefore, I don't think it would matter if the bread bags were left untied, and drop the supermarket bag straight into bin.

Hope all that makes sense, and perhaps something to consider x
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I'm afraid I use both hands (one for dog lead, one for poo bag), although I have often thought about clipping my dog to a belt, leaving me free to deal with the task. Would something like this help in your situation? I'm sorry I can't offer anything more useful, but I'm sure others will be along with helpful suggestions. I'm glad though that you're determined to pick up after your dog, where I live a lot don't and it's a real problem (several posts about it on here!).
I just use a bag but have learned through experience to pick up into the direction the wind is blowing from ...
I just use a bag too. If I have something in the other hand I tend to hook the dog lead round the toe of my shoe to restrain him whilst I pick up