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Beside The Point

So pleased she is on the mend, lets hope she continues to improve :wub:
thank god for that keep up the good work LIVY :huggles:
Hope you will be better soon. Love and licks from your 1/2 sister Belle. xxxxx
Hoping she makes a full recovery ...finger crossed
Oh my God, I am so sorry to hear what poor Livy has gone through but thank goodness she is doing ok. Good luck little girl, keep on getting better with each hour. :huggles:
Just read this Vicky, what a shock, poor Livvy........glad she is on the mend and hopefully back on the track soon x
poor livy :( fingers crossed for a speedy recovery :luck:
glad shes a lot better 4 u hope she continues to improve :luck:
I have only just seen this, thinking about you both and glad there is some improvment :)) and that Libby makes a full recovery :))
:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: hope shes ok vicky :luck:
Just seen this how awfull for you hope she makes a full recovery

fiona & john
Finally sat down after hectic day! :wacko: Thanks for the update Vicky. How's she gone on today?

Poor Liv, she's such a svelt little thing. Got everything crossed that this is the last we'll hear of it! :luck:
:angry: crap internet connection so couldnt add a reply

- I know Sal has posted awful to read this. Thinking of

you both, hopefully little Livvy is on the road to recovery.

Elaine x
only just seen this hope she continues to improve, if love care and attention is required she's in the right place. Thinking of you all. Les& Lynda
Just got back and seen this, hope all goes well. best wishes . :luck:
hope she nows goes from strength to strenght. . our thoughts have been with you at this traumatic time . dave emma tanzy and piper
We have just read this and hope little Liv is feeling better, it must be a very stressfull time for you both. I know she will be getting loads of cuddles but give her a big one from us X Mary .
We are both just as amazed at how quickly Livy has recovered as we are at how fast she went down hill. We seriously thought we were going to lose her on Thursday night. Now she's back to her cheeky self, you'd never have known there'd been anything wrong with her.