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Bend Championship Costs

piglet i didnt reply to your further posts as i have only just read them and i do not want to get into a slanging match with you,however you stated that some people pay a £5 to watch greyhounds and they are only flappers-i do not know how much you know about greyhound racing but let me assure you of something -all these really good ngrc dogs go flapping too.

i will give you an example- a dog who won many of the top championship races on the ngrc while trained by charlie lister also raced on the independants-i can remember he came up here to scotland to contest a race and more recently a top class dog called burbery boy also trained by charlie lister also came to scotland to contest a big race so as you will see many very good dogs run on the flaps.

my dog is called mtotos tryptich who raced at shawfield,since coming back from from her season she raced 26 times and only finished out of the first 2 in 4 of these races winning 11 with 11 seconds and being last only once,prior to that she won half her races at armadale flapping track and will be entered into the 400yd race at the cheltenham festival-for which i will have to pay £40 entry fee for each of my 2 dogs plus travelling costs of maybe £100 return for petrol plus if we qualify for the final we will need to pay out for boarding costs for 4 days,so probably total costs of at least £250 plus a return drive of 6 hours each way.

so piglet i know plenty about greyhound racing both ngrc and flapping and more to the point i dont mind paying to see my dogs run in the best races,and you ask why i flap my dogs -well its quite simple i have been involved with dog racing for around 14 years and would rather train my dogs myself rather than pay someone to do it for me when i can do it just as well myself-plus i love having the dogs at home as they are pets as well as racers.
That's very interesting reading-I know nothing or very little about greyhound racing-my auntie has them and she's NGRC registered, she has had and may still have flappers too-I do know its a very different kettle of fish to racing whippets as we do though-

I think its very easy in day to day life to say things 'are only-------this'

and they 'are just---------that' sometimes without actually meaning anything by that-

I'm sure in the greyhound circuit some refer to the whippets as 'just whippets'-when actually some of these 'just whippets' have had more success than some greyhounds...

just used this as an example-I'm not starting a greyhounds V whippets thread-before anyone jumps in.......

Karen-('just' a woman's opinion)
Im sure Mtotos will teach me a wee bit about Greyhound racing and I will show him the rope's about whippet racing (w00t) :cheers: . They are both different but great to watch :))
Just out of interest what is flappin racing?
I freely admit to knowing next to nothing about whippet racing but having just got our first pup we are keen to learn regardless of wether our pup makes it as a racer or not and i have never stated anything along the lines of they are only whippets-why? - simple-i dont know enough about it to feel able to make such a statement-perhaps piglet should use the same school of though as i have.

If you read piglets post he quite clearly states that they are only flappin greyhounds as opposed to our championship whippets,he/she then goes on to put up another post asking why if my dog is so good i dont run ngrc and i gave several good reasons-its not a case of us and them-whippets or greyhounds-i love all sight hounds in fact all dogs-but i dont make flippant remarks about a sport i know little about-my bitch is certainly good enough to win ngrc races i posted her name so take a look at her form on and type in her name and you can see her full form as i say she improved no end after her seasonal break,i only wanted to make the point that flapping tracks have many good greyhounds as well as ngrc tracks and i also wanted to point out if you enjoy the sport of whippet racing why are people questioning having to pay £3 to watch a days racing? i think its decent value for a days sport-try watching horse racing for the same price-6 races and not nearly as much excitement.

Lesley flapping is greyhound racing but without the rules and regulations that exist in ngrc greyhound racing,for example at ngrc tracks all trainers/kennelhands and paddock stewards must be licenced by the ngrc after security checks you are issued with a licence and you must not run your dogs on flapping tracks.

flapping tracks are for people who maybe only have one dog who lives in the house as a pet but race as well-a bit like whippet racing really.

at ngrc tracks your dog must always run with the same name no matter what track you take it too but at flapping tracks you can call your dog a different thing at every track you take it too,at ngrc tracks your dog must be weighed in at least an hour before racing and must be within 1kg of its last racing weight but at a flapping track you can do as you please with your dogs weight and can turn up 5 mins before its due to race and walk straight onto the track,so as you can see there are many reasons a greyhound may run flapping rather than ngrc-perhaps the dog does not enjoy being locked in a kennel all night if it is in the last race -it could be locked up for upto 5 hours and some dogs perform better when they get individual attention as opposed to being trained by an ngrc trainer with over 100 dogs in their kennel.

this was the point i was trying to make ,you see piglet infered that dogs that race on flapping tracks do so cause they are inferior-this is not the case,piglet also made the point that dogs on the flapping tracks are stopped by their owners so they will not win-and he is spot on but ngrc trainers also stop their dog from winning-this is a fact-although the ngrc would not agree as they believe that their drug testing policy puts a stop to the cheats - but you dont need drugs to slow a hound up-they will never stop the cheats because they will do anything to win but it happens on flapping tracks and ngrc tracks-but the big difference is that there are only maybe 40 people having a bet at a flapping track who are betting on stopped dogs but there are thousands of people who bet on stopped dogs at ngrc tracks by the time you add the people at the track the people in the bookies and the people on the internet.

I would love to talk about this in person with piglet as its so easier than all this and my fingers are aching! (w00t)
when we went to see our whippet pup today we were speaking to jill -the pups breeder about the differences between the 2 sports-whippet + greyhound racing.

and i think she was surprised when we explained that unlike whippet racing,greyhound bitches allways race against dogs in mixed races and there is no weight class-they all race against each other no matter what the sex of the dog is and no matter what weight they are - no extra yards off a start depending on your weight!-our bitch often raced against larger and smaller dogs and bitches while running off scratch in the handicap giving away upto 13 metres to the other dogs and bitches and winning many of them-but greyhounds are handicaped on the times they record and not the weight or sex that they happen to be.
(w00t) p.s. karen your view is very welcome as you will probably know we have many very good women trainers in the uk-so even if you are just a woman keep posting! (w00t) (w00t) :lol: :- " o:)

cheers Dougie