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Bees And Hornets


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my rosie has has a server reaction to either a bee sting or hornet she was down the vets this morning with a very large head looked like she had two heads and bumps over her back she is on two lot of tablets

has anyone else's dogs had such a bad reaction

she has been stung before by wasps and had no affect on her
you have had a bad time of it recently, your dog going missing for ten months and then being found,

now this, quite surprised she got stung this early in the year as they being wasps and bee are quite drowsy,

hope she's on the mend, what tablets have the vets prescribed as i have had sereral different types for reactions
you have had a bad time of it recently, your dog going missing for ten months and then being found,now this, quite surprised she got stung this early in the year as they being wasps and bee are quite drowsy,

hope she's on the mend, what tablets have the vets prescribed as i have had sereral different types for reactions
no i have not had a bad time not like a friend of mind the vet gave me piriton 4 meg and ampicare

i have had a lot of large bees in our garden rosie is a lot better since she has started her medication
are you shure it was a bee or hornet ,as my tia had a very bad reacion last year ,thought it was a bee sting or somthing but after a few times of her face swelling and anti hist found out she was alergic to a new plastic bowli had bought , but had same sort of reaction that you would get with a sting off somthing ,just a thought :thumbsup:
are you shure it was a bee or hornet ,as my tia had a very bad reacion last year ,thought it was a bee sting or somthing but after a few times of her face swelling and anti hist found out she was alergic to a new plastic bowli had bought , but had same sort of reaction that you would get with a sting off somthing ,just a thought :thumbsup:
thats a good point nicky, when i worked in the greyhound kennels there was a bitch that was allergic to spring grass, which resulted in her head and neck area swelling need less to say she had to stay in the concrete runs
my rosie has has a server reaction to either a bee sting or hornet she was down the vets this morning with a very large head looked like she had two heads and bumps over her back she is on two lot of tablets has anyone else's dogs had such a bad reaction

she has been stung before by wasps and had no affect on her
Yes, my boy Sweep had exactly the same last year, but it was a wasp sting. I have seen dogs have reactions before, but this was really bad. This is a picture of him, and the rest of his body was the same. I gave him antihistamine, and very soon the itching stopped, but it took at least 2 days before all the lumps and swelling had gone down. His lips were a good inch and a half thick :eek: he looked like a monster. Here he is


poor Rosie and Sweep. thankfully has never happened to my dogs, so can't offer advice.

yep, we were out for a run yesterday and there were a couple bumble bees buzzing about
the pic of sweep is just how rosie looked his morning she is a lot better now the swellings are going down she still got her bumps
All the Bees and Hornets are still fast asleep, it is the end of the summer when they get nasty and sting, so they were not responsible
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All the Bees and Hornets are still fast asleep, it is the end of the summer when they get nasty and sting, so they were not responsible
lol i can ashure you there not ALL fast asleep iv had quiet a few come in my garden and seen quiet a few on our walks to :D
Plenty of bees around us yesterday afternoon, I had one land on my leg when I was on the field.

I've seen loads of bumble bees, but not all of them can sting, and won't unless they have to. Wasps on the other hand are nasty little buggers, and sting for something to do :rant: Our neighbours had a nest in their roof last year when Sweep got stung - I think I went out with him every time he went for a wee after that, just to keep him safe from the little blighters. Our neighbours tried to get rid of them themselves, but it didn't work. If they come back this year, (and I'm sure they will) I'm going to pay to get someone in. If he had that reaction from one sting to the mouth (and I think that's all it was) I hate to think what would happen if a swarm got him :angry: :sweating:
I've seen loads of bumble bees, but not all of them can sting, and won't unless they have to. Wasps on the other hand are nasty little buggers, and sting for something to do :rant: Our neighbours had a nest in their roof last year when Sweep got stung - I think I went out with him every time he went for a wee after that, just to keep him safe from the little blighters. Our neighbours tried to get rid of them themselves, but it didn't work. If they come back this year, (and I'm sure they will) I'm going to pay to get someone in. If he had that reaction from one sting to the mouth (and I think that's all it was) I hate to think what would happen if a swarm got him :angry: :sweating:
he looked quite bad june, as i said about the greyhound bitch she wasn't lumpy like him but looked like she was an english bull terrier, fingers crossed they don't get another nest in their roof, otherwise you will have stand out in the garden with a electric swatter to get the little buggers lol
All the Bees and Hornets are still fast asleep, it is the end of the summer when they get nasty and sting, so they were not responsible
I've seen plenty of bee's already and

they look really big to me :)
Bees and hornets are too sleepy this time of year, it is not really warm enough for them. There will be the odd few bumbling about when the sun comes out. It sounds more like an allergic reaction to something, food, washing powder, grass, plants etc.

Any pics of Roma in the pipe line????????????
thank god all we have in london is squirrels :wacko: oh, and bumble bees, hopefully polution takes care of that :D
I doubt if there are adders in a garden!!!!!!!!!! Unless it is surrounded by heathland. They are no more aggressive when they come out of hibernation than normal, they avoid confrontation if at all possible. They venom is much stronger early in the year. I still reckon it was an allergic reaction.